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BPAL Madness!

aunt agonist135

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Everything posted by aunt agonist135

  1. aunt agonist135

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    sorry if i'm totally breaching etiquette, but i tried the search function and wasn't bringing up any results anywhoodle, i was wondering if anybody here could help me find something similar to my beloved 13 (the october 13th edition). i've almost run out and silly me forgot to get the new 13 to restock on something at least vaguely reminiscent of it. anyway, i really love love love loved it (did i mention i LOVED it) and now i am worried that i found my perfect favorite scent ever, only to have it lost forever. help me oh, bewitchingly scented lads and lasses! for my perfect scent has forsaken me!! ok. well perhaps that was a little melodramatic, but seriously any recommendations would be heartily appreciated. thanks