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Everything posted by wolfie13

  1. wolfie13

    Frost Moon

    I too am now convinced that lotus is the devil. I don't know if it's listed for this scent, but I've decided it is the note that is the absolute worst on me, bar none. Frost Moon was delightfully minty and aquatic in the bottle and upon initial application. But the drydown was way too floral on me - a heady, sweetish floral, which I'm pretty sure is the lotus. The strong mint balanced this somewhat (I think Wolf Moon has the same or a similar note that without a strong balancer was outright horrible on me), but not enough. Since this had become another one of my obsessions - where I convince myself that the LE I missed out on would have been THE ONE - I'm so glad that I was finallly able to swap for a decant in order to try it. I may not have my dream mint scent, but at least I can sleep at night now.
  2. wolfie13

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    In the vial: mostly violets Wearing: Violets and vanilla, not much gardenia (but my skin tends to amp up violet). I'm not much of a vanilla floral fan, and after how poorly Regan and I got on, I was even more skeptical, but something about this blend has intrigued me since I made my first order and I finally swapped for it just recently. It's a lot less sweet than I would have expected, and something that I can't put a finger on is giving it a slightly darker, deeper edge than I normally get with this type of fragrance. I'm really liking it and will definitely use up the imp.
  3. wolfie13

    Mad Hatter

    This was very changeable on me. In the vial: I smell mostly lavender. Wearing wet: The scent totally flip-flops and becomes all pennyroyal (mint) and musk on me - lavender nearly disappears. Smells very strong and masculine. For 15 or 20 minutes it turns into a horrible scent reminiscent of insect repellent. Drydown: Much better - it mellows out a lot, becoming a soft powder-y mint (musks can go powdery on me so that bit could just be me). Not super-excited about it, but it might be nice to have around in the summer, but I feel that I'm still on the hunt for the perfect "lighter" and/or minty scent for myself.
  4. wolfie13


    I got an imp of this in a swap with IvyandPeony (thanks!) and while I am SO glad I got to try it (since I had somehow become obsessed with the idea that maybe this was truly the one LE for me and I had missed out) - it just did not work out. This smelled nearly the same in all phases to me - bottle, wet, drydown - and yes, okay, i can see cherries as others have mentioned, but wait - overall, it was something familiar, something I couldn't quite place at first ............ This smelled exactly like Harvey's Bristol Cream on me. And while I don't mind a nip now and then, I really don't want to smell like sherry. (Maybe more of the leather/smoky aspect will come out more as a room scent? I'll try.)
  5. wolfie13

    Wolf Moon 2004

    Let me start off by saying that my skin is weird, I suck at ordering LE's and I hate most florals. All of which may have told you already that I REALLY didn't like Wolf Moon. It stayed pretty much the same in the bottle and on me, and was as most everyone else described - an aquatic floral with a little hint of perhaps musks and mosses in the background. I get absolutely no pine from this at all (which was bad for me because I like fir/pine/juniper scents a lot.) WAY too floral for me. In fact the boy said "you smell like a teacher" (no offense to any teachers on the board - he meant in that older-lady-from-grade school-in the-70's-that-hovered-too-closely way) and actually suggested (in a nice way) that maybe I wanted to go relax with a nice warm shower. (a bpal first). YIKES. And nobody wanted to love this more than me.
  6. wolfie13

