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Posts posted by Anarane

  1. In the Imp: I can't pinpoint any scents in this; it just smells generally perfumey. Maybe a spicy perfumey scent.


    On my skin: My skin keeps scents more or less the same. After a few minutes, though, this reminds me of some sort of cleaning fluid... but a nicely-scented cleaning fluid. I like it.


    After a few hours: It lasts 4 hours or so on me, like most (if not all) perfumes, but it's a lovely scent, even if it's vaguely similar to cleaning fluid to me. I wish I was more adept at pinpointing scents!

  2. In the Imp: Roses -- lovely, soft, watery roses. Something smells a bit spicy too, but it's very faint.


    On my skin: My skin keeps scents more or less the same, so it's still slightly spicy, watery roses. I'm able to smell the spice scent a bit more clearly now though.


    After a few hours: This lasts about 4 hours on me, as do most perfumes, but it smells lovely the whole time! It's very airy - makes me feel like I'm floating. I'll most likely be getting a 5ml vial in the future.

  3. In the bottle: Reminds me of those oatmeal cookies, but these are with a dab of honey. Lovely.


    On my skin: I'm lucky - I have the type of skin that keeps all the scents of the perfume in the bottle, but sometimes amps a few. On my skin, it still smells like honey-dabbed oatmeal cookies, except the honey is stronger and shines through more. Maybe now they're honey-dipped cookies. It's a very warm, comforting scent; I can see myself wearing this on a bad day or when I'm having trouble sleeping.


    After a few hours: The bad thing about my skin is that scents rarely last very long on me. My skin loves them so much, it eats them! I applied Dana O'Shee about 4 or 5 hours ago, and I can just barely smell it when I put my nose to my skin.


    That said, I do love this scent very much, which is why I have a 5ml vial of it. ♥

  4. I got this as a free imp with my last order. I loved it, even though it doesn't seem to be strong enough for me.


    I'll do my best with a review, but I don't know what most things smell like so I just have to make imagery. :P


    In the imp: Watery flowers. Very soft and nice, but seems sad.


    On me: I have the type of skin that keeps the same scent the perfume was in the bottle. I suppose I'm lucky that way! But anyway, still soft and watery flowers, though a bit lighter than in the vial.


    After a few hours: It's been about 5 hours since I put it on, and I can only smell it if I put my nose right on my skin. Lovely, but not quite long-lasting on me.
