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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by yewberry

  1. bumping this thread


    love the honeycomb in No 93 engine, but getting through the wet phases isn't my jam

    any ideas for a more pure honey comb scent or honey wax scents with little or minimal intereference from other resins

    combo with floral (if it isn't WOAH, HELLO floral!) or herbal is okay


    if its smells like the fresh honey out of a raw honey comb, that would be perfect

    please don't say single note honey, as I would have to pawn a kidney to get that


    Quintessence of Dust is very beeswax-forward, at least on me.


  2. A new favorite! I'm not even sure why I purchased this one save curiosity about the ambiguous notes. A surprisingly grounded (yet still ethereal), resinous floral. Incense-y but soft. All the notes are muted and perfectly balanced. Champa? Iron? Red sandalwood? Vetiver? Very mysterious...


    Moderate throw, and it really lasts. This one screams "wear me in your hair!"

  3. Everything about this scent screams "little girl". The kind of little girl I never was. But I can't help but love this bubbly effervescence. A sweet, candy-like fragrance that's unbelievably grounded by florals. Spring, spring, spring!

  4. Ooooh...so much going on with this one. The clove is mellow and rounded, not sharp on me. The storax seems to ground it, with the patchouli blending so perfectly it's barely noticeable as a note unto itself. A gorgeous, genuinely different and exotic incense blend!

  5. In the decant: cucumber sandalwood. I'm intrigued.


    Wet: the same immediate blast of cucumber sandalwood...but then the florals creep in.


    Dry: florals overpowering the sandalwood and the green cuke. It's all flowers now. Very pretty, but very not me. Off to the swap box with you!

  6. Dwarf

    BPAL's dirt mixed with leather, something sweet and grainy, and a sharp herbal note in the background that's definitely not hops. I knows me some Styrian Goldings, and I can't smell a solitary whiff.


    The dry-down smells like my Grandpa Teddy's hair tonic. He never carried an axe.

  7. Of course I'd fall hopelessly in love with a rare. Nymphes de Pave smells like my very favorite candy, Abbaye de Flavigny Rose Pastilles. Sweet and foody, but also pretty and floral. The scent description is, as far as I can tell, completely accurate.

  8. Oh, I'm falling in love with this scent. It took a few tries, but especially in the dry down (when it lingers on and on...I love scents with staying power). There's definitely a tiny bit of vetiver in there. I think that's the electricity scarring mentioned in the description. But it's tempered nicely with the ozone, cypress, and blood notes. In the end it reminds me of a kinder, gentler Agnes Nutter.

  9. This one's so very my cuppa. It feels almost like the masculine twin of Bien Loin d'Ici. There's clove and patchouli at first, but they faded quickly on me. The vetiver is indeed martial as others have mentioned, which is matched sniff-for-sniff with the sharp pepper note. The champaca is the grace and beauty in this one, though. Keeps drifting in and out, sometimes obvious, and sometimes nearly undetectable. A strange, morphing enigma of a fragrance. Fascinating...
