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Posts posted by mizliz2176

  1. Wet it does smell like trix or fruit loops! Kinda wish it stayed that way. When dry, the mint is a gentle mint similar to alisz but less minty then that if that makes sense. Mint marshmallow is an apt description. The lemon sugar is soft and subdued. It really is quite lovely, I was initially put off when I read mint and almost didn't order. I'm broke as shit or I'd get a backup. depending how long they stay up, I still may.

  2. This isn't faint at all to me as others describe (granted its only been on for five minutes). I just did one swipe from my decant wand and it's fairly potent...and gorgeous. Very feminine in an understated way. A dusty vanilla sandalwood with a hint of nonfloral floral....if that makes sense. Only say that because I despise most florals and this is lovely.

  3. Damn chemistry. Wet this was beautiful on me, and I immediately was contemplating multiples. Then my hormones ruined it and it turned to soap. This is fresh out of the mail, and it is a bad time of the month. Retesting is in order at a later date. I'll be back...

  4. Your friendly neighborhood sex shop: gleaming black leather, latex, and musk.

    Sexy, warm leather with a musk backdrop. I have a mild latex allergy, and I think my body rejected the "latex" scent because it made me feel horribly nauseous. Sucks because I loved the scent, but had to ultimately rehome.

  5. i adore this one. It reminds me a bit of the mainstream perfume parisienne, which I loved, but went funky on my skin. I mostly get soft rose, no screechy floral tinge n sight. The vanilla rounds it out to make it even softer, and I personally can't tease out the frankincense. This one is plush and whimsical to me. Hubby disagrees and calls it baby powder...but I get none of that. Perhaps a bit of powder as in an old Victorian body powder that would sit on a guided vanity. But even then, I don't like to use the description "powdery".

    I'm so pleased that this update has changed my feelings towards rose notes. This and dix are the winners for me. Ordered backups.

  6. The All-Consuming Flames of Passion

    Red musk, carnation, myrrh, and honey.

    All the notes play lovely together, for me the myrrh is just a background note that's barely there. It almost reminds me of a less tart, slightly syrupy from the honey, holiday hg.


    The honey doesn't go funky like it usually does for me. A winner in my book and happy I blind bought a full size.

  7. Intoxication of the First Kiss

    French vanilla, pink candies, strawberry sugar, and orange blossom.

    OK I suck at reviews. But since there still aren't any posted for this I feel that SOMEONE has to do it.

    This one is GORGEOUS. Dark pink strawberry candy, with just enough vanilla to calm it down some. The orange blossom is just the glue between the other notes. I had such high hopes for enveloped in silk, but I was in the minority and was let down. THIS is what I had hoped for. Even the man thing adores this and he's not easily impressed with my smellies.


    Will be getting a backup after my decants arrive and I decide on other full size purchases. This was one of two full size blind buys.

  8. If you're like me, and honey is awful on you, this is the version of "honey" for you! What I'm assuming is the honeycomb note is beautiful, buttery, non funky honey that has an almost floral quality to it, not sure how else to describe it. I really like this. Same kind of feel as snow white, zorya p and Dana oshee (not similar to any of those, just the same kind of "feeling" even though that makes no sense at all). This IS fresh out the mailbox, and a few more tests are required, but I think it'll end up being backup worthy.

  9. Red musk, neroli, pink peppercorn, and orange blossom.

    An initial blast of sexy red musk. After drying down it tames itself and I get a hint of vixen-ish beauty from the orange blossom. For me, the neroli is a barely there brightening agent at first, but does makes its presence known later on. No pink peppercorn jumps out at me, but not sure id even know it if it was. All and all, very well blended and smells divine! Getting a backup.

  10. Dried fruits, sweet cakes, and gingerbread nuts.

    So this is who is nibbling hg, with a little less tooth rotting sweetness, replaced by an air of opulence that I cannot place. What is that unlisted note? I dont want to call it perfumey per se...perhaps its a bit of sweet pea? Fits the artistic impression of the name perfectly! But a gilded coach in Candy land!


    Eleven Pipers Piping

    Ten Lords-A-Leaping

    Nine Ladies Dancing

    Eight Maids-A-Milking

    Seven Swans-A-Swimming

    Six Geese-A-Laying

    Five Golden Rings

    Four Calling Birds

    Three French Hens

    Two Turtle Doves and a

    Partridge in a Pear Tree


    Black leather and chrome spikes.

