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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Tesseljoan

  1. Tesseljoan


    I find this one straightforward (which isn't a negative thing, by the way). Very fresh blend of citrus and green tea. The ginger adds a bit of a bite to it. Very clean smelling but not at all anti-sceptic. Great for helping you concentrate and focus. edit: after smelling what a real lemon in a blend can smell like (tempest) I've changed my mind about this one. This has a hint of ethereal lemon in it, if that makes sense.
  2. Tesseljoan


    MMMmmmmm, very hectic and yet edible when wet. The vanilla and patchouli turn really wild because of the pine... when it quitens down it's a very deep, warm, almost incense type of smell. Very interesting, this one. I have to edit, because after 2 years of BPAL, this first scent I tried is still one of my signature scents. If I had a shred of poetry in me, I would go on and on about it.. I won't. But it is this weird scents which blends so perfectly on my skin and always gets me compliments.
  3. Tesseljoan


    I can't pin down any individual notes in this one, just a very posh, beautiful perfume smell. It's very feminine without being girly. It smells very sophisticated, without being flowery, or foody, or musky or anything that I can name at all.
  4. Tesseljoan


    This one was very not me, unortunately. I can see this is a lovely scent on someone else, but there is a reason I never choose white florals and that is that they're too.....white for me? Very unfortunate, as I wanted something different from my gloomy, nightt ime smelling perfumes...
  5. Tesseljoan


    Contrary to what I thought when I was ordering, I don't like earthen scents, so this one is unforunately not for me. In my oil burner the earth scent is more in the background, and there's more of a warm, incense type of smell. Very sad. Side-effect: it puts me to sleep very quickly.
  6. Tesseljoan


    Starts out as Bay Rum, but more interesting. There's more cinnamon and a hint of cream I believe.... But after a while it gets a bit too masculine for me.
  7. Tesseljoan


    Buttery and foody smell. I'm not too overly fond of wearing scents that are THIS foodlike, but in a lamp- or oilburner it is divine. After wearing this for a few hours, the butter has worn off a bit and it's a very creamy, vanilla-like smell. Will be getting a bottle for the oil-burner, I think.
  8. Tesseljoan

    Black Phoenix

    A very sinfully fruity smell indeed. It reminds me of cherry liqueur (sp?) bonbons gone evil, with a musky base. It's very sweet and decadent. A great night-time scent.