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Posts posted by naeelah

  1. Doing quick and dirty reviews tonight. I'll flesh this out once the scent has aged a little.


    Sic Erit is not entirely what I was expecting. It's a little bit flat and bland, fresh out of the box. However, I have no doubt that this is due to the freshness of the materials, and that it will age spectacularly.


    As it is, like I said, it's a bit flat. Not very complex. The strongest notes are red musk and geranium. As it wears, the patchouli gradually warms up and gives it some depth. The patchouli is nice -- it's smooth, earthy without being a down and dirty patchouli, but not so light and cool that it doesn't provide the richness you'd want from an aged patchouli. But it doesn't seem as spectacular as "13 years old" promises.


    I never really notice the cedar or bark, in particular. This definitely is not a very woodsy scent -- yet. As it is, it reminds me very much of Krampus. A light, clean red musk scent. Where Krampus is cold and dusty, Sic Erit is warmer and more spring-like, thanks to the geranium. It's nice. I like it, and I will wear it. But it's not as beautiful as it might someday be.


    However, I don't think any amount of aging will change the fact this is a red musk and amber scent. The musk is very forward. It is not as wood centered as you might anticipate. Good news, maybe, if you were afraid this would be too dirty a scent. It's definitely a cousin of Hygeia, with patchouli in place of the resins.



    EDIT 11/17/13: Just pulled this one out for the first time in a while, and it is still very geranium heavy. Poop.

  2. Quick and dirty reviews tonight -- I'll flesh this out after the scent has aged a little.



    This starts out with a strong brown sugar quality. It's a warm, brown, rich, round scent. While it must be described as an earthy scent, it does not smell dirt-like. There is nothing particularly dry or cool about this, the way hemp or similar notes might have a dryness. The sweetness recedes as it wears, leaving something more like the scent of super fresh tobacco. It's roasted without being smoky. Figgy and a bit planty.


    It's lovely and complex on its own, but will be wonderful for layering. (I already love it with another item in my order, Sic Erit.)

  3. I loooooove this. I'm normally not a huge black musk fan, but here, it plays very well with the plum and currant. Juicy, dark purple fruit is definitely the name of the game. The other notes are present, but they merely provide balance -- a little bit of tartness and airiness -- to the rich fruit. The black musk serves as a nice base note, anchoring the scent and making it a perfume instead of a fruit salad.


    I have a lot of plum scents, and I don't find this redundant. Bordello is all delicious, candy sweetness. Bordello + Smut is a darker, gritty plum. Snake Charmer is like Snake Oil + black coconut and plum. Countess Willie rather like Bordello with red musk instead of amaretto, making it a little sexier and less sweet. Williw is perhaps the closest point of comparison to La Traviata, but I find their characters different. Lastly, it isn't anywhere near as sharp or floral as scents such as Kitsune Tsuki or Witch Queen.


    If you like any or all of those scents, you should find La Traviata a welcome addition to your collection.


    I'd sum this up as dark, classic, sexy plum. Not smutty, just smooth.

  4. My husband hates all my incense resin blends. He likes girl scents, bright light citrus.

    I think I could like sweet lemon florals. Or plum florals.

    I like the surgar vanilla honey scents, the amber resins, is there oils you can point me to that are bright sweet citrus?


    Liz! It's a sweet, girly, floral perfume with vanilla and a lemony note. It's not primariy citrus, but there is some definite lemon happening.


    For plum floral, definitely try Kitsune Tsuki. It's a lighter, tarter plum than most other plum blends, and the florals just brighten the blend up, keep it light and from being a syrupy fruit scent.

  5. This one was a bit weird when it was new, but I bought it on the good faith that teak ages magnificently and I kept it put away.


    Now that it's about a year and a half old, the scent is definitely improved. Instead of being a weird, sorta masculine scent, it's a gorgeously balanced unisex scent, and it's really great for spring and summer. I LOVE it when it's wet, but unfortunately, it turns soapy on my skin.


