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Posts posted by sarahmarie

  1. I'm going to try this without revisiting the scent description, just 'cause.


    This is light and clean, and once on my skin, very tart and fruity. There are brief waves of other scents...sweetness and very light wood, with some sort of something else I can't identify thrown in that gets deeper as it dries. I think I like this, but it faded very quickly so I will have to give it another try.


    ETA: On the second wear, I'm having a *lot* more success. It's crisp and tart and gingeriffic, grounded by the sweet woodiness. Very unique. It's morphing gently every now and then, and I think it's going to stick around longer, too. I think I'm really digging this blend!

  2. This is nice enough on me, but amber....amber just sort of becomes overwhelming on my skin. It's nice in the imp - very warm and sweet and well-balanced. I think many, many people are really going to like this one. But since amber is really LOUD when I wear it, I'm going to pass on this one.

  3. Drink Me is very hard for me to pin down. It's soft - it just sort of swirls around me in a comforting cloud without being at all strong. It's sweet and reminiscent of cake and fruit, but I'd say it's better than those two things sound in a perfume. It's really nice, and unusual.

  4. This one smells a lot like a mango to me, which is funny, since Tweedledum is the one with mango in it. But that's what it smells like to me, on my skin - a nice, bright, fresh mango. It has good staying power in my hair, but fades quickly on my skin. I really like this one and have used it twice already. :P

  5. Okay, I didn't expect this, but I LOVE Roadhouse. LOVE. It smells just like beer when it's wet, but in this fabulous, deep, sweet way. The hops! They're so delicious! Seriously, it smells like a *really* good beer. I can also smell the weedy goodness, which becomes more prominent as the hops settle down.


    Once it's dry, this is a light, weedy scent on me with a nice grounding of sweet, rich hops. Very unique, very yummy.

  6. Sweet, hot, wet florals. It's definitely exactly as described - there's a hint of decay to that heat and moisture, as there always is in those kinds of conditions. It's the sort of floral I like, but I don't know that it's me. It reminded two of the 3 people I was with of their grandmothers, and I guess that's part of it - but I think it's also potentially very sexy, depending on the person and environment.


    So, New Orleans = sexy grandmothers. Or not. Oh dear. :P

  7. On my skin, Jazz Funeral is a light, mossy floral with a hint of dirt. In my hair, it was straight up fresh graveyard dirt, like whoa. I don't really like the dirt scent - it kind of freaks me out - but I still like Jazz Funeral. It's a moody, unusual scent, but not a desperately sad one. Perfect for the sentiment it's trying to express, I think.

  8. Wet, this smelled like metallic, incensed chocolate. It kind of weirded me out.


    As it dried, the patchouli came out and grounded the scent, and the metallic scent receded. I can totally imagine this being wildly sexy on the right person, because it's really intense and has a lot of heat to it, but on me it just kind of...weirded me out. Maybe I'll get Ryan to try it. :P

  9. Light and fresh and very springy bunny-like. :P Enraged bunnies smell awfully cute and sunny!


    It's hard to describe this one, beyond that. It's very light and clean, and it does remind me of fluff and fields of clover. There's a greeness to it, but also a wispy pink sweetness. It has a sunny, almost citrus-like quality to it as well, without actually smelling like a lemon definitively.


    If you like light, fresh, clean scents, Enraged Bunny Musk is for you. I'm very much enjoying it on this sunny spring day. :D

  10. In the bottle, this is kind of a fruity assault on your nose. :P Wet on my skin, I smelled apples and banana very strongly. It was pleasant and light and even though banana isn't my favorite thing ever, it was good.


    As it dries down, Shango is becoming more musky. It has a warm musk that's reminiscent of Smut, a bit, and I can really smell the tang of pomegranate, a hint of banana, and just a hint of coconut close to the skin. I think I can detect the chili pepper, but it has more of an amping, warming effect that an actual distinctly identifiable note, if that makes sense.


    I didn't expect the musk, and I'm not sure how I feel about it, so it's going to take a few more wearings before I'm sure, I think. But the temporary verdict: surprisingly sexy and masculine, but in a totally wearable-on-a-girl-too kind of way.


    ETA: After a while, Shango got a little too...sharp on me. I'm going to give it another try on another day, but I had to wash it off. Stupid skin chemistry.

  11. Snow White is unique enough to get people to notice and ask about it! Well, I've had at least one man get close enough to sniff upon catching a whiff around me, and he said I smelled good. :P It's the sort of innocent but intriguing and beautiful scent that I think of as playfully flirty.


    As for catalog scents...maybe Swank? Sparkley, fruity, fun - but in a just-for-now kind of way.

  12. I did not expect to enjoy this one, but I got it as a generous freebie in a swap, so I gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised! It's spicy and sweet, with a nice skin-scent sort of feeling to it. It's warm and sexy and mmm. :P I don't know if it's a big bottle scent for me - I have to be pretty discerning in that area since I can only afford so many - but at this point, I plan to use the imp!

  13. This is so pretty! It's a light, soft, warm floral - just like a springtime scent should be. The honeysuckle is dominant on me, but dominant hardly feels like the right word, since this scent is just so...soft! That's not to say you can't smell it, because you can - it just has a nice, gentle wafting quality rather than a HI I'M WEARING FLORAL PERFUME kind of thing, you know? It reminds me of sunny fields of flowers. I love it, and I think it's the perfect spring scent.

  14. The intoxicating perfume of exotic incenses wafting on warm desert breezes. Arabian spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia.


    Wet on my skin, this is a very sweet honey-like scent with warm, dry spices. As it dries, a soft floral (cassia?) emerges. It seems to wear close to the skin, without much throw - but it's strong up close. It doesn't quite agree with me, because the honey-esque sweetness bothers me. But it is a very nice, soft, warm, sexy skin scent, just the same!

  15. I got half an imp of this from a very kind forumite ( hi anna :P) and I am so glad I did! It's so good! It's sweet, but light, but long-lasting. It reminds me of vanilla cake frosting. It's pure sugary happiness, and I like it even better than Midway, which was my original go-to sweet scent. Delicious!

  16. Scent: White Light is really just...beautiful. It smells warm, light and sweet. It's floral, but not punguently so - it's a soft, white sort of floral scent. And the cinnamon (I think it's cinnamon) warms it right up and balances it really well. I love it as a scent, it's unique and beautiful.


    As for its effectiveness: I've only tried it once in the specified way (I wore it once just to see what it smelled like), and my focus was more than a little scattered. But it smells nice, and it made me feel a little better. I can't say it moved mountains that time, but it did bring me some happiness and peace. I'd like to try it again when my head isn't quite so jumbled, and maybe do a longer meditation with it.


    I am so glad to have a bottle of this, and I think I will get good use out of it.

  17. Much, much lighter than I expected! Sort of the scent the orangutan might leave behind in the room after...well, you know, murdering you in a rage :P rather than the scent of him up-close and personal. It's light and somehow clean - the citrus and spice, I think.


    Musks aren't really me, but I'm glad I sniffed this before sending it to my mom. :D

  18. To me, this doesn't smell like wine, exactly - as Shollin said, it is reminiscent of wine. That doesn't stop it from being nice, though! It's deep and dark. It's a fruit scent that doesn't go tart or overly sweet on my skin - instead it gets sort of...deeper and darker, and harder to describe. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it as a scent for myself, but I'm intrigued and will definitely keep it around for a while. I need to get a feel for this one - one wear, while long-lasting, wasn't enough time to get to know it, for me.

  19. Amber isn't usually my thing, and the florals in this one are also not-so-much my thing. So the fact that this didn't work out for me was no surprise. Mostly, I got amber when I put it on...and then something weird happened. My skin chemistry really messed this one up, and it ended up being reminiscent of a diaper. Yeah, stupid skin.


    On to someone whose skin won't ruin it!

  20. I did not expect to love teh smut, because I have a fear of musk - but I ordered it anyway since it is such a sensation and everyone loves it so much. I just had to try it and see!


    And surprise! I do love teh smut, or at least like it quite a bit. I'm a bit nervous about it (ha - nervous about smut) but it manages to smell sweet and musky without being headache-inducing on me. It's surprisingly light, but with a dark warm depth too. Good stuff, indeed! Now I just have to talk myself out of wearing it to class, since I think that might be a tad inappropriate...:P

  21. The Perfumed Garden for the Soul’s Recreation. This scent is based on a venerable Tunisian perfume that was used to excite the senses, inspire sensuality and inflame passion. Myrrh and Moroccan jasmine with apple peel, Indian sandalwood, myrtle, quince, citron, and thyme poured over soft musk.

    The Perfumed Garden started out pretty nice on me - the myrrh was a bit strong, but the gentle, fresh, exotic fruit smell was very nice. I think I smelled quince, and I think I liked it! Unfortunately, the myrrh takes over completely on my skin, turning this into a pretty one-note fragrance as it dries down. This would be very pretty on someone else's skin, but on mine it isn't going to work out.