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Posts posted by sarahmarie

  1. On my skin, White Pumpkin Extrait is sweet and buttery, and different from how others are describing it. To me, it's a buttery pumpkin - not unwearably buttery, but buttery - layered with *white chocolate*. I am probably crazy, but that is what I smell. It's possible it's a very sweet vanilla. There may also be a light white musk note, but it's not prominent on me at all.


    I like this, but don't love it - pumpkin and I have a funny relationship wherein I always want to love it and only sometimes do. I will probably pass it on to someone who will enjoy it more.

  2. Wet on my skin, Mabon 2010 smells like grape to me, with some warm, dry florals (almost like dried flowers, actually) and sort of a hay-like smell. After about a minute, I smell apple in there too.


    Dry, the florals gets stronger, along with some more apple. This scent is warm and dry, very evocative of a fall harvest celebration. I don't know that it's *me*, but it's nice.

  3. Wet, Blue Pumpkin Floss is berry and light spice, sweet, and features a bit of pumpkiny scent that is not buttery (yay!). It's pretty strong and candy-like, and I like it. As it dries, though, the spices amp ridiculously on my skin (from this update, I have relearned the lesson that spices, while I love them, tend to take over when my chemistry is involved). After about an hour, I smelled this again and found that the berry had also amped quite a bit, leaving me with a WHOA STRONG BERRY SPICE. I kind of like it, but it's not quite evocative of blue pumpkin floss on me.

  4. Apparently, I amp cinnamon/spices. I have noticed this before, but more so with Pumpkin Latte. This oil goes on super spicy, with a backdrop of non-buttery (!!) pumpkin sweetness and just a hint of coffee. As it dries, it just gets SPICIER. It doesn't burn my skin or anything, it's just like WELL HELLO THERE CINNAMON.


    As it dries, the spices fade, leaving behind just the subtlest hint of sweet espresso. I really hoped this would be a coffee party on my skin, but sadly, my chemistry came between the espresso and I. I'm going to try this again and maybe hope that it changes after a bit of time, because I really wanted this one to work for me. But I'm bummed. I just wanted some espresso in my latte!

  5. A lot of people have been saying this is a very red-musk-SN type scent on them, and I was braced for a musk smack-in-the-face when I put it on. But people! Oh my goodness. Infernal Lover doesn't wear that way on me at ALL. It goes on almost completely NON-musky, just honey and cream (perfectly blended, sweet and soft). The musk does bloom after a few seconds, but it remains light, soft, and well-balanced. It's exactly as Beth described it.


    I smelled Infernal Lover again a few minutes after it dried and then a few times throughout the day. All day, it remained true - red musk, honey, and cream. The cream played nicely on my skin even though cream does not always do that, same with the honey (and the musk, for that matter, though red musk tends to wear well on me). I am a very happy camper.

  6. This scent smells like a moth to me! I know, that's weird, but really - it's dry, and sort of...well, I'm not sure exactly, but it's evocative. It smells like a spicy, woody vanilla with a hint of booze on my skin wet, but as it dries it becomes something I really cannot quite put my finger on. I don't really know what tonka and Egyptian musk smell like, so maybe it's those two things that end up strongest on the drydown. I'm not sure. I know it's like a warm, slightly spicy wood smell on me, with a hint of sweetness from the vanilla. Something about it is odd... I'm not sure if I love it, but I like it and I think it has awesomeness potential - if not on me, then on others. :)

  7. A frothy, cold coconut perfume, pure and sweet, with gentle wafts of plumeria, pikake, and ala ala wai nui.

    This is my new favorite summer scent.

    Tiki Princess so SO GOOD, people. It's perfect. It's a creamy coconut and lush tropical blooms on me, but it wears nice and light - not overbearing at all, which is sometimes a problem for me and florals of any kind. The flowers never sharpen or turn "perfumey" on my skin, and the coconut stays true and lovely. The coconut is also cool, rather than rich, if that makes sense. It's creamy, but still cool and light.

    The scent is very pretty, summery, not too much even in the crazy heat, and perfectly named. Even if you have past troubles with some of these notes, as I do, give this one a try if it is remotely interesting to you. It's really spot-on.

  8. This one really does smell like purple! It's deep and sweet and kind of crazy. Definitely floral, but that's obvious. :) It wears sort of bright and very purple...how can I explain the purpleness?? As it dries down, it becomes a darker, slightly muskier lily scent. Pretty, but totally not my thing. Definitely fun, though!

