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Posts posted by heartlilly

  1. This is gorgeous.


    I get mostly honey + apple, both of which usually take over a blend on my skin (fine by me as I love both notes) so together they sort of balance and are just fantastic. The honeys are gentle, not the overwhelming kind. This is actually a lot lighter than I expected and will be great for summer.

  2. I believe I am amping the stone note in this. I was hoping it would be like Black opal's as well and I think that they may be similar, but not the same. This is very cold and somewhat sharp on my skin, where black opal was cool and more gentle, maybe from the vanilla. I am getting all airy stone, no rosehips (thankfully since I was worried about them), no moss, no greenery (maybe aging will bring those out for me). It smells very crisp and almost masculine, but not so much that I can't wear it. A very interesting blend.


    ETA--I could still smell this the next morning (great lasting power) and now it smells like a slightly dusty white musk. I really like it.

  3. This was such a lovely surprise. The scent is strong. I put on just a dab to test and I felt over scented (I generally apply so that my husband can't smell my perfume unless he is really close up since he hates most of my perfume and he made a comment about it). It started off very pumpkin, which isn't my favorite note, but then changed into a great spicy/sweet scent. When it finally settled down the spices faded (sadly since I wish they would have stayed stronger) and I got a woodsy syrup kind of scent. It is sweet without being overwhelming.


    I do see the resemblance with miskatonic U and red lantern but while neither of those really worked for me, this one I really like.

  4. On my weird skin, this is STRONG leather with a little bit of Theodosius (Dorian's less sweet brother) in the background. It is almost all leather, it is only when I sniff it up close that I can smell the sweetness. The leather backs off a bit the longer it wears on my skin, but it is the star of the show. I will age it a bit and see if the leather can chill a little, because it has potential to be really lovely, but right now the leather is just a bit too strong for me.


    ETA; The late late drydown of this allows the sweet musky quality to blend with the leather and it is great! Hopefully aging will let this happen more quickly.

  5. I am not sure if it is just my freakish chemistry or what, but on my skin I swear there is something smoky in here. Some sort of vetiver or something which is really prominent on me. I smell sweet apple and other spices, but they are mostly hidden behind that smokyness. The apple/sweetness comes out more the longer it is on, after a few hours or so which is promising. Hopefully the smoke will calm down with a bit of aging, because the apple part is beautiful (and what I was most excited about trying).

  6. I haven't done a review in a long time, but this deserves one. Normally roses take over all else on my skin, but here they are at least somewhat grounded by some of the other notes (mainly the beeswax and frankincense I think). It is still a strong rose, but kind of watery, a little spicy and really pretty. I think this is the one rose scent that I may actually be able to wear.

  7. I actually tried Salome (A scent that is both coquettish and sinister. Exotic and lush, brimming with grace and viciousness: almond with star jasmine, oakmoss, red sandalwood and Egyptian musk.) as well.


    It is really nice, but it was a bit too earthy for me. The later drydown is super close though, so it might be the perfect choice for you. Thinking about it now, I'm going to have to try it again.


    ETA; I did try this again and although it is nothing like it for the first hour, after that it is very close. The jasmine is different (Faiza's jasmine is closer) but still very close and lighter than Faiza too (which is a bit heavy for warmer weather).

  8. Bumping up an older thread because I've been on the hunt for something like Hypnotic Poison. My hubby loves it and I am determined to find a bpal equivalent and thought maybe someone else might be interested.


    Closest for me so far have been;


    Faiza the black mamba

    A sensual blend of twisting, exotic, serpentine oils: black amber, caraway, oakmoss, green sandalwood, bergamot, jasmine sambac, gardenia, orange pulp, vanilla, blackberry, black musk, white honey, ti leaf, and ginger.

    ---a bit too something, strong maybe, but really close



    --lacking a bit of sweetness or depth, I'm not sure but also close


    Ava Maria Gratia Plena

    A pale, delicate, truly angelic blend. A scent created to emulate Adonis' halo of beauty: fragile, distant, and radiant. Rosewood with Sicilian lemon peel, red Mysore sandalwood, pale musks, sweet mountain sage and a dusting of lily, night-blooming jasmine and orris.

