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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by wolfie13

  1. wolfie13

    Dana O'Shee

    Yet another scent that seems to be so well-loved that I can't wear. I really wanted this to be all milk and honey and oatmeal like so many others get, but no. On me it is all honey and almond extract. (And I love both of these scent notes - it's just too overpowering here.) It's sickly sweet on me and lacking in depth, just like O. Sigh. ADDED Feb. 11: ALMONDS/marzipan as everyone else has mentioned. I actually really like almond scents, and others work quite well on me, but this one did not. It smells great in the bottle, but upon wearing, all the almond, grainy, milky-honey goodness turns to that play-doh/plastic smell on me. The EXACT same thing happened with Snow White. I REALLY wish I knew what note was causing this. I know it's not the almonds, or the honey, b/c both are fine in other scents. The "milk" aspect? But White Rabbit is fine on me. It's a mystery. (If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to PM me - I need to avoid it in the future. )
  2. wolfie13

    Dia de los Muertos

    This scent is incredibly evocative. It perfectly captures what it sets out to. I contemplated keeping it for this reason alone, and also because it was my very first LE, but decided to send it on it's way to a forumite that had missed out and was desperate to try. It may have worked better as a room scent for me - why oh why do I keep forgetting this option?? - but on me it was all and only - heady floral and smoke. Just not working for me.
  3. wolfie13


    I love Wrath in the vial and it makes me so sad that it doesn't stay that way on me! Black pepper, clove and cinnamon are some of my very favorite notes. If they were dominant, this would probably be my all time favorite blend. However, on me this goes quite "heady floral" - my dragon's blood problem. It's still more wearable on me than Dragon's Heart, but not as much as I need it to be to obtain a spot in permanent rotation. (Bloodlust and Dragon's Milk have fared best for me thus far with the dragon's blood blends - though I have high hopes for Blood - on it's way from a swapper)
  4. wolfie13


    This is one of the dragon's blood scents that I can wear. As I've mentioned in other posts, dragon's blood can turn to a really heady floral on me - way too headache-inducing as I'm not into strong florals at all. But here, the vetiver, pathchouli and musk unite to tame the dragon's blood. I don't get any cinnnamon at all from this - i kind of wish I did. As others have said, it is a very "dark presence" on my skin as well. (which i like, of course). It has a very predatory feel to me - sexy, in a totally non-cutesy and/or fliratious way at all - more in a "I'm going out there to take what's mine" kind of way. It's not an every day one for me, but I still liked it enough to get a 5 ml.
  5. wolfie13

    Dragon's Milk

    I got this as a bonus from the lab with my first imp order. (thanks!) I sniffed it, wore it and couldn't stop sniffing my wrists all day long. But I decided that maybe it wasn't "me". Months later I picked up the imp again - and "me" be damned - have been wearing it nearly every day since and just got a 5 ml from a fellow forumite! It smells pretty much the same in the vial, on me, and later in the day. It gets a little less "sweet" as the hours wear on, but the same basic scent is there. As I've mentioned in other posts, my body totally amps up dragon's blood, as well as honey - which has led me to dislike other scents with both of these elements. Here, however, since both are so strong, neither side "wins" and it all blends together perfectly in a way that reminds me of the scent of my milk and honey conditioner combined with the slightly cherry-incensey dragon's blood scent. On me (and the boy, when it's sort of unintentionally "transferred" to him, if you know what I mean) it has that sexy (or sex) quality that I was hoping for that others seem to get from O and the like.
  6. wolfie13

    Dragon's Heart

    Dragon's Heart and I have had a parting of the ways. This was one of my very first imps and I loved it upon first sniff. It was also my first big bottle order. In the vial - it still smells wonderful to me - and perhaps I should have tried it as a room scent? But on me, dragon's blood can turn to a really heady floral (instead of the lovely spicey, sweetish, resiny smell that I know and love) if not tempered by something that my body amplifies in an equally strong fashion. And here the fig and currant are just not enough. The floral smell is completely headache-inducing. The 5 ml went to another forumite where I hope it is well-loved. And I'd like to mention for others that have trouble with Dragon's Blood for one reason or another - it's still worth trying other DB blends - I happen to love Bloodlust and Dragon's Milk, though Dragon's Heart and Dragon's Bone did not work for me.
  7. wolfie13


    I had high hopes for this one, as I love the idea of leather in a scent, but De Sade was too much for me and I thought that since Loviatar is more of a blend it would work better. Alas, it seems as though my body chemistry really likes leather - heh heh - because even in this one, it smells mostly of leather to me both in the vial and on. The leather does soften and fade a bit and the amber, musk and myrhh (all of which I love) become more prominent after about an hour or two, but not quickly enough or prominently enough for me to really like it. It's not unbearable, just not what i was hoping for. I sent it as a freebie with some other imps to a fellow bpaler so hopefully it will find a good home.
  8. wolfie13

    De Sade

    I agree - this smells completely and solely (no pun intended) - of leather to me. Not old, smokey, sweaty leