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Witch's Dagger

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Everything posted by Witch's Dagger

  1. Witch's Dagger

    The Wheel of Fortune

    The Wheel of Fortune This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Minty, spicy, herbal. On me: This is like a Wintergreen hard mint - the kind that when you bite down on, create sparks at night. There’s also something softening it somewhat - I’m guessing white musk, but I’m not sure. In 10 minutes: About the same, but softer. Overall: Too minty. I’m glad I got to try it!
  2. Witch's Dagger

    The Tower

    The Tower This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: The strong zings of mint and cinnamon followed by an uplifting lavender and eucalyptus. (That’s how I’d make it, if I could) In the vial: Is that vetivert or dragon’s blood? On me: I’m pretty sure this is mostly dragon’s blood (though I have been known to confuse vetiver and dragon’s blood). In fact, that’s all I can smell. Perhaps it’s even a combination of vetiver and dragon’s blood, since it doesn’t smell like the oil of dragon’s blood that I have (not Beth’s). Still it’s got the spice and the metallic edge, and the thick viscosity that I associate with dragon’s blood. Not what I was expecting, but I like it. In 5 minutes: Wow! There’s some cinnamon and mint! I guess my skin chemistry doesn’t want those to come out until later. I was wondering if there was cinnamon, since I’m sensing a little burning (physical), which I don’t normally get from dragon’s blood or vetivert. That scent still forms the backbone of the scent. I guess she wanted to build the tower before destroying it . In 15 minutes: Still mostly dragon’s blood and/or vetivert with a hint of mint and cinnamon, though these have faded into the background somewhat. Overall: This is nice, but I probably won’t get it as I have the single note of vetivert and an oil of dragon’s blood, and that’s mainly what I smell in this. If I didn’t have one or the other of those, I’d definitely get this.
  3. Witch's Dagger

    The Sun

    The Sun This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: Strangely, I think it should smell like second stage (pina colada) of The Star... In the vial: Nope . Mostly grass and cinnamon. On me: Yep, grass, cinnamon, and some kind of sweet aquatic (lotus?), and some kind of citrus - a sharp orange, on the edge of being lemon. This is definitely sunny. In 50 minutes: Completely gone. Overall: It fades too quickly .
  4. Witch's Dagger

    The Star

    The Star This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: A crystaline clarity hovering over a pool of aquatics and gentle florals. In the vial: Wow. Yep “A crystaline clarity hovering over a pool of aquatics and gentle florals.” How did she do that? On me: I get some very fresh, clean, clear scent, with something aquatic and deep, and there’s definitely some kind of citrus and coconut - it almost reminds me of pina colada, but it’s not quite so foody. I think there’s mint in here as well. It’s somehow both cold and summery. This is perfect, just perfect, for my understanding of The Star Tarot card. In 13 minutes: It’s becoming less fresh and minty and more like a pina colada. Overall: I really like the initial scent, and I even like the pina colada stage. I don’t think the latter fits very well with my image of the card, but I may end up getting this anyway. At any rate, it’s very nice and sunny.
  5. Witch's Dagger

    The Hanged Man

    The Hanged Man This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Sweet. Very, very sweet. I’m thinking honey and some slight flowers and spice. On me: Yes, honey and spice, with a hint of florals. This is very lovely. It’s dark, and romantic at the same time, at least to my nose. I could simply smell my wrist over and over... In 15 minutes: It is still somewhat sweet, but now, the primary notes are herbal and slightly spicy. It’s a very fresh, green scent. Like the Lovers, I wish I could try it out for longer, but I do like both parts a great deal. Overall: I could see myself getting a bottle of this. It’s very elegant. I think it may be a little too nice-smelling for the Hanged Man, but that’s just my impression.
  6. Witch's Dagger

    The Devil

    The Devil This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: I think I’ll really like this, as I hope it’s going to be dark and tormented smelling. In the vial: Yep, we’ve got some herbs (eucalyptus), some musk or civet (something rather animalistic), and something else that I would indeed qualify as “dark and tormented”. On me: Whoa, animal! The civet (I think it’s civet) is very powerful in this blend, so if you don’t like it, you might not like this . I do. I keep expecting there to be something sweet, something gluttonous or seductive, but there’s nothing there. This doesn’t work (so far) for the Devil card, with that missing, since the point is that you are so seduced, entranced, addicted to material possessions, to power, to a goal, to other things that take up time (TV, online interests, video/computer games, sex, etc.) that you lose touch with reality and are unwilling to give them up and actually make your life better. This scent has all the negative aspects, plus the spiritual uplift with the eucalyptus, with none of the entrancing, sweet, and alluring qualities I associate with the card. In 10 minutes: I’ve reconsidered. I think perhaps this does work well with the card, in the sense that choosing to use this scent could be a choice to delve into one’s hedonism and animal nature. From that perspective, it is a very provocative scent. The scent hasn’t changed in the 10 minutes, and not wanting to delve into hedonism at the moment (I’m doing work for my part time job), I’m going to move on to the next Tarot oil. Overall: I like this a lot, and I can definitely see myself using it when I want to delve into hedonism.
  7. Witch's Dagger


