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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by yewberry

  1. Looks like my experience with this fragrance is a little unusual. I don't find it intense at all, but warm and surprisingly fresh. Leather at the front, pine winding its way throughout. A little warm spice and patchouli in supporting roles. Ah, and there's the copal in the dry-down. The oakmoss really ties it all together, melding it into one unique whole.


    Overall a gorgeous, surprisingly airy, unisex-tipping-toward-masculine scent on me. So glad I bought a bottle!

  2. Pretty. Really, really pretty. And (thankfully) not in a floral way. Something (the oakmoss, I'm thinking) is giving it a warm, slightly musky foundation that keeps it from drifting off into space. I'm pleasantly reminded of Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden...except warmer, more grounded, and generally more grown-up. This is a fragrance for Beltane, and I look forward to wearing it on the first sunny day of spring.

  3. I'm finding this one endlessly intriguing. Definitely getting the sharp cumin note (reminds me a bit of Dracul), but it calms down a while after application. Warm, muted patchouli is hot on its heals. I think some of this muting is the result of the honey/beeswax note that adds roundness. And finally the cardamom comes out with its typical Pepsi-like fruitiness. The overall result is mysterious and masculine. I'm not sure I'll wear it much, but it's so unusual and beautiful I'll definitely hang on to it...

  4. Have I never reviewed The Coiled Serpent? Well, then it's high time:


    Strangely ethereal cedar (normally delightfully sour and grounding...is it sandalwood that's making it float?). Patchouli (decidedly earthbound). And something almost flowery.


    I adore this fragrance. I need to wear it more often. Definitely helps get things moving in the old brainpan.

  5. Deliciously well-blended. My first whiff brought one word to mind: classy. This is an elegant evening fragrance with just a touch of the exotic. I don't see myself having occasion to wear it much (none of the above adjectives describe me), but I gotta give this one props for its genuine, lasting beauty.

  6. Folks we have a winner! The scrummy coconut of Brown Jenkin, with fruity currant close behind. The vetiver adds an edge Brown Jenkin lacked without overpowering the blend. It's wonderful in this supporting role. Excellent staying power (on me) and nice medium throw.


    ETA: Does anyone know the correct spelling of the name? My bottle reads "Fuwa", not "Fuwu"...

  7. There's nothing about the individual elements I don't normally like (with the exception of bodark bark, which I've never smelled). Sadly, my body chem seems to want to turn this into a weird conglomeration of black pepper and bread-and-butter pickles. Tragic...


    ETA: Settles down into a mediocre men's cologne-y affair. Meh. But at least the pickles are gone.

  8. Okay. I'm shallow. I hoped this would work on me just so when people asked "What's that ambrosial fragrance you're wearing?" I could say "Oh, that's Men Ringing Bell with Penises".


    That's not to say the description doesn't intrigue. Tea, green sandalwood, moss...and it really is as beautiful, light, and complex as it sounds. The result is at once unisex and cleanly masculine. Really, really delightful, but not, in the end, my cuppa sandalwood tea. I look forward to giving it to a friend of mine just to see the look on her face, however. ;)

  9. The scene: A garden terrace in an up-scale vegetarian restaurant


    A gal named BPAL hopes to make a love connection between two old friends...


    BPAL: I'm so glad you two could make it! Nosferatu, meet The Apothecary. A-poth, meet Nossy. I'll just leave you kids to it! <exits>


    Nosferatu: <demurely extending a hand> Nice to meet you.


    The Apothecary: <taking hand and smooching it wetly> Hey, baby. I took the liberty of ordering for both of us. Parsley juleps to start. Drink up and let's party!


    N: <sipping> Wow...these are...interesting.


    TA: Ain't they, though? Used to shotgun these puppies back in the frat. This one time I got so wasted...


    N: <interrupting> So tell me about yourself.


    TA: Didn't BPAL tell you? I'm all about the green, ya know? And I'm really into my BODY. You get me?


    N: Not really, no...


    TA: You know, like, bigger is better. I'm loud and proud and stuff! Seriously, check out these pecs. <flexes>


    N: That's, lovely. But I'm more interested in being down-to-earth. I like gardening...


    TA: Whoa, like, me too! Like going into someone's garden and just beating the hell out the pumpkins?


    N: <withering> Actually, I just like the feel of soil between my fingers...and the smell...


    TA: You know what would be great between your fingers?


    N: Listen...you're coming on a little strong...


    TA: So ya wanna take a shower?


    N: No, you already smell enough like soap. I'm outta here!

  10. Okay, I'm crazy about the Lab's beeswax. I'm even in love with Ichabod Crane, despite the heaps of florals that usually send me running. Hanerot Halalu, after its initial wet stage (definitely get the orangey note people have mentioned) mellows on me to pure beeswax on me. I make my own beeswax candles, and the dry-down smells hauntingly like standing over a vat of hot wax, dipping tapers. Such an evocative blend.