    What I love about this scent is the simple balance of notes. A flower, an herb, a wood, a resin, and a fruit. They work together beautifully to make a light, clean [without being like a cleanser], tart floral blend that is well grounded. I get very little frankincense, but I can definitely smell the teak. The frankincense just serves to fill out the base notes and make them a bit richer. The lemongrass and the plum are beautifully zesty, but they don't overpower the honeysuckle. The lab's honeysuckle is bright with a sweet edge, and I think it's a great match for the tart fruit and teak. On my skin, the honeysuckle was strongest, but YMMV.



    The scent is relatively straightforward, so if you like the notes, give it a try. I have many other scents with these notes, and they all remain true or improve with age, so I'm sure this will be even better in time.

  6. I just fell madly in love with Teatime in Roswell (Earl Grey, biscuits, Battenberg cake, and strangely-glowing cucumber sandwiches). It is now my precious. Is there anything in the GC that matches it?


    There isn't an exact match, but you can get close if you layer Bread and Butter-Fly with Squirting Cucumber. (YMMV, of course. Bread and Butter-Fly is, of course, a little more toasty than Teatime, and less cakey, but because it's a creamy tea with sugar, it's pretty similar, for me.)


    You could also try Dorian or Theodosius, for the bergamot in the Earl Grey, layered with Squirting Cucumeber. They have added musk, but especially aged, they have a nice sweet, creamy quality. (IME Theodosius is softer and creamier, less musky, than Dorian, so it might be the better option to test.)



    On a different note, if you want something that's super similar to Giant Vulva, try Judith and Holofernes. J&H has patchouli, so it ends up darker and earthier than Giant Vulva, on my skin, BUT, wet, they're very, very similar. Giant Vulva is a bit brighter, sparklier, for me.


    So try it if you want something in the same ballpark, or if you want a darker version of Giant Vulva.

  7. My decant of this is pretty old, and my Seduction ages well!


    This scent will be pretty predictable to anyone familiar with BPAL's seductive scents. While typical, it is beautifully simple and well balanced, and it's this simplicity that's making me love it. All of the notes are on pretty even keel at first, but it becomes more floral as it dries.


    Wet, it's soft, peppery patchouli, dragon's blood, and/or red musk. It's not very musky, but it has a distinct powerful, red-fruit type aroma. As it dries, I can smell ylang ylang, voluptuous rose, and sweet jasmine. (The jasmine here is definitely the rich "cat pee" type, for those that don't like jasmine.)


    After a little while, I don't really notice any patchouli. I SWEAR it's there at first, though. We'll see if it comes back later.



    This scent is lovely, if you're a fan of blends such as Sacred Whore of Babylon, Unheavenly City, Spellbound or Lust.

  8. Somehow, I've had this nearly a year and hadn't really used it. I forgot what its intended use was, but lately I've been feeling like I really need to dig it out and start working with it. Long story short, last year was rough. Things are definitely looking up, but I've got a lot of trust issues to work out, including trusting myself. I pulled up the reviews for this, and whaddya know. It's perfect for everything I want to work on right now.


    This definitely has a lot of ingredients in common with Benevolent Triple Conjunction, to my nose. No surprise, really, as it involves two of the three same planets. As other reviews mention, the predominant scent is lemony rose geranium. I can't even conjecture beyond that, except to say it contains resin of some sort (I assume frankincense, as it's a solar resin). I think there's also some lavender and mint (would make sense, given mercury). Where BTC has a gentle, comforting, soft scent, this is brighter and feels more active. It definitely has a solar quality, and for some reason, strikes me as very Juipter-y. (I'm exhausted, so you'll have to forgive my inability to remember proper adjectives.) The color I associate with this blend is yellow orange.


    I love the scent of BTC, and so I love the scent of this. I look forward to continuing to work with it during the bright months. It's a cheerful scent and I'll probably keep a vial with me for dabbing on, when appropriate. I am at a time in my life when more than ever, I want everything to be in the open, to accept the things I discover, and to Make It Work.