    Temperance This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: This is a very pungent, dark green herbal. I get rosemary, for sure, along with mistletoe, and others. On me: The mistletoe comes out very prominently, but I still get the rosemary wafting in the background. Mistletoe, for those who haven’t experienced it, is definitely herbal smelling, but also very similar to pine. It’s like a piny herb. The rosemary lifts it up and keeps it from smelling overly Christmasy. It smells more like a dark, hidden grove in the middle of a dense forest. In 15 minutes: Still a lot of mistletoe, with rosemary. Overall: I really like this. I’m not sure I associate the scent with the card, but it is a lovely scent. If/when I run out of the LE Mistletoe, I’ll probably get a bottle of this.
  8. Witch's Dagger


    Justice This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: I want to say eucalyptus. It’s reminiscent of mint without actually being mint - very fresh and blue/green On me: Wow - I know what this is, but I can’t place the name. It’s cool, watery, and yet soft and warm. It smells like sweet rain. Yes, that’s it - sweet rain, with a slight hint of grass. Where the Emperor was a sunny day with a storm approaching, this is a summer day under the rain. Very nice and calming. In 10 minutes: About the same, nice, sweet, somewhat floral rainwater. Overall: I really like this, and may get a bottle, but it’s near the bottom of the list, since I’m rarely in the mood for something so light.
  9. Witch's Dagger


    Judgment This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: A sweet, fruity floral. On me: Sweet, fruity, floral, with a heavy dose of myrrh. Actually, I think the myrrh is the sweet part. It’s very light, though, like a hint of the scent carried by the breeze. In 10 minutes: Still about the same. Overall: I really like it. I think it does fit the card of Judgment, but this is more a matter of intuition on my part. I really like the smoky, spicy, sweet myrrh which seems to be the dominant note, at least on my skin. I could see myself picking up a bottle of this.
  10. Witch's Dagger

    The Magician

    The Magician This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Lavender and spice. This is definitely a strong, herbal scent. On me: Yes, lavender, herbs, and spice - I think clove, mostly, with perhaps some cinnamon or nutmeg. This is a wonderful combination, and fits very well with the archetype of the Magician. It has the calm and control of lavender, with the will and fire of spice. In 10 minutes: Still about the same, but something watery is coming in, lotus, I think. Overall: Excellent blend for The Magician. I also like it for its uniqueness and mysteriousness. This is on the “to buy” list.
  11. Witch's Dagger

    The Lovers

    The Lovers This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Green! This is a very herbal scent, with a touch of mint or eucalyptus. On me: Same as in the vial, but less mint and more herbs. There’s also a hint of something spicy, but I’m inclined to believe that lavender is one of the “herbs” and is lending its spiciness - this isn’t like cinnamon or pepper or Eastern spices. It’s a very cool, herbal scent. Nicer than I’d expect something with mint to be. In 10 minutes: It’s quieted down quite a bit - and it has gained in wateriness. It’s now a calm, cool, light floral, with a slight hint of the initial scent. I’d like to see how it develops, but I’m on to the next Tarot oil! Overall: Very intriguing. I’d like to give this one more of a try, but overall, it’s generally a little light for me, and I don’t see myself wearing it often.
  12. Witch's Dagger

    The High Priestess

    The High Priestess This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Oh, this is lovely - almonds, I think, and spice, perhaps cardamom and anise? On me: Yes, a heady, spicy, and buttery almond with a definite whiff of cardamom and/or anise. It seems like a combination of Hecate and Mystery, two of my favorites. It’s strangely not as blue as I was expecting it to smell, though I do think there might be some violet or jasmine in this. In 20 minutes: There’s definitely something new here, I’m guessing lotus, something that sweetens the entire blend so that I’m getting a little black licorice. Still, it’s a warm and spicy anise rather than a cool and sweet one, and despite this sweetness, it never flows over into actual black licorice - there’s a hint, but it stays hidden. It is very much a mysterious scent - I sense old parchment with burned edges, black incense smoke rising over it. This is very appropriate for a dark priestess, cool, mysterious, hidden mysteries. Overall: I love this and will probably get a bottle at some point.
  13. Witch's Dagger

    The Hierophant

    The Hierophant This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: Frankincense and myrrh... In the vial: Cinnamon, and yes, I think there’s incense (unfortunately, despite my “preconceived notions”, I really don’t know what frankincense or myrrh smell like on their own) On me: Lots and lots of cinnamon, and of the Red Hot variety, not the dry spice. In 20 minutes: Still very cinnamon, with a syrupy cherry note. Overall: This is not me, nor does it seem very much like the Hierophant. I’m glad I got to try it.
  14. Witch's Dagger

    The Hermit

    The Hermit This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Watery, deep, blue, sweet, and floral, with a hint of citrus. On me: Tangy citrus. A very luscious orange, with juices flowing all over. In 10 minutes: Completely gone. Overall: It fades too fast.
  15. Witch's Dagger

    The Fool

    The Fool This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: I smell mostly mint, but as it’s not just mint, there’s obviously something else here - perhaps white musk? Whatever it is softens it and deepens it a little. On me: Mint, spice, and perhaps some lotus? This reminds me vaguely of the Ace of Cups, so I think there may be some lotus. But the strongest scent is mint - it reminds me of the little mint chewy-things they have at weddings, or peppermint patties. In 15 minutes: It hasn’t changed much. It’s still a sweet, yet somewhat spicy, mint. Overall: It’s a nice scent, but not really me. I’m glad I got to try it.
  16. Witch's Dagger

    The Empress

    The Empress This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: Earthy, yet watery, full of vitality, cleansing, and nurturing, perhaps with rose for love and passion. In the vial: Rose. On me: Rose, and something very sweet and watery. It reminds me a lot of Silentium Amoris. In 20 minutes: Still quite rosy. I’m not sure if this means it’s actually mostly rose, or if it just goes rose on me because of my skin chemistry (unlike some people, this doesn’t happen with *every* rose blend, but it has happened with a couple). Overall: This is a very nice rose blend. I probably won’t get a bottle, since I already have a lot of nice rose blends, and I’d never use up 10 ml. of it. I could see myself taking a decant as a swap, though.
  17. Witch's Dagger

    The Emperor

    The Emperor This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: Earthy, but cold, perhaps some vetivert? The logical mind imposing order on chaos. OR: if we’re going with the Crowley version: very fiery, yet controlled. In the vial: Water, very nice, sweet, fresh water. I want to drink this to replenish myself. Are you sure this isn’t the Empress or the Moon? On me: Still water, but greener, and more herbal. A meadow, a field, a lawn of grass. It’s turning less watery and more earthy, but it’s still a very fresh earth, and more what I’d call Mother Nature than the Emperor. Especially since there is that hint of water, it seems like an impending thunderstorm. This is a lush, humid, yet very green late spring/early summer day. I love it. In 30 minutes: This hasn’t changed. It’s still a fresh, lush, green day on which it is about to rain. Overall: This isn’t the Emperor, to me, but as a perfume oil, I love it. I may well get a bottle of this.
  18. Witch's Dagger


    Strength This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. Preconceived notions: I’d like to see some flowers and some dragon’s blood in this one... In the vial: Herbs, herbs, and more herbs. This is almost grassy in it’s green-herb ness. On me: Yep, still extremely herbal. In 15 minutes: It’s much sweeter, but still herbal, yet growing faint Overall: It fades too quickly . Otherwise, it’s a very nice scent.
  19. Witch's Dagger

    Ace of Wands

    Ace of Wands This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Cinnamon and dragon’s blood. Fiery, but not sharp, this is more of a warm scent than a hot one. On me: The spice comes out a little stronger, but the dragon’s blood keeps it strong and stiff. This is a wand for sure - flaming tip, but essentially a staff of wood. It will not bend, but stands firm. Now, I’m getting a few other spices, some of which remind me of Indian cooking - it adds a bit of passion and desire to the scent. In 10 minutes: Again, the spices have receded, giving the forefront to the dragons blood. Overall: I like this. I think it works well for the Ace of Wands, with its firm strength (dragons blood), its passion, and its fiery spices.
  20. Witch's Dagger

    Ace of Swords

    Ace of Swords This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Lavender! And perhaps some rosemary. On me: More lavender, with something deeper underneath - perhaps rosemary, perhaps something else. I’m also getting something minty, though it may not be actual mint, but eucalyptus. It’s a tricky one. In 15 minutes: It smells like air. Seriously - a warm breeze floating from a nearby meadow. I’m amazed. Overall: I’ll get this if/when I want a scent for Air. This is absolutely perfect for that. As a perfume, it’s a little light for my tastes.
  21. Witch's Dagger