    --from the notes, this should be perfect, but on me it is just too bright


    There are more, but these have been the closest for me.

  9. Maybe The Illustrated Woman from Carnival Diabolique. It has a woodsy vanilla vibe with a bit of spice.

    Bengal might work too, but the honey might make it too sweet.

    Snake Charmer doesn't have a huge vanilla note (for me anyway) but it sounds like it could work for you as well.

    Morocco also has a slightly woody vanilla feel.

    I agree about the Antikythera Mech. as well. It is lovely.

  10. ImperatrixMundi, I think I may have found a vanilla scent twin (or cousin)! I had nearly identical vanilla experiences to yours.

    I totally agree with ivyandpeony's observations. I can't believe I forgot about Lyonesse! It is fantastic.

    Velvet is wonderful, but I mostly get cocoa (but it is worth a shot, it is fantastic!)

    I get mostly almond from Eclipse so Chimera just moved up on my to try list.

    Have you tried Bengal? I get very little vanilla from it, but it is warm and cozy (and a personal fav so I have to recommend it)

    Good luck!

  11. I have some vanilla issues too (it usually disappears on my skin or goes kind of plasticy, though Antique lace works for me...but it is very musky vanilla) and I agree with the Tombstone and Simulating Sass. Streg. Those two are very good and stay a thick rich vanilla for me. Sugar cookie might be worth a look, I have an older bottle and it is very rich slightly spicy vanilla.

  12. O5' Version


    This is delicious. It is foody, but still wearable. It smells like ultra sweet vanilla brown sugar with a heavy dose of booze. It started off frighteningly strong, but after it dried it mellowed into a lovely boozy vanilla sugar. Like thick buttery vanilla. Really nice.

  13. This one is a real morpher. When I first put it on I get really lavendery Dorian with Snake oil's spices. Once it dries though I get mostly Snake oil mixed with Dorian's lemony musk and a touch of lavender. Up close it smells more like Dorian, but the throw is more Snake oil, but still different.


    It is fantastic. Even if you don't like Snake oil or Dorian, this one really shouldn't be missed.

  14. I didn't really know what to expect from the description of this one. I get really light fruitiness from this. It almost smells like melon, but not quite as sweet. Very happy and bright. This one vaguely reminds me of Fire Pig, although they don't really smell alike.

  15. I tried this when I first purchased it and something in it was kind of sharp so I put it away for a while hoping that it would mellow just a bit. It did and now it smells fantastic.


    Warm and sweet and a bit fruity to my nose. It has a similar feel as Haloes, though they don't really smell alike. It is very creamy and a bit woody, but very gentle. It really does smell sort of golden to me, like a warm summer sunset. Has fantastic lasting power on my skin too.

  16. Fruity and ultra sweet. It is very light on my skin but strong and it lasted all day. It does smell candy like, I couldn't pick out anything too distinct, it just blended into tropical sugar on my skin. Very fun, but not quite what I expected.

  17. I can't really do this one justice at all. It is so lovely.

    I get sweet, juicy, icy cold apples. No evergreen that many of the snowy scents turn into on my skin. Just icy cold perfumey (but expensive, fantastic perfume) apples. Very crisp and clear, strong but not overwhelming. Beautiful.

  18. Hello and Welcome!


    I think that Plunder would be a good one for you. A little bit dry but, nice and spicy.


    I love Bengal, it smells very sweet, but that one might be a bit too vanilla and honey (it is wonderful though!).


    Chimera maybe. I haven't tried it yet though, but it could work, though it might be too floral.


    I hate to recommend this one, since it is discontinued and would be super hard to find, but if you ever get the chance Three Witches sounds like it would fit what you're looking for as well (Plunder is close and a very nice substitue for it though).


    Have fun!