    Blood Kiss

    I just got this today as a giftie in a swap from IvyandPeony - thank you! - and had to review. Learn from my mistakes: I had actually ordered an imp of this when it very first came out months ago - thought the description sounded perfect for me - and swapped it away almost immediately. I've been having second thoughts, so had added it to my wish list. Smelling it now, I think I must have been a lunatic to give it up in the first place! However, I did get it before I instated my new program of trying everything twice and not trying more than two new scents at once - yes, , I've often binged when a new order or swap arrives, smelling bunches of them at time and trying 4 or 5 at once! In the bottle and wearing initially: Smells mostly - and strongly - of vetiver and cherries, with a touch of wine and sweetness in the background. Doesn't smell that great to me at all - cherries and vetiver is a weird-ish combo - and I think this is what threw me off initially, as I had been expecting to love this from the get-go. Wearing: After about 15-20 mintues, the honey, vanilla and clove come more to the fore and the cherries and vetiver fall back a bit (don't really smell the wine anymore). It all starts to blend seamlessly, the vetiver and clove grounding the sweeter notes and giving it depth and keeping everything from going sickly-sweet on me, as often happens with honey and vanilla (and cherries, for that matter). I see the drydown as being a combination of Blood or Bloodlust and O. (I actually hate O on me - so disappointing - so this ends up being a wearable O type of fragrance for someone like me that finds that blend to be too cloying.) This may be a big bottle for me - and I don't buy many.
  7. I second Pekeana on the Wolf's Moon! Also notice lots of throw with Dragon's Heart, Dragon's Milk and Bloodlust (though looking at this list, maybe it's just my skin chemistry + dragon's blood) Oh, and Darkness, too.
  8. wolfie13


    Ugh _ I was so excited to know that I had this one arriving any day when I read the first reviews. But no - it really didn't work on me. In the vial it smells great - a nice tea with lemon and a hint of danger underneath (must be the musk) But wearing: it goes WAY too sweet on me - really sugary or honeyed tea and that's really it. I contemplated putting it in the boy's pile, thinking that maybe on him it would stay truer to the bottle smell, but I decided I couldn't risk the chance that it didn't and I'd have to smell him. (This one really gave me a close-to-queasy feeling upon extended exposure. And it had real staying power).
  9. wolfie13


    I just got this as a surprise extra in a swap (thanks IndigoWhatever!), and I must say right off the bat that I'm really happy to find a leather scent that I can wear. My scent description is pretty similar to what others have said. In the bottle: lemony (but not sweet) with a lurking edge to it Wearing: The Earl Grey really comes out. It's the part of the scent that has the most waft around me. When you get closer, about 6 inches-ish away, it is a perfect blend of the tea, lemon and leather smells, one nearly indigistinguishable from the rest. Really sniffing my skin, it's all leather and lemon. (It's interesting - many of the others that I wear are pretty much the same no matter how close you are.) My skin definitely amps up leather, which is why I may get more of that than other folks. And also why this is more wearable for me than DeSade and some others which become ONLY leather. Though I do like it on myself, I think i would LOVE this on a guy. I'll get back to you on that.
  10. wolfie13

    White Rabbit

    In the vial, I get mostly ginger, tea and the clean linen scent. It stays this way for a bit while wet, though after a few minutes, the linen scent fades to the background and I suddenly get milk and honey added to the tea and ginger. Though it's a bit on the sweet side, I don't find it to be overly so. (It's funny - I have seen others mention that it's not sweet enough, but my skin tends to amp up honey way too much in most blends that have it, so this works out great for me) It ends up being what I had hoped Suddha Segura would be like on me - ginger, milk and honey - with the tea lending a different sort of element. I've been looking for something lighter and in a different vein than the heavier, earthier, incense-y, scents I tend to favor - just to break things up once in awhile - and this may be the one. Definitely keeping the imp and may get a bottle.
  11. wolfie13


    I agree with isyche's analysis of the scent - this scent is a lot more green and florally on me than I would have expected - reminiscent of zombi, maybe, or wolfsbane? I don't get any "sanguinous wine" or "dusty" feel from this at all. It's nice, but not what I expected and doesn't jibe with my chemistry so much. But for anyone who had a similarly disappointing experience, but still wants a "vampiric" scent - try Dracul! (totally different type of scent, but still vampire-evocative, really like it)
  12. wolfie13


    In the imp, this smells extremely strong, and not necessarily in a good way - it pretty much smells exactly like Pine-Sol to me. A little scary and off-putting. But wearing - I LOVE this scent. It smells like pine for sure, but not in a cold forest way. There is some other scent or scents blended into the background (nothing that I can put a finger on) that just warms and sweetens the sharpness of the pine the tiniest bit. It reminds me of the way a Christmas tree smells when you first bring it into a warm room.
  13. wolfie13