    This leather is swoon worthy. Its the same as the haute macabre hg to my nose, but turned down a 1/2 notch (haute macabre hg was wayyyy too over the top for me). It does have a cologney vibe that comes and goes that I wish wasn't there, but not stopping me from buying a full size! Layered with snake oil hg...BOOM, almost snake skin hg! ( not quite as good as an ACTUAL snake skin hg would be, but still)

  12. Very pretty, rose and I don't normally get along, but apparently tea rose and I do. It ever so slightly reminds me of baby doll faces, but in a good way. Definitely has a nostalgic, "kind" feel to it if that makes sense at all ha. Evokes a scent memory for me that I cannot place, but makes me feel calm and happy.

  13. In Irish folklore the Dana OShee are a fae, elven people that live in a realm of beauty, their nobility akin to our that own Age of Chivalry, eternally beautiful and eternally young. They surround themselves with the pleasures of the Arts, they live for the hunt, and to this day can be seen riding in procession through the Irish countryside at twilight, led by their King and Queen. However, the Dana OShee are not benevolent creatures, despite what their unearthly beauty may imply. They are vengeful and treacherous and possess a streak of mischievous malice, and many have whispered that their true home lies deep in the shadowed groves of the Realm of the Dead. Hearing even a single chord of their otherworldly music leaves one stunned and lost to the mortal realms for ever, finding themselves prey to the Dana OShees hunt or enslaved in their Court as servants or playthings.

    Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains were made to placate these creatures, and it is that the basis of the scent created in their name.

    JUST like the perfume. I often times find the hair gloss versions to be quite different (and usually I like them better!) Not with this one, its pure Dana o'shee in hair gloss form. I love it, perfect unoffending year round scent.

  14. Lovely. No fruits to my nose. Its all musk, patchouli and a touch of cinnamon (even though its not listed). The perfume, for me, didn't have any of the fruit notes until it aged, I wonder if the same will hold true for the hair gloss? Seems to actually fade to a very low throw rather quickly, which I know contradicts the other reviews. I'm actually happy it mellows, or it could be overwhelming. This is going right in to the hair gloss "regular rotation" of antique lace, smut, and moon reflected.

  15. I luckily don't get the wine note, as that tends to be vinegary to my nose. It is most definitely "red". I smell the currants and I do smell "incense", but in the most basic of descriptions. Like, what burning cheap incense in your house smells like. Personally, I love it.

  16. My Danger Baby loves to do crazy things and for some reason, I am always chosen to accompany her on these adventures.

    (Editors note: its because her mother possesses an actual survival instinct.)

    At the Renaissance Faire, we rode the zip line. and lets just say that it rode up a bit on my naughty bits. As we stepped off the ledge, I screamed MY BALLS, and Lilith thought it was soooooo funny.

    Brown leather and bourbon vanilla with honeyed oudh and cinnamon buns.

    First of all, i suck at reviews. BUT

    I love this. Very well blended. At first the leather and cinnamon dominates, but then the drydown happens and it all kind of melts together into this warm, comforting, soft leather and bakery scent. I do feel its somewhat masculine, but not enough to scare me away, which most masculine scents do. Glad to have blind bottled.

  17. Ive had this bottle for about 6 months now. When I first received it, I remember APPRECIATING it, but not liking it much at all. But I didn't wanna sell/swap it because it appears to be a bpal staple. Fast forward to now. WOW. I understand what aging means. This is such a beautiful, sultry scent. Musky and very subtley fruity. The harshness has died off and the fruits seem more prominent, but it is nothing like what my mind considers "fruity" if that makes sense at all? All I know is, this will be getting a lot of wear out of me now, and im so glad I held on to it.

  18. Am i the only one who gets a similarity to streets of Detroit? to me, its a sweeter, red musky version of streets of Detroit. Maybe its just the myrrh? I thought I hated myrrh, but might not really KNOW the smell like I thought I did hmm. Full bottle in the very near future.

  19. This is one of those blends that makes me mad. Because I love it, but hubby hates it. Well poo on him, Im still getting a full size and he can deal with it. It is definitely very much LEATHER, but the strawberry-ish note tames it and makes it wearable for someone like me, who doesn't really like unisex/leather heavy blends. This a very unique scent to me, and I know the decant wont be enough!
