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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by SkeletalRoses

  1. Dang. I wanted to love this one—I love the mythos, I love Nyarlathotep, I loved the way the notes sounded, and I was hoping for a dark, mean, scary scent. Sadly, it was slightly lemony soap on me from the get-go.

    As it gets well into the drydown, the soapy harshness backs off a bit and I get a hint of something vaguely vanilla-like (almost…banana?) coming through. Still fairly soapy, though, not something I care for, and definitely not what I hoped for.

    I ordered this imp in a Facebook sale, since the description has always intrigued me and I'd been wanting to try it. I think I’ll wait a few weeks, give this one another shot, and update my review if anything changes. Because I still really want to like it.