    All Night Long

    Sniffing in the vial and upon initial wearing i get sort of an odd scent - yes cinnamon, but also a burnt, roasted nut smell that I'm really not so crazy about. Wearing, the bad nut smell nearly disappears after about 20 minutes, leaving a scent that is mostly cinnamon-y and a little wood (but not like a green leafy forest or trees, more like the smell of something made out of wood) and becomes a lot lighter and fades a lot faster than I would have thought. Also, I liked this a lot more the second time I wore it than the first. As far as it's voodoo properties, I've had mixed results, but I like wearing this just because i like the scent itself. WARNING: The first time I wore this was at the end of the day and I put it on my wrists and had no reaction at all. The second time, I put it on my wrists and neck just after stepping out of the shower and had red stripes and burning where I applied it (which I haven't had happen to me with any Bpal oil so far - and I've tried a lot of the cinnamon scents - this one may just have a LOT in it). And maybe my skin is more sensitive, or dried out, etc at that moment, but I imagine that anyone that has had this problem before would definitely have it with this oil. I just left it on, and after about 15 minutes or so the stripes and burning went away.
  14. wolfie13


    I have the same impression as others upon initial sniff: A green, woodsy, herbally smell - nice. The sort of scent I often really like. However, upon wearing, it goes REALLY floral on me. Yuck. Into the swaps pile it goes.
  15. wolfie13

    La Petite Mort

    On the one hand - I have to agree with many other folks - this is like a lighter more baby-powdery version of O. On the other hand - I have to disagree with the association that others have made with Snake Oil - it smells NOTHING at all like it to me. While O is totally unwearable for me - way too sickly sweet - and Le Petit Mort is wearable, it's still just not really my kind of thing.
  16. wolfie13


    In the bottle - smells heavily of lime, with vanilla and pine vying for attention. Upon wearing, the initial impression is the same, but the lime fades a bit, and the clove, patchouli and vetiver start to give it a more earthy, smoky edge, with the vanilla and almond adding some sweetness - but not sickly sweet. (Also, I don't get a ton of almond as some folks have - it's there but not one of the stronger note of the blend for me.) Overall it smells......weird. I don't think I've ever smelled anything like it. It's sort of an odd blend of notes, odd meaning ones that you don't normally smell or expect to smell together. And this scent does seem to change a lot over the hours - a lot more than most others I've tried - so it's hard to pin down (hah!). I like it best many (like 4- 6) hours after applying when it's a bit more earthy, smoky, spicy and not so key lime pie. It's funny - I might actually outright LOVE this one if it had less lime. But even with that, I can't seem to persuade myself to swap it or even stop wearing it - and I don't even know if I like it!! I think I almost like it for that reason - that it's so complex and unique that I really can't make up my mind about it. Edited to Add 3/16 : I am now totally in love with this. I think my imp has mellowed a bit since I got it and the lime blast fades and blends in with the rest much more quickly - i'm totally fine with it after about 15-20 minutes. This is one of my top 5 lately.
  17. wolfie13


    You know what - I think I'm going through a BPAL dry spell. Everything I've gotten lately has really not been working out for me. I think I have a problem with cinnamon. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE cinnamon, especially the "real" cinnamon note of bpal, but my skin just seems to eat it right up. I've tried many blends that contain cinnamon and only a few of them register even a hint. (Any suggestions for the strongest ones you've tried, feel free to forward them to me!) I get no cinnamon at all from this - and barely any "wood" either. This comes off as more of a light to medium-weight green floral on me. More spring/summer than the fall/winter I was imagining. It's not bad on me, just not what I was hoping for.
  18. wolfie13

    Snow White

    I couldn't WAIT for this to arrive - I felt sure from the descriptions that it would be one of my favorites too. Alas - and I'm glad to note that at least I'm not alone in this - this was not good on me, not at all. It was that note - whatever it is - that others have mentioned. The plastic-y/playdoh smell. I smelled a touch of it in the bottle and it grew much stronger on me upon wearing. I REALLY wish I knew if there is a certain scent in this that I would know to avoid in the future. Anyone have any ideas? Or maybe it's just a certain combination of things that reacts badly to my chemistry. Big sigh on this one. But it seems to have found a very happy home with Rollergirl. And I guess cases like this just balance out the scents that I don't have much hope for at all but end up really enjoying!
  19. wolfie13


