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Posts posted by Eutectic

  1. The blueblood of the horror genre. Gothic horror borrows heavily from Victorian Romanticism: a dark, passionate sojourn into emotionally-driven aesthetic experience – reaching through gloom towards a vision of the sublime. Using sprawling, decay-riddled visuals, and lyrical narrative rife with suspense, awe, and dread, these films tell tales of tortured souls, long-buried secrets, rapid descents into depravity and madness, and grasping supernatural beings.

    Examples: Vampyr, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Phantom of the Opera

    Morbidly romantic, thick with murky melodrama, untouched by the centuries, and dust-rimed: Byzantine incense, benzoin, myrrh, bitter clove, spikenard, oud, and ancient balsam.

    This one was not for me namely because rose and I have a strained relationship at best. In the bottle it was a lovely citrus with floral notes underneath.

    Just on the citrus was heavy and warm, orange maybe? But then the citrus went away, it was a sad transition from citrus to a heavy (because I amp it like crazy) rose of doom. I held on for the complete drydown and after about 20 minutes the rose backed off and became softer as other notes started to poke their head in. The rose became more muted, like a victorian room scented by a vase of wild roses which are past their prime. Very must a gothic scent IMO and perfect for the oil's name. But due to the rose and my skin's reaction to it just not for me.

  2. I agree with the snow white comparison in the wet stage but this has a lot going on besides. It is cool and clean and very calming. Slightly floral and smooth and well blened. I find this to be a very scary Psycological Horror as it brings to mind such tranquility but there is a note underneath that I'm having trouble identifying that makes this scent a bit more edgier than you would think from the first sniff.

  3. This was a surprise scent for me. At first sniff from the bottle I get Pine, green wet pine needles. After application the pine falls back and a smokiness comes to the top. Not a forest fire smokiness but something like smelling your clothes after you've been home from camping for a while. Long dulled wood smoke. Then the other notes start rising to the surface. Vetivert, frankensense, something cool and clean but not floral. This is a dangerous scent. Not in a rampaging elephant kind of way but in a sleek, smart, beautiful kind of way. Just amazing and the throw was haunting me long after application.

  4. First up I get dandelion and sun warmed herbs. It is sunny without being HOT, more of an autumnal sun with grasses and greens and the late flowers of the season. In dry down it is more masculine, just a bit, and there is something heavier that grounds the notes so they blend perfectly with your skin for a closer scent, not a lot of throw which is fine. Just lovely and warm and balanced. Another winner!!

  5. This is an AMAZING scet and my bottle is highly cherished. I think it is one of the best blends Beth has done. Very even, very balanced. As Tramp has said it is fruity without being specific, amber without being too heavy. Floral without a noticable floral note.


    The movement from wet to dry is stunning and a wonderful transition from a bright sweet wet stage to a subtle slightly herbal/floral dry stage. I have loved this one all the way through and with love my bottle!


    Thanks lab!!

  6. Wet--berries front and center with a tangy freshness that makes this less cloying that you would imagine.


    Drying--The berries kindly toddle off and the tanginess comes to the front with a scent of subtle florals hanging out in the background.


    Dry--Definitely a soft, fresh, summery scent. A little sharpness dances around the berries so that it's sweet but a bit more than just a bubblegum girly scent. Very lovely on a hot day and one I keep reaching for as summer takes hold.

  7. The lab has me buying another bottle with a frimp. Go lab!


    In the bottle--I get the bubblegum reference with the bottle sniff but there is more beyond this top note that caught my attention. A richness perhaps, the amber maybe?


    Wet--Oh my, the pear is wet, juicy and fresh. Not too cloying and settling down fast. The herbs are coming out more making the pear less strident and setting the ground for the amber which is picking up more strength as it dires.


    Dry--amber and herbs but not herby. The herbs give the amber and distant pear a bit of a backbone so this scent isn't just sweet. The pear is still there but subtle and beautiful. This is going to be a bottle purchase for certain. I love falling for GC's!!!

  8. Shango shocked me as I hate banana. Luckily I had this frimped to me by the lab and did not check the lab description before I dabbed it all over.


    I did not spot the banana right away, just warm fruits and soft scents. I adore this one and was so surprised it had banana!


    This is a staple for me when I want a warm slightly fruity scent. :)

  9. This is a powerful sleep aid. I have had drugs that had less effect than this wonderful oil. Beth, you are a genious!


    It starts sharp and medicinal and quickly dries down to a soft lavender marshmallow. Although I love this scent, not even my desire to stay up to sniff myself can keep me awake. It is sleep in a bottle. I am astounded how well this works and call it sleep coma in a bottle. LOL

  10. This was another of the lab's creations that snuck up on me.


    At first sniff in the imp I found it a bit too astringent, off somehow. But on my skin the notes came alive and the oakmoss and coconut blended with the musk and tobacco flower to make something just sublime. I used my imp up and quickly ordered a bottle.


    I find that it is a very smooth scent that when in clothing lasts quite a while. Rich and sexy and just beautiful!

  11. Oh the love of Muse! :D


    I was frimped this from the lab and had overlooked it for a time.


    In the imp: Lime, faint florals and something a little rank. This is why I quickly closed it back up and avoided a skin test. In the bottle, oooo ick.


    Wet: The lime is prominent, a very agressive bitter note with the florals fighting for room underneath.


    Dry: Oh the love, the undieing adoration of a blend that just WORKS with your chemistry! The lime backs down and the jasmine sits quietly in a corner while tuberose comes to the front and forms a magestic soft warm floral that doesn't turn soapy on my skin and avoids turning bitter. I adore this one. Unfortunately for me I adore it a lot. On my fourth bottle in a few months...heh... :P

  12. Wet--The tangerine and tonka are right at the front.


    Just on--Sweet earthy citrus. But not cloying, summer fruit sweet. The jasmine is hanging back but hints that it may be louder in a bit. Slight liquor note that my nose may be picking up due to the jasmine...


