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Posts posted by Moranna_Morgaine

  1. Sekhmet has a really special place in my heart, so when I saw this I bought it immediately without really looking at the notes. When I put it on for the first time it reminded me immediately of a deep Spanish red wine with a hint of amber. As it dried it became a temple of amber and warm wine. I loved this massively.

  2. Ochre musk, oudh, coffee bean, cacao, and patchouli.

    Got mine last week and it smells like a poet's coffee house. It leaves the hair bouncy and shiny but the smell lasts forever. It resembles (wet) a hot cocoa coffee but once it has dried it really reminds me of a metaphysical coffee shop or something out of Hogsmeade in HP series.

  3. This really lives up to the Snake Oil of the 19th Century. I love the incense-like notes as well as the sweetness. It reeks (in a positive way) of innocence about to cross into experience through danger. This really made me even more excited for an upcoming masquerade ball the hubby and I are attending. It's like candy filled with absinthe or rummy cakes, anything that mixes innocence of sweet with the raw sensuality of deep spice and woodsy notes. LOVE it! :wub3: :wub3: :wub3:

  4. This scent was really amazing for me! My hubby and I love campfires and the remaining smoke scent that lingers after being around one, Priala captures that note really well. I have asthma so some scents with a "smoke" note make me sick and set off the coughing fits but this was just bonfire and cinnamon goodness. I will agree with Ink work that sensitive skin may be aggravated by the cinnamon but I mixed it with coconut oil to create a buffer and it worked okay. :)
