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BPAL Madness!

Bunny Butt

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Posts posted by Bunny Butt

  1. Hey folks! I'm waffling over whether to blind bottle some De Sade Resurrected. I was not around for the original, but I know it's supposed to be one of those holy grail leather scents. While I love my leather, I've got 2 bottles of SN Riding Crop, and it's hard for me to imagine anything more perfect.


    Does anyone know how SN Riding Crop and De Sade compare? Are they different enough to warrant owning both?

    I was not around for the original either. I love Riding Crop but De Sade is definitely different. Riding Crop has more additional notes blended in and is more perfumy. De Sade is much stronger and definitely just Leather. Supple gorgeous leather. I’m happy to have both for different moods but I do personally like Riding Crop more.

  2. There was a store about a mile away from the house I grew up in that fascinated me throughout my whole childhood. The façade was painted in insane colors, and it was covered with weird, leering cartoonish illustrations. We drove by it almost every week, and Id keep asking my parents what was inside there was nothing on the storefront that indicated what the store was about and theyd blow me off while making it implicitly clear that I was to never, ever enter that building.

    When I was 12, I asked my parents to take me to the library so I could study. I waited about fifteen minutes to make sure that my dad had driven off, and then I walked over to the fascinating, forbidden mystery store.

    The store was covered, wall-to-wall, in posters that glowed in garish fluorescent colors. Tie-dyed t-shirts, blankets, and flags were everywhere, and the cases were filled with what looked to me like endless rows of genie bottles. Peace signs were everywhere, and tons of merchandise was emblazoned with a plant I didnt recognize.

    Before they shooed me out very kindly this was the scent that imprinted on me: nag champa, patchouli, and weed smoke.


    Please do not smoke, eat, or huff this oil. Do not rub it on your gums, do not put it on your privates, do not vape it. It is a perfume and meant to be used as such. No funnybusiness!

    (This perfume contains no actual weed. Zero cannabis. None. Zilch. What do I look like? A dispensary?)

    Smelled last night at the lunacy but not tried on my skin, only on my friend. Holy Weed, Batman! was my first impression. Smelled like my parents stash when I was growing up, like flashback to childhood strong. My friend didn't smell weed at all only the Nag Champa and "something". Smelling on her, there was a definite hempiness with a soft nag background. It was quite compelling. There was a definite patchouli vibe but to me Marijuana and patch are interchangeable and complementary. It's not my jam but it wasn't offensive to a non-toker.

  3. The description didn't sound like my thing but I smelled it at Midsummer Scream cause it was there. Holy Terror! It is gorgeous and I had to have it. The leather and strawberry are in perfect balance. Neither is too artificial or too real. If you like leather but not so much strawberry (or vice-versa) do yourself a favor and get some. Get ready to fall in love.

  4. Cinnamon, fir and something metallic or mentholated on first application. Very clean and balanced. The incense isn't strong or burning. More of a stored-in-a-wood-box smell. I agree that it is masculine but not so much so that it couldn't be unisex as well. The leather and unfiltered cigarette is a roll your own smoke from a leather pouch of tobacco. My fiancé says it smells like camping in an evergreen forest with friends on him and I agree. On me, it smells like cooking with herbs and spices in a the log cabin by the lake. Really like this.

  5. I smell hot fudge, light fruits and toasted spice in the bottle and immediate application. The spices seem North African like cinnamon, allspice, cloves, coriander. The fruits are apricot and champagne grape, quite light. The tobacco leaf comes out on dry down. The smokiness is very light. Medium throw. This was the surprise must buy for me of the AG scents.

  6. [No additional description provided.]

    I went to the Lab Lunacy event on Friday specifically for this. In the bottle it smells just like picking a lime from the tree and rolling it in your hands to release the oils. The perfect lime. As I suspected though, by itself it lasts maybe 15 minutes before my skin eats it up. I also purchase Riding Crop and Etude de Deshabille so I had all 3 on and the lime made those both even better. I have high hopes for mixing this with everything.

  7. Lemon-squirted champagne with sugar and a splort of blueberry and blackcurrant.

    Lemon sugary fizzy champagne with black currant. A very happy uplifting scent. I don't get blueberry which is fine for me. Not too much lasting power which I expected with such a bright scent. Great while it lasts. My hair is extra shiny because I sprayed this morning and had to spray again this evening for a pick-me-up.

  8. I love Piper at the Gates of Dawn and decided that the terebinth pine was the the best part. When I saw La Dame Au Cochon had that element, I had to try in hopes that it was a feminine cousin of Piper. In the bottle its junioery apple. First applied it is more floral apple with a bit of pine. Dry the honey and musk come out to play and I couldn't love this more. This doesn't have the throw or wear length of Piper but it sure is lovely.