  9. Thousands of lights were burning on the green branches, and gaily-colored pictures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down upon her. The little maiden stretched out her hands towards them when–the match went out. The lights of the Christmas tree rose higher and higher, she saw them now as stars in heaven; one fell down and formed a long trail of fire.

    Indian ambrette seed, beeswax, champaca flower, saffron, Italian bergamot, frankincense, oak bark, and vanilla orchid.

    Perhaps bizarrely, I'm on a bark rampage lately. Every scent with bark makes me think NEED. I really enjoy the peculiar woody quality barks impart. Add in beeswax, ambrette, and champaca, and HECK YEAH.

    This scent is very light on my skin. It seems to absorb very quickly, so after a couple of hours, it's very much a skin scent with little to no sillage.

    Wet, it's a bright, warm, citrusy beeswax scent. Definitely has a Christmasy vibe, but it's light enough (not heavy and wintery) that I think it's appropriate for all seasons. As it dries, the beeswax becomes more overwhelmed by the ambrette and other notes. It's present, but instead of being noticeably honeyed, it's balanced by the dryness and sharpenss of the saffron, frankincense, etc. In this stage, I can smell the vanilla orchid most clearly. It's more floral than vanilla, here. Not foody. Saffron often has a sharp, wintergreen-like quality on my skin, but I get little of that here. I detect a hint of sharpness, but it's subtle and well balanced by the warmth of the other notes.

    I can't really pick out the champaca. If I look for flowers, I realize they're here, but this scent does not strike me as a floral blend. Nor is this scent particularly resinous, either. I might describe it glibly as "a slightly bitter ambrette." The bergamot evaporates rather quickly, so while the scent retains its bright, warm edge, it isn't strikingly citrusy after 30 minutes or so.

    As it continues to wear, the sharpness recedes and it becomes warmer and softer. I'd summarize this blend is a gentle amber incense, rounded by soft wax and brightened by a hint of citrus. Overall, a very light, cheery blend.

    I'll compare it to blends that I think are a bit similar:
    Leo '07 - if you like Leo, you might like this. Both have an interesting balance of amber, bark, and resins.
    Light of Mens' Lives - this one might be most similar, only smokier and without the citrus.
    Hanerot Halalu - Hanerot Halalu is smokier and much stronger on the beeswax. In Thousands of Lights, the wax is a soft base.
    Hand of Glory - Hand of Glory is darker, spicier, with a much more pronounced smoky bark.
    Midnight Mass - quite similar in overall tone, that of a bright, golden incense.
    Jacob's Ladder - Thousands of Lights lacks the cola vibe that Jacob's Ladder can have. It doesn't feel fizzy to me. Otherwise, it's similar in being a lightly citrusy, warm incense. I think it's softer and less overtly incense-like than Jacob's Ladder.

  10. I love floral scents but don't often go for ones that are just straight floral, with nothing else. I guess they're a bit too light and thin on my skin. I hoped the amber in this would do the job of making it a bit fuller, without making it into a scent that felt something other than floral, because I did want one that isn't overtly resinous, or fruity, or musky, etc. I love all of the notes in this, EXCEPT for apple blossom. Apple blossom always smells like straight up apples on me, and I don't like that.


    In the bottle, this is a very bright floral (lots of ylang ylang), backed by a nice round, clear amber. On the skin, the flowers blossom beautifully and the scent is very rich, almost juicy. No single flower seems to stand out on my skin. Different ones come forward slightly as it wears. After several hours, it's less full and the rose and ylang ylang seem more prominent. Initially, it's a bit sweeter, from the jasmine and gardenia. The amber mainly serves to anchor and round out the blend. It's there if you look for it, but it doesn't call attention itself. The apple blossom gives me no trouble. It probably helps to sweeten the blend, but not once do I catch a whiff and think I'm smelling apples.