    In the bottle: I smell an overwhelming cherry-almond scent and not much else. Wearing: This Bpal may be the one that changes the most dramatically upon wearing for me. The cherry scent fades away almost immediately. What is left is a very smooth combination of the other notes that are mentioned. However the overall smell on me becomes - peach???? It definitely smells like peaches - mixed with some amber and spices - and comes off on me as potpourri-ish - not in a good way. Sad - everyone seems so crazy about this one! (This is not surprising, as MANY bpal's that people just love range from not so great to horrible on me. Though it doesn't stop me from trying!)
  20. wolfie13


    In the vial: I love it - the scents all blend together very well - the overall feel is sandalwood and musk and masculine. Wearing it: Unfortunately, on me it becomes all violets and vetiver. And I actually do like both of those scent notes, but they are not everyday ones for me, and I prefer The Raven for my "violet" scent. I may try this on the boy to see if stays more like the bottle scent on him.
  21. wolfie13

    Belle Époque

    In the bottle: Smells strongly of sandalwood and lily of the valley Wearing: The mandarin really comes to the fore on me, which is surprising. The sandalwood, lily and opium blend together as a background to the mandarin. I don't really get any vanilla from this at all. Overall, it has a light feel, the floral and citrus giving it a spring/summer/daytime aspect - the other notes giving it more depth and more of a "vintage" feeling than your average department store floral of this type. Nice, but not really me. I think I'd like it better if more of the sandalwood and vanilla made more of an appearance on me.
  22. wolfie13


    First off, I feel the need to mention that I'm not generally a fan of coconut, boozey, or leather scents. Despite that, I actually like Perversion, so as others have said, don't necessarily be put off by the description or what people have mentioned as stand-out top notes. The reason that it works on me is that, for a change of pace, my skin doesn't single out any one note too harshly (as it often does with leather and sweet stuff). It is a complex scent, which i like, and while it does have hints of all of the scents mentioned above, as well as pipe tobacco, it all blends together quite seamlessly on me. (though sniffing it straight out of the bottle I smell much more of the booze and coconut, which both blend and fade nearly immediately upon wearing). It's not quite a "love" scent for me but I will use up the imp and see if it grows on me further.
  23. wolfie13


    This really IS a perfectly balanced vanilla floral. So if that is your thing, I highly recommend this scent. It's a MUCH better one than you could ever find in a mass marketed perfume. Unfortunately, it's not for me. Which is not surprising, given the fact that I don't usually like vanilla florals at all. I do like orchids, however, so I got this from another forumite just for kicks while awaiting my other orders. It's just too much vanilla for me, and comes off too sweet, heady and girly on me. (Just for further info -it is another one that stays pretty true on me from the bottle to the drydown, and does not go powdery, etc)
  24. wolfie13


    Chimera smells amazing in the bottle - I had high hopes! But my body chemistry amps up honey (as I've mentioned in other posts), and all I end up with is the honey sweetness. No cinnamon, etc. It's not as horribly cloying as O is on me, but still not right for me. I actually love the smell of honey and still hope to find the bpal blend that has the right (small) amount for me!
  25. wolfie13


    This scent was pretty much the same in the bottle as well as wearing for me and it was really a fairly straightforward cedar and frankincense type of thing. I didn't get any of the sweetness that others have mentioned - in fact it's more of a "thin, dry" scent on me as somebody else said. And don't get me wrong - I normally really like this kind of scent - but it's VERY similar to Aureus for me - but for a woody, incense-y scent I like Aureus better. Aureus has more depth and a warmer, rounder feel to me. Cathedral comes off as more one-note. It would work best as a room scent for me (if i don't swap or sell) but won't be buying more as I already have a 5ml of Aureus.