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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by poisons_sanity

  1. poisons_sanity

    Quincey Morris

    This smells exactly what the description says it is. I can pick out every single note. It's leathery, but very sweet at the same time. I think I will force give this to my boyfriend. It's a good manly scent, but still sweet enough to be feminine, too.
  2. poisons_sanity

    Love's Philosophy

    I too, get a bit of the mint. It's a very creamy mint, though. I was just hoping my skin didn't amp it up. Fortunately it didn't. After it dried, it turned into a really nice creamy-smokey scent. This would be what Antique Lace mixed with Black Opal would smell like.
  3. poisons_sanity


    Oh wow, what an unbelievably sexy scent. It's sweet and spicy, but also pretty light and refreshing at the same time. It also smells Egyptian, I don't know how to explain it. I'm definitely getting a 5 ML of this one.
  4. poisons_sanity

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    I would love this scent if it wasn't for the lavender. I like all of the other notes, the cocoa and vanillia. But, I think the Lavender just makes it really smell "off" to me.
  5. poisons_sanity

    King Cobra (2006)

    King Cobra smells exactly like it's description. Snake Oil with incense. It also smells kind of like aged Snake Oil.
  6. poisons_sanity


    She is tearful and dejected: her lover has broken a promise, and did not arrive for their tryst. She feels that she has been deceived, and her heart is volleyed from misery, to anger, to resentment: benzoin, Greek sage, hay, melaleuca ericifolia, oakmoss, and blue chamomile. I don't get any of the sweetness people are talking about. I get a powdery herbal scent. Almost aquatic. It mostly smells like damp sage to me, with a llliiiiiiiiiiiiittle tiny bit of oakmoss lurking in the background. I probably wouldn't be able to detect the oakmoss without already knowing it as a note.
  7. poisons_sanity


    Cathode smells a little like Absinthe to me. A more soft, feminine Absinthe. I don't like mint scents so much, but the moss rounds it out very nicely so that it is a smooth, soft scent.
  8. poisons_sanity


    Oh man. Totally awesome. Does anyone ever use any Goth Rosary? Because this smells just like her Fairy Wings scent. I smell the Plum and berry scent, but I don't get too much of the amaretto when I first put it on. After it dries for a few hours, I can smell the amaretto now, and it overtakes the fruits, making it a very warm fruity scent.
  9. poisons_sanity

    De Sade

    I was afraid to get this because I'm not sure if I wanted to smell like raw leather. But I had to get it, because I LOVE the Marquis. I am so glad I did. I love it. It doesn't smell like pure leather, it smells like warm, worn, slighty sweet leather. It reminds me a lot of the pirate scents, like Jolly Roger.
  10. poisons_sanity

    Has No Hanna

    Am I the only one getting a watery scent here? This smells very much like Lady of Shallott to me. Lots of florals, but also lots of aquatic notes. I like it a lot. A lot more than I thought I would. I wore it for an interview today for the good luck factor... but I don't think I got the job.
  11. poisons_sanity

    Three Witches

    I got this as a frimp, so I didn't know what the description was before I tried it. I knew that it smelled like some sort of candy that I've had before and I couldn't figure it out for about a half hour. Then I realized.... this smells exactly like Big Red gum.
  12. poisons_sanity


    I smell mostly passion fruit in this, first off. After wearing it for a bit it smells more like grapefruit. I like how it is so sharp and crisp. Unfortunately, this turns to soap on me very fast.
  13. poisons_sanity


    I wanted to like this scent. I realllly wanted to. But.... all I can smell is Lowe's or Home Depot.
  14. poisons_sanity

    Temperature and BPAL

    I would say it is safe to store in a fridge. I know a lot of girls that do that with their BPALs to keep them fresh for swapping.
  15. poisons_sanity

    Calico Jack

    This is kind of a warm cool scent. It's cool because of the aquatics, but the leather warms it up. It reminds me a bit of Jolly Roger, but it also kind of reminds me of an aquatic man's cologne. Sort of a mix between the two.
  16. poisons_sanity

    Come to Me

    This to me is a pure Dove Soap bar. However, I am intrigued by the voodoo properties so I think I just might layer it with snake oil.
  17. poisons_sanity


    This reminds me of a very old, beat up piece of wood that once had perfume spilled on it from years before.
  18. poisons_sanity

    Drink Me

    This smells like popcorn. Not pure popcorn, though. Kind of like how a popcorn jelly belly TASTES. If that doesn't sound crazy or anything.
  19. poisons_sanity

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    This smells like a freshly squeezed sour lemon to me. Or possibly a citrus cleaning spray.
  20. poisons_sanity


    My first impression upon opening this bottle was HOLY CHOCOLATE BATMAN! I didn't even smell the snake oil. Just. Pure. Chocolate. I almost eated it. As soon as it touched my skin, I could smell the snake oil but was still chocolatey, after about a minute I could barely smell it anymore and it was just snake oil, but darker and richer. I loves it good.
  21. poisons_sanity

    Black Phoenix

    I smell candy! This would be a pretty good scent for me, since everyone who knows me, knows of my horrible addiction to candy. Seriously, it's bad. Anywhoo, this definitely smells of candy and lots of cherry, kind of like the cherry in Neo-Tokyo. Very deep and dark.
  22. poisons_sanity


    I've really started to like foody scents, so I got this one. But it smells too delicious I want to eat myself. I'd advise anyone who gets this to make sure you are full before you put it on, because it will make you hungry for yummy delicious food that will ruin your weight-watchers diet. Definitely love it, though.
  23. poisons_sanity

    Snake Oil

    Let me start by saying that I have tried all of the other snake pits except for Snake Oil until now. It just seems no one was willing to give it up any in swaps. Understandable. But now it is finally mine Anyway, at first I was scared because I couldn't smell any vanilla, I just smelled spice and... is that... could that be... noo... LICORICE?! GOOD LORD NO! GET OFF OF ME! GET! Ok, it's ok. It only lasted for a minute. When it dries it becomes spicey and creamy and turns into the Snake Oil I always thought it would be.
  24. poisons_sanity


    I looooooooooooove this. This does remind me of lightning in a storm, but only lightning above the sea. It's crisp, clean, ozoney and electric.
  25. poisons_sanity

    Ded Moroz

    Shelldo brought this for us to sniff at the may Faerie Festival, and I just found my notes. We were all afraid to touch it incase we spilled it. Anyway, this scent is a green scent. A very, very smooth green scent with a touch of mint and a touch of coldness. I like it, which is rare, because I normally don't like green or mint scents. But it's so smoooooooooth.