    Although I refer to some of the notes being sweet, this is not a sweet scent. It's sweet in the way actual flowers are sweet, not in a honeyed perfume way.


    None of the flowers strike me as soapy or overly strong. (Gardenia or magnolia notes from the lab are sometimes super voluptuous.) This is rather like a spring garden -- rich, but airy. The throw is decent at first, but it fades quickly. This is alright with me, because I enjoy how it settles into the skin. This way, you smell like springtime, rather than smelling like you're wearing a strong conventional perfume, you know?


    In short, this is a beautiful and well-balanced floral blend. It's absolutely worth trying if you're a fan of florals and want one that is rich but simple. This is a wonderfully versatile scent, light but elegant. I've tried pretty much all of the similar blends in the GC and many LEs, and this is certainly my favorite of its type. Try it if you like: Morpho, Abhisarika, Flower Moon, Delight, Helena, etc.

  11. That's what i'm looking for; a lavender domiinent spray for sleep. Is the rose strong? I'm not good with rose.


    No, the rose is a very gentle sort of tea rose. It doesn't stand out at all. With that, the melon, and the night jasmine, the scent has a nice, light, midnight garden sort of feel. I love all the atmosphere sprays, but I blow through Erebos way faster than any other. (Not just because it's relaxing -- I looooove the scent!)

  12. Man, they aren't kidding about this being a major, filthy hippie patchouli. I'm a newly converted patchouli fan, so it might be a little extreme for me.


    First, be sure to roll your bottle thoroughly before applying the perfume. The cocoa absolute sticks in the bottom, so you want to make sure the oil is blended.


    It primarily smells of patchouli in the bottle. On the skin, it's much the same -- a mega dose of thick, dark, dirty, rooty patchouli. It's a little bit similar to High John root (as in the conjure blend High John the Conqueror).


    As it wears, the filthy rooty quality gradually lets up, and it turns into a patchouli more akin to the gentler one that I've come to like in certain BPAL blends. I can smell a hint of vanilla rounding it out, especially as the rootiness lets up. The chocolate is quite subtle. I'm not sure if I'm picking out the tobacco or not. There is something sharp about the scent when it first goes on. Sharp in the way that some earth has a certain metallic quality. I don't know if this is an aspect of the tobacco or the patchouli. The tobacco certainly seems to be an earthy variety, rather than a lighter, sweeter pipe-like one. (In fact, when the scent first goes on, it's not wholly unlike cigar smoke.)


    So in short, this is PATCHOULI that is enriched by the vanilla, cocoa, and tobacco. It gradually softens and develops more nuance as it wears, so if you don't like the mega-root scent fresh out of the bottle, give it a little time, and your skin might make it more agreeable.


    I'm sure that this will age beautifully, and I like it once it settles down, so I'll give it time. I hope that the other notes become a little more forward with time. I was hoping for a more even blend of all 4 notes. For now, I'll layer it with Boomslang or Sachs (or something like that) to make it smell a little more like what I hoped it might smell like.

  13. Usually when you're looking for a particular note, it's best to search the BPAL website and then just browse the list. But the search engine is down for maintenance, so I recommend digging around Scent Sribbles for now. It's a little more cumbersome, because unlike the BPAL search, it doesn't show you all the notes. You have to click on the name of a scent to see the rest of the notes. But, it's still useful.



    I finally figured out how to organize the whole of your search results by company! Whoo. Here are scents with frankincense in them, with all the BPALs grouped together.

  14. Hmm, interesting. Personally, I don't find Tattered Lace and Dorian much alike at all. For me, Dorian is a whole lot of bright musk with lemony tea. Tattered Lace is a subdued, creamy cotton with a lot of tea and cognac (or whatever the hooch is -- something strong and amber smelling), with nothing musky whatsoever. Definitely not as bright and sharp as I find Dorian. It isn't very dark or gritty yet, on my skin, but I figure it'll deepen and be a bit smokier in time.