    Ace of Pentacles

    Ace of Pentacles This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: Definitely Ace of Pentacles: there’s an earthiness, dry and woody, but mingled with the greenness of growing things, and blooming flowers hovering there just slightly. This is lovely. On me: I cannot explain this scent, but I must have it. It’s life. Vital life energy, green and growing, yet somehow soft and forgiving, at the same time. I wish I could describe it better for you, but I can’t. I can’t even pick out any notes. It’s just green. Green life. Ordering likelyhood: Very.
  22. Witch's Dagger

    Ace of Cups

    Ace of Cups This was a part of the Tarot swap - since I need to review all of them in a very short time, this will be a brief review. In the vial: First, this was an extra tall imp, and it didn’t have a little wand. I was afraid of spilling it. It definitely smells watery. I’d guess for notes - lotus and violet. It doesn’t seem particularly floral to me, though. It smells like very sweet water. On me: Much sharper, I’m thinking there might also be some ylang ylang here. It’s no longer a sweet water, but a sweet, white floral. It calms down quickly, though, back to the scent in the vial. I like that, and if I wanted a “Water” scent, so far, this would be it. Ordering likelihood: As I’m currently doing a lot of water work, this may very well end up in an order. However, it’s not something I would normally wear often, unlike the Ace of Pentacles, which I had to stop myself from wearing on a few occasions.
  23. Witch's Dagger


    Xiuhtecuhtli Preconceived notions: This sounded like a lovely combination of sensual and elegant. In the vial: a soft, sensual, flowery fruit. I can’t really make out any specific notes here, but I do get a gentle, soft, and somewhat exotic feel to this. On me: There’s a lot of orange here. And yet, I don’t feel like I’m orange juice, so there must be something keeping it in check. It is soft, and this usually means some kind of musk (not red), at least when I can’t tell what it is. There’s definitely a “basking in the sun on a beach” feel to it. In 20 minutes: It has definitely softened to something much smoother and sensual, yet still retaining the fruitiness of the original. I find it, at least at this point and earlier, to be too fruity to classify as “elegant”. Hopefully this will change, but if not, it is still very nice. In 40 minutes: It is beginning to fade. No real change in the scent. Overall: This does not qualify as an elegant scent. However, it is sensual - just more of a lounging, relaxed, sensual scent. Like some other Black Phoenix oils, this is a skin scent - it makes you feel like this is the way your skin naturally smells, not like you are wearing perfume. Perfect for a summer day when you want to relax outside with a good book or let your feet hang in the water. That said, I probably will not get a 5 ml. of this one. It’s a little too light and fruity for my tastes.
  24. Witch's Dagger


    Masquerade This was a freebie from the lab. Thanks! Preconceived notions: I was really intrigued by this one - by the idea of it being both light and dark, of the idea of feathers and masks set off by the glow of candlelight. In the vial: A little orange, a little pungent herb, and some kind of softness (the feathers - dark musk?) On me: I am getting orange with patchouli now, and something sweet and soft, which I think is musk. Again, there’s something pungent herbal in here, but that might be part of the patchouli. I definitely get the candles and feathers. Something about this scent reminds me of the scent of burning wax. And, a plus - it’s not too orangy, as I feared after just trying Xiuhtecuhtli. In 20 minutes: About the same. Very mysterious. Bright and heavy. Velvet and burning wax. This is definitely a night or evening scent, best enjoyed with candlelight. In 45 minutes: Still about the same, still about the same strength. Nice. Overall: This is a keeper. I love the burning wax, candle-smell, and it’s pretty amazing to find it in a perfume oil.
  25. Witch's Dagger

    Mata Hari

    Mata Hari I got this in a swap with amrita. Thanks! Preconceived notions: I loved the coffee idea, but wasn’t sure about all the flowers. In the vial: a very strong floral scent. I’m not getting any coffee, though there is some sort of buttery scent in there. On me: A floral, citrusy combination. I don’t think there’s any fruit - I think that there’s a flower that has sort of a citrus aspect to it. And yes, there’s that buttery element. Maybe that’s the coffee. I do like this. It is indeed reminiscent of a spy dancer for some reason (or maybe I’m overly influenced by the name and description). In 10 minutes: There’s definitely something dark and soft in the background that is beginning to come out a little more. I think the coffee is part of that. It definitely is unique and exotic at this point. In 30 minutes: It’s fading already. I can barely smell it even on my wrists. Overall: This is nice and sweet, and I’ll probably keep it. It’s not going on the “must have bottle” list though, since it simply doesn’t last long enough.