  9. Oh whoa! Fresh out of the imp and on my skin, I get a big solid smack in the face of lemon-y gingery peppertastic spunkiness! Not what I was expecting at all, but fun and bright. As it dries, the honey is coming out more. The major tang of the lemon and cubeb balance the honey really well, so that it's not a big gob of sweetness all at once. I really like it, and if I use up the imp I may want a bottle.

  10. This is such a cool scent. Well, actually, it's warm - and I get chocolate and plum right away. It's evocative of rich, deep velvet- reds and purples and browns. As it dries, I get a slight bit more fruit, the undertone of chocolate remains, but no ginger really ever develops for me.


    I like this one. I might really like it, but it's hard to say. I think I'll have to wear it again to be sure. On the right person, though, I bet this is 100% knock-out gorgeous and sexy.

  11. I get pine from this when wet. Once the pine is dried down, it's...something I don't usually wear, but I LIKE IT. Is it sandalwood? Is it some kind of resin? I am unsure. But it's warm, and sort of vaguely spicy, and the pine is still there a little bit, but it's more blended in now. There may be a smoky element, too. Whatever this is, I really like it! It's a great winter scent.

  12. In the bottle, this has that...thing I don't like involving cream. I don't know, but the cream notes sometimes smell odd to me in the bottle. It's overwhelming! But not to worry, on my skin that vanishes right away.


    On my skin, I am surprised by how nicely the notes blend - tea and chocolate almost become sort of one, and I can detect both if I think about them but they blend together perfectly if I don't. I get the berry too - which made me nervous at first, because sometimes berry can go really weird and plasticky on me. It does, briefly - but then it mingles with everything else and it's fine.


    Now, hours after application, it's still present on my wrist - a feat, for me! And it's so well-blended. The musk has come out a bit, and it's nice, if a little bit sharp, and I think it's helping the scent stick around. The berry, a teensy bit plasticky due to my chemistry, is there, but soft.


    There are things about it that aren't perfect with my chemistry, but it's good enough that I don't mind that. This is a really nice, beautifully-blended scent that does actually tell a bit of a story.

  13. I am not really sure if I like this one. On me, it's very, very soft - like, almost indetectable. It's creamy and spicey, and vaguely coffee but not much. I'd like to get more coffee from this, and if the cream wore better on me I'd like it more. I'll try it a couple more times before I decide.

  14. It is indeed reminiscent of Snow White, with the vanilla coolness and the lightness of the scent. Combine that with a whisper-light, but still quite detectable and noticeable soft, pink rose scent...and you have Pink Snowballs! This has both a creamy softness and a freshness that make it perfectly balanced. It's a nice, gentle rose that won't hit anyone in the face...they may have to get nice and close to get a good sniff, but they will want to. :) It's very inviting and pretty, and I think I will really enjoy it this winter. In fact...it might be a huge hit with me. I love Snow White, an I also love Rose Red but have found that rose a bit overpowering at times. This is like a perfect combination of the two, though it is also very much its own scent. It's beautiful.

  15. EMMA
    Better known as the "Parisian Queen of America," needs little introduction in this country.

    Emma's "House of all Nations," as it is commonly called, is one place of amusement you can't very well afford to miss while in the Tenderloin District. Everything goes here. Fun is the watchword.

    Business has been on such an increase at the above place of late that Mdme. Johnson had to occupy an "Annex." Emma has never less than twenty pretty women of all nations, who are clever entertainers.

    Remember the name,

    Emma Johnson
    331 and 333 Basin Street

    Vanilla bourbon, tea rose, jasmine, pink pepper, and patchouli.

    I get mostly rose from this right away, but on my skin that's not terribly surprising. It's a prickly, peppery sort of rose, especially when I sniff close to the skin...but what wafts up from my skin is a very true rose.

    As it dries, a round sweet note rises up under the rose - presumably the vanilla bourbon! It gives a bit more weight to what is otherwise an increasingly floral scent. Jasmine and rose together seems to be going a little bit sharp on my skin, but again, that's my chemistry at work. I'm not getting patchouli.

    I can definitely see this being lovely on someone whose chemistry is a bit more friendly to florals. It's pretty, but on me the bourbon and patchouli can't quite balance the floral, so it's a bit off. I like the waft of this, though - it's a perky rose (I think the pepper livens it up a bit), and if I got just a bit more of the vanilla I'd be really happy.

  16. This scent is really just...perfect! It is everything I've ever wanted in a scent like this. I see a lot of people drawing parallels to marshmellow, cotton candy, etc., but to me, this is just exactly a light, sweet cream scent. I have never had much luck with cream scents before, and often the sugar scents don't work well (either too light or too heavy, usually) - but this manages to work for me! Not only does it work, it's *beautiful*. It's got throw enough that I can smell it a bit around myself as I go through my day today, but it's light enough that it's not cloying or sickening. It's just really lovely, and even though I'm not usually someone who gets backup bottles (I can't afford all the BPAL I want to try, let alone multiple bottles!)...I might want to this time. If it holds up on my skin over time, I bet I'll be wearing this one a lot.

  17. Sexy and suckable: black cherry brandy.

    It's funny that others are saying this scent had no throw or staying power on them, because...WHOA is it eveer strong on me! We've got big, heady cherry booziness here, straight up and very strong. It dries down to something with much less volume, but it is still quite definitely there. This scent probably just isn't my thing...it's a bit much for me. But if you like fruity, boozy, candy-sweet scents, you are going to love Suck It. It's a big, dark, rich cherry with a nice hit of alcohol. BAM.

  18. I never would have guessed it based on the notes, but this oil is AMAZING on my skin. I've never been able to wear amber/oud/resiny type scents very well, but this is beautiful. It's sexy and light and quite unisex, but still wears very prettily on my skin. I wonder if this is a pregnancy thing (meaning, it smells great on me right now when it usually wouldn't because I'm pregnant) or if this is just Special. Either way, as soon as I can buy perfume again, I'll be getting me some more of this. I tested it at Healthy Living and I can't stop sniffing myself. :)

  19. oh! I was not expecting this to be so spot-on, since other strawberry scents have failed miserably on my skin - but wet on my skin, this guy is precisely white chocolate and strawberry! I love it! I really hope it holds up on they drydown, because if it does, I will want to marry this scent. GOOD LOARD.


    Dry: aww, the strawberry has turned slightly, the way it does on my skin, to a slightly plasticky scent. It's not as dramatic as it has been in some blends, and I only smell it that way if I sniff my wrist directly. However! It's still very good, and I am totally willing to wear this in my hair or in a scent locket to make it stay perfect.


    If this scent sounds appealing to you, you should probably get some - it's truth in advertising, for sure. :)

  20. On me, this is fruity, but very evenly tempered - something that I often can't say about a lot of fruity scents, which tend to go sharp or fake on my skin (though I always want to love them). It has some depth, a light muskiness, and the sweetness of vanilla. It's nice, and I'm really happy that a fruity scent wears well on me, but I'm finding it hard to describe otherwise- perhaps because it's surreal. ;) I'm probably happy with my imp, but I am glad I got to try it!

  21. I LOVE THIS. Straight out of the bottle, it's wine wine wine-o-rama. My only real complaint, actually, is that there isn't more of that on the drydown. But what I end up with here is a beautiful, warm spiced honey scent, with maybe a touch of the wine. It lasts a long time, and for me, a little goes a lonnnng way. (My spouse has issues with the scent of honey, so I have to wear this carefully - but wear it I will. :P)

  22. I didn't review this either? Weird!


    This oil, in the bottle, is completely lovely. It smells like bright, warm, slightly floral honey to me - it's really comforting and delicious. In the bath, it becomes more amber and carnation, and while I don't like that as much as I like the oil in the bottle, it's still a very summery and pleasant scent. I just can't use very much of it at a time, due to sensitivity to amber-y scents. It is great as a moisturizer applied while the skin is still wet - I just use a teeny bit, and it leaves me soft with a pleasant, summery scent. :P

  23. I can't believe I've never reviewed this! It's like, my favorite thing ever. I have chronic pain of various and sundry types, and this oil is so soothing. It helps with the muscle aches and tightness, and the smell is good no matter how I'm feeling. It doesn't feel greasy, just nice and slick for the massage and light afterwards. Even my extremely oil-averse husband, who hates touching oily and greasy things,w ill use this oil on me because it's so relatively pleasant and so obviously helps me. I could not recommend this oil more, and I sort of want gallons of it to keep around. May they never, ever discontinue this stuff!

  24. I didn't buy a bottle of this because I have Skadi, Talvikku, and Jolasveinar and I figured I was set in the snow-and-pine department. But I did get a partial imp of this, and I'm glad. It has that same snowy-piney goodness of the other guys, but with new and different company. It turns out, I really like the snowy-piney scents, as they are very evocative for me. This one has a more...feminine feel than some of the other ones, less room-scentish and more *perfume*. (Not that all of the above aren't beautiful as perfume, they're just more..foody or atmospheric to me, where as Frau has that musk-and-floral thing going on that makes it feel more traditionally like a perfume.) I haven't decided if this one stands out enough as a good match for my skin chemistry that I should get a bottle, but I am definitely going to enjoy my imp.