  9. This is better than I could have hoped. It smells like the bonfires at Bolsa Chica beach that I grew up with every weekend in the summer. Smoky and oceany and woody. I just received it today from my Etsy order and tried to buy more but it is sold out. :( I would buy at least 2 more of these.

  10. Decaying organic matter! That is all I get. :P My coworker that grew up on a island in Alaska said it smells like home. Another coworker could only smell grapefruit. I've tried a couple different times but this makes me gag. I am so disappointed in myself.

  11. King mandarin and golden amber, leather and beeswax, orange blossom, and almond rum.

    This is my favorite Luper atmo. Orange and almond are first which reminds me of this gluten-free cake I make with almond flour and orange zest. Mmmmmm. Amber and beeswax drift in shortly after to make this less foody and more delicate. I don't smell leather but I am unfamiliar with it in perfume so it may be a soft base supporting everything. A very uplifting and calming scent.

  12. This is a soft and glorious perfume. In the bottle the leaves and needles are strongest but don't let that put you off. The honey is green and not overly sweet. The musk is rich and close to the skin. Only a waft of leaves and needles underneath grounding the whole thing. No sharpness at all. It becomes powdery on dry down but not baby powder, thank the makers. Overall, I'm so glad this is one of 2 lupers I chose. It is as lovely as I thought it would be.

  13. eBay from the lab. In the bottle, interesting. I get the saltiness, wood and clove. No red musk or fruitiness. On me, Bounce dryer sheets. I don't hate it but I don't get it either. Why does everyone else get these lovely levels of scent? I know why. I'm the weird one. Good throw and wear length at least.

  14. Got this as a frimp in my last order. Not a huge patchouli fan but BPAL has changed my mind before. Starts as a very dirty patchouli. The dry down on me smells like the after shave "Lectric Shave" that my grandfather used to use. Not for me but it's a reminder of wonderful childhood memories.

  15. Merry music, hot buttered rum, and crackling firewood.


    This is a lovely blend. First it is a hit of buttered rum and smoke like John Houseman sitting in front of the fire with a drink reading Scrooge on a cold, bleak winters night. The smoke fades into the background quickly and a fruit blossom like apple maybe, comes out along with some champagne grape or pear like his wife is in the kitchen and the grandchildren just had a bath before saying good night. Or it is the merry music because it is a delightful blend. Very cheery, or maybe cherry. After a few hours I'm mostly left with buttered rum but I am delighted to have a Christmas scent without cinnamon.


    I'm terrible at these but I just get excitable as to sharing my experiences.



    I knew I liked it as food so when I saw Butterscotch Balls and Black Beetles from Coraline on eBay I had to try it. I have found my scent soulmate! It is warm and buttery but the patchouli keeps from being too foody. Actually it is a dirty and sexy skin scent on the dry down. Now I must have all the bottles!

  17. The Winter Time Chaos Theory Lunacy Poll results are in, and they are. INCENSE! Hair gloss, of course!

    Each bottle of Chaos Theory will be truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and an exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty!

    As always, each bottle will be a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim and mood of the goblins.

    I received XVIII (18). Full disclosure; this is my first chaos scent and I don't like incense but I couldn't resist. I smell very light soft incense, gardenia & butterscotch. I also am not a gardenia fan as my stepmom wore Jungle Gardenia all my life and it made me nauseous. All of those prejudgments said, I love this! I keep huffing my hair. My fiancé wants to smell again and again. I can't advise on throw or longevity yet. Of course my long stick straight blonde and gray hair feels glorious. Thank you Puddin and the goblins for this experience.

  18. I have very sensitive skin but BPAL has allowed me to indulge my love of wearing a different scent every day with no issue so far. I started my BPTP voyage with Fig and Sandalwood hair gloss. I love the way my hair behaves when I use it as my hair is fine and very straight. But it wasn't the sandalwood I love. Next was Lion and Unicorn sharing cake. Amazing. Halloween is my favorite time so I got the Dead leaves, honeyed patchouli, black tea, sweet Oudh and Sandalwood hair gloss to go with the Dead leaves, black currant and tobacco tar perfume. Love the smells! One day my nose is dry and scaly. The next day my skin around my jaw and ears is really itchy. Woke up the next morning to my entire face covered in hives and scabs. It took 2 weeks and finally straight vitamin E oil to remedy. I thought it was the new skincare I was trying so I used the hair gloss again and had 2 more weeks of no joy. Having skimmed through this forum, I figure it must be the black tea. Thanks to everyone on this forum for sharing their experiences. I never would have guessed tea was the culprit. Itchy face is No Bueno!