    I'm not sure what I would suggest in the GC. White Rabbit is actually the first thing that comes to mind, because it's likewise strong on fabric, tea, and cream notes. But I wouldn't say it's a dupe so much as "you'd probably like both of these" similarity.


    If I were going to start layering things from the GC to re-create Tattered Lace, I'd probably try out various combinations of White Rabbit or Famine, Black Opal, possibly Penitence or Dirty (if you need to add a splash of frankincense or linens)...


    I'm sure there are some other good candidates for layering, but that's all I can think of right now. (I think I have all of those blends at home -- I want to go test. :laugh:)

  15. Could anyone suggest the closest scent to Gluttony? I adore the heavy, sweet foodiness of it! :cry2:


    I just noticed this.


    Someone suggested Hellcat, which is worth a try -- although for me, personally, I haaaaaaated Hellcat and loved Gluttony.


    You should DEFINITELY get a bottle of The Confectionary when the next act of CD comes out! I've tried the prototype and it's the closest thing to Gluttony. I actually like it better. (If you've ever been to River or Market St sweets in Savannah or Charleston, the Confectionary smells exactly like those shops.)

  16. For anyone who's tried both of them, do you find Red Lace and Mme. Moriarty to be similar? They share red musk, vanilla, pomegranate, and patchouli, so I'm thinking they must smell a lot alike. Red Lace is pretty much the only blend (with the exception of The Night-Raven) where I can stand the patchouli. Is it stronger, weaker, or about the same in Mme. Moriarty?


    I don't find them very similar. They're definitely in the same league, so if you like one, you might like the other, but I couldn't say they're almost identical. Red Lace, for me, is very creamy and very woody, with a lot of red fruit -- it's a nice, even blend of those three qualities.


    Mme. Moriarty, for me, was less thick and gloopy and less overtly fruity. Less prickly. It's a lot of red musk and patchouli, on me. I didn't get a whole lot of vanilla. So for me, the pom and vanilla just seem to lightly round things out, rather than being in such equal presence as the notes of Red Lace. I would call it a sweet red musk blend, not a fruity vanilla.


    I probably find the patchouli about the same in strength, BUT I think they're different types. MM, for me, is a somewhat lighter, greener, sharper patchouli, and the one in Red Lace -- although maybe my nose is just influenced by the sandalwood -- is more earthy, like mulch.

  17. Benevolent Triple Conjunction is a wonderfully gentle, optimistic, and cheering scent. I'm not projecting my own desire for road opening onto it -- the moment I took out the bottle and sniffed it, I instantly smiled and relaxed. It encourages clarity of thought without being overly piercing or medicinal. It's relaxing, but active enough that it doesn't make you sleepy or drowsy. It's calming and bright, and it really lifts my mood to put it on. I find it aids concentration.


    A lot of reviews mention this smelling of rose. While I could be mistaken, I feel quite certain that this is rose geranium. I've used a lot of bourbon rose geranium EO in my own homemade aromatherapy blends. Along with the rose geranium, I smell mint, lemon balm (or something similar), lavender, sage?, maybe sweet pea, and who knows what else. (I *don't* get any resins, vanilla or things of that nature -- to my nose, this is entirely floral and herbal.) Although none of the notes are voluptuous, the blend is quite rich--not at all thin and airy--and it's very strong.


    I have to say, my life bottomed out a bit around the time of the conjunction. Since then, I don't know that my depression has eased much, but I have actually had a LOT of opportunities fall in my lap. I bought this because I've been so down, I don't have the energy to try anything I'd need to try in order to get out of the rut and turn things around. I just feel stuck. Over the past month or two, though, I really have felt a new found motivation and ability to put myself out there. BTC only helps that feeling. I feel much more at east and better able to put myself in a good mood, go out, and try to clear a path when I wear BTC.


    So as far as I'm concerned, BTC is a resounding success. If nothing else, I love the way it smells, and few scents give me the same peaceful contentedness.

