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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by sylvis

  1. Should I be shaking them first? I've noticed that a few of them smell exactly the same to me in the imp & on my skin, just straight up cherry/almond. Could they have gone off or maybe they've just settled & they need to be mixed up? But then I read about travel shock and perhaps jostling them isn't a great idea. I'm overthinking this, aren't I.

  2. Dang. After getting through a couple of imps of 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster, I decided I liked it enough to order a bottle.. But instead of the woods & red fruits I enjoyed, it is much more strongly musk & mandarin. Really don't like citrus on me, I am disappoint.. :sad:

    oh no! maybe it has to sit awhile? =\

  3. Does anyone keep BPAL in their purse/pocket/backpack/saddle bag/fanny pack/Bag of Holding? Any tips or tricks that can keep me from potential disaster? I suppose imps would be the wisest option, but I don't have any empty ones.

  4. I hope this is a good place to ask this. Can anyone tell me more about the Lunacy events? I know the one they had recently was hosted by BPAL, but it seems like the others *might* be held by fans?
    I'm in NYC which seems to be sorely lacking in BPAL-ness! Is there something I may have missed? I plan to stop by Gothic Renaissance at some point, hopefully.

  5. Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I thought it was better than making a whole new one! I'm not sure whether I should buy reducer caps or wand caps. Won't I contaminate the oil either way? I feel like I would have less of a chance of losing a bottle to my clumsiness with a reducer cap. Thank you for any input/preferences you can offer!


    Hi! I hope this is the right place. If I have two samples of an oil & they're different colors, is it most likely a batch difference or is one probably just older than the other? Which one would you keep?

    What scent is it, if I might ask?


    Hi! There are several; Blood Kiss, Dragon's Milk, Aizen-Myoo, Lilium Inter-Spinas, Bastet, off the top of my head. There could be a few more.