    Dry--the ti leaf is coming through now. A subtle green interlaced with the sweet of the tangerine and the florals. Tonka falls back a bit and this stops being so sweet and ends up being far more complex than I first thought from smelling it in the bottle. I'm not sure what opoponax or benzoin smell like so can't pick those notes out. I'm likeing this one a lot. This would be a perfect night scent for a summer party.

  13. Wet I can smell the orange blossom with something sneaking around the corner...maybe the carrot seed?


    Just on: OMG, this is good. Floral but very subtly so. Green but a touch sweet too. I'm having trouble picking out the notes. The rose is just now peeking out and it is subtle, which for me is amazing. I'll have to reort back after it is completely dry as I suspect this could be more rose in the end.


    Drying--Okay, the rose is staying subtle on this one so far. *eyes evil rose* The throw is just lovely. Soft and gentle. Not passionate love, but the kind of love that brings you tea in bed in the morning. Not quite what I would have expected from the description... :P

  14. Wet--Green tea and something sweet. Maybe the sandlewood?


    First on--Holy god this is sweet green tea yum....WOW...I'm loving this one. I read green in other reviews but this is moss green and a slight green tea too. Not melon or cucumber or grass green but sultry green, fresh without being sunny if that makes sense.


    Drying--I think the rice wine is coming more to the front now. The tonka too. It seems a bit floral but not in a specific flower kind of way and a bit sweet. Does not in fact remind me of a bunch of men smacking a bell with their pen*ses but reminds me of a grove of bamboo in a temple in Kyoto....A very spring scent. I think I may have to wait till the weather warms to wear this. It would be perfect to wear when the flowers just start blooming in the spring.

  15. Wet--Cooking spices??? My nose may be blown but it smells like something I could put on a roast chicken...


    First on--Oh, that was the Frankensence and myrrh I think. I can smell them prominently now. OOOooo...the olive blossem is sweetening this up a bit, giving it some depth beyond the Ecclesiastical inscense. It's a dark blend, mystical. Not super sweet but it invokes hidden power.


    Dry--Oh this is subtle. Not much throw and dark in a church insence sort of way. The olive blossom keeps it from being too heavy and it has a subtlety that is a bit close to the skin. This one will have to be a solo test to get a final verdict on.

  16. Blood orange, King mandarin, nectarine, patchouli, violet, ylang ylang, and amber.


    I searched for a topic and didn't find one so I appologize and please move if I've buggered this and it's in the wrong place!

    Wet--wow, very citrus in the bottle but with a hint of something else. Not super sweet, more like the fresh oils from the rinds of the fruits.

    Just on--The citrus mellows quickly and the other notes start to blossom on my skin. The floral is very understated for me and meshes well with the citrus. I'm not smelling any patchouli.

    Dry--Okay, there is the patchouli. Just a hint. It's grounding the other notes so this becomes a much more sultry blend than I expected. Very nice, definitely more of a summer scent for me though.

  17. Wet--Subtly floral but there seems to be a pine note in the backgound. date palm maybe??


    Just on--Erm....something under the notes is a bit funky. It's great on the top notes, floral and woody, but under that there is something a bit sour. Seems to be fading as it dries down more.


    Dry---okay, the sour note faded quite a bit. I was worried for a bit. Not too floral but herbal. This one I'm not overwhelmed by but I think the Red Lantern is distracting me. I will have to give it a full test before I can tell if it's love or just meh.

  18. Wet--Carmels with spice and wood.


    Just on--the carmels starts fading to the background and the woods and spice are more promenent. OMG...this is a sexy scent.


    Dry--Dusty opium smoke carmel floral vavoooom! Wow, I want to have sex with myself. Damn, this is a hot blend. YUM!! The first of my order I may need a dupe of....

  19. Wet in the bottle I get a wallop of lavender.


    Just on-Still a wallop of lavender, especially if I sniff my wrist but something must be wafting from my wrist because it blends into a sweeter concoction in the throw. Very ballanced between herbal and floral. I'm not sure what Balsam of Peru is but I suspect this must be grounding the other notes as this blend is heady but not flying all over the place floral.


    Dry--Wow, this is just wonderful. The lavender is still there but it has fallen in the background some while something sweet and herbal, (violet ???) comes out to play. I love this one!

  20. I got an imp of this and it was love at first sniff. Citrus sweet and the grounding of the patchouli. On it morphed over the dry-down from sharp sweet citrus to spicy warm yum. The rose was very understated and served as a back-note to the other elements nicely, which is rare for me as I amp rose.


    I ordered a bottle the next update and counted the days till I could slather this one with wild abandon...


    It came and I let everthing warm up and then I opened the bottle all excited... :P


    Rose....nothing but rose. No warm citrus, no vanilla, roseroserose.....with a very faint hint of all that I loved in the imp way in the back. It was heartbreaking. So I have set it aside and hope with age it will get better but right now it is unwearable as the blend becomes all rose on my skin. :D


    I tested the imp and the bottle side by side and they are like two different oils. I am so dissappointed....

  21. I love this beyond all reason.


    Wet--it's cold with a hunt of fruit and greenery underneath.


    Dry--this is amazing. Cold but not unrelenting. There is warmth here under the snow. Warm fruit newly frozen and something more, like the scent of bayberries or sweet greens.


    I am beyond help. This is the winner for me of all the Yules. It is pure magic on my skin!!!


    ETA November 09 review:


    Oh my Boy came back!!!! :P


    Same as 07, same wonderfulness and classy cold fruits and greens. God how I love this scent!!!