  18. Wow, not a lot of blue musk in the GC! A search of reviews turned up Night Raven and Old Demons (both from the Marchen series) as possibilities, though. I should have qualified my question, or perhaps posted it in a different thread, since I'd like to try scents that are evocative of Sugar Moon. I find that I tend to select the same notes over and over again, and finding one that I like (Sugar Moon) that includes notes that are outside of my comfort zone was a welcome change. Thanks again, to all, for the suggestions. Now ... I think I may have an imp of Sugar Skull around here somewhere ....!


    Yeah, blue musk is a kinda rare note. I like it, though, because it's so unusual. Sugar Moon 08 didn't work for me, but the new one is doing much better. (Comparing notes, I think I can chalk that up to the absence of mahogany on the new one.) It's one of those weird scents that doesn't remind me of many others, although since '11 doesn't have blue musk, it's easier to imitate.


    Have you tried Peacocks? (Also a retail only salon.) I find it in a similar family: good balance of light floral, light fruit, and other dry notes -- plus, it has sugar cane. Just from sniffing, I was under the impression it might have blue musk, because it has a similar peculiar quality. It must be the way the asian pear blends with the white musk, on my skin.



    For some LE options:

    The Emathides and Under the Harvest Moon are a little bit similar (to each other), and also kind scents with a peculiar lunar glow. Both are heavy with lavender, and thanks to these blends, I'm now a lavender fan. They aren't subs for Sugar Moon, but they're vaguely in the same spectrum. (I'd say Under the Harvest Moon is the more Sugar Moon-like one.) For another scent similar to the Emathides, try On Darkness.



    Ooh, you should also try Penumbra! Penumbra is one of those magical blends that's way more than the sum of its parts. It shouldn't work for me, but it does.



    Trying to think of GC stuff, but there just isn't much...

  19. Hmm. The original Sugar Moon went really dry on my skin, with pronounced blue musk. The flowers and fruit were subdued. Personally, I don't find it similar to Eat Me at all. If I were looking for a dupe, the blue musk would be my primary search filter. Something that's blue musk (or "night musk" or similar) with light florals, maybe layered with Sugar Skull, should be up the same alley.


    Rozpustnica, from the retail only salons, might be a good candidate for layering with Sugar Skull. (I know that's two not so readily available recommendations, but that's all I got...)

  20. I don't suppose anyone has a reference photo of *all* the 13s (thirteens) to date?


    Original - white label

    October 2006 - orange label

    April 2007 - purple label

    July 2007 - pink label

    June 2008 - green label

    February 2009 - black label

    March 2009 - deep red label

    November 2009 - tentacles label

    August 2010 - dancing skeleton label

    May 2011 - black with red/black swirled 13


    Fantastic! Thank you so much.


    ETA: I went through my 13s today and now have ample proof that I don't wear them even half as often as I should, to merit keeping them: I have the tentacle one, and I have NO MEMORY of it. (That NEVER happens. Even things I wear once a year, I remember having on hand as something I wear rarely...)

  21. I don't suppose anyone has a reference photo of *all* the 13s (thirteens) to date? The recent ones haven't had dates on them, so I've gotten all confused in sorting my collection. I've gotten all but 2 figured out:


    Feb '09 -- all black/navy

    Nov '09 -- 13 in tentacles

    Aug '10 -- b&w drawing

    May '11 -- ??


    One of them is black with a red 13 on it. Is that the May '11 one?



    ETA: I found Nov 09 in the thread, and it's the one with 13 formed out of tentacles. I definitely don't have that one, so now I'm terribly confused about what's in my box. :laugh: I'll have to pull all of them out when I get home and see what's what.

  22. Midnight Mass is a rich and well balanced incense blend. Overall, its character is cheerful and golden, but without sacrificing the depth and smokiness of a good incense. It doesn't have the bright, lemony aspects of solar incense, nor is it spicy, so I don't mean golden in that respect. It just has a warm glow.


    The heart of this warmth might be the beeswax. This incense is well grounded by a rich wax, which is one of the things that makes it distinct, compared to the lab's other incense blends. It has a strong evergreen wood note, which lends a Christmastime character but doesn't overpower the resins. (Compared to Cathedral, it's less woodsy. Compared to Heavenly Love and Earthly Love, it has far less sandalwood and powdery amber.)


    It's tough to identify the resins. Frankincense and myrrh, of course but I'm not sure what else. Possibly benzoin? Opoponax?


    So, on the whole, this is a rich incense that isn't too smoky but also isn't too powdery. It isn't a dark blend, but it isn't bright and clean, either. It's very nice and one of the lab's best incenses, I think.

  23. As for the scent, this is very...southern smelling to me. There is a piercing white floral note. Other reviewers have alluded to white clover, and I think I'll take their word for it. There seems to be a strong green component to this note. I also smell gardenia and magnolia. Jasmine and honeysuckle might also be present. They blend so well with gardenia that it's often difficult for me to differentiate. Some reviewers mention rose, and now that they mention it, I'm pretty sure I smell rose. Some people have mentioned vetiver, but I'm absolutely certain there is no vetiver -- all of the sharpness comes from this other green note.


    The oil is tinted orange, and I suspect dragon's blood is here. There is something of its sweetness and its power. There is also an aquatic quality that seems to get stronger as it wears, on my skin.


    So in short, I'd say this is a strong, sweet white floral with strong green/aquatic aspects and a hint of dragon's blood. (Being a voodoo oil, there are likely other ingredients I'm not placing.)


    As for the effect... I put this on before going to bed, and today I've had absolutely terrible luck in all possible ways. :-\ So that remains to be seen. I do find the scent uplifting, though, and it seems to have a nice short-term cheering effect.

  24. First, let me say, my imp is at least 5 months old. I seem to recall it turning up shortly after the Magician went live, so I might have had it way longer than I realize. (Since it's a wood and resin blend, that means it's probably pretty different, and much better, than fresh.)


    Dry, I smell wood overpowered by dry, musty resins. It's almost chokingly dusty. Tons of turmeric, with a bit of smoky resin and dry, bitter foliage.


    As it dries, the rosewood blossoms, and the turmeric calms down. After about 15 minutes, it morphs into a very smooth, fragrant rosewood scent. The natural smoothness and sweetness of rosewood is offset by the resins and turmeric, which make the overall scent extremely dry. There is a faint hint of curry, but primarily, this is all dry, slightly bitter wood and resin. As it wears, it becomes slightly smokier, covering up the sweetness of the rosewood.


    It isn't as resiny and smoky as similar blends. This brings to mind a heavy wood table with lingering traces of previously burnt incense more than it does incense itself. A table scattered with herbs and ingredients for potions.


    Throw is quite light, staying close to the skin, as wood scents often do. It reminds me of a woodsier, far less sweet Scattered Gloom. Likewise, a much drier and more bitter Heavenly Love and Earthly Love. Actually, it's perhaps most similar to Parliament of Monsters, with its dry, ancient feeling. I like it. It's an intriguing combination, and it manages to avoid being like any other incense blend. Try this if you want a dry, lightly smoky wood blend that isn't very heavy.

  25. Last spring, some planters along the streets near where I work had daphne in them, and I never failed to think to myself, "what is that amazing scent?" when walking past. They had a wonderful bright but sweet aroma that carried even over all of the pollution and funk of NYC traffic.


    Daphne honey is VERY floral, but there is plenty of honey to back it up. It's a really gorgeous, sweet floral honey, with a green edge, reflecting the evergreen family the plant belongs to. To my nose, the lab's daphne is something similar to a blend of white rose, ylang ylang, and jasmine. Unfortunately, it turns incredibly faint on my skin after only an hour or two. It becomes more of a predominately floral scent, a bit dry from the evergreen, with the honey lingering on the finish. Still lovely. It sticks around close to the skin for another couple of hours, then vanishes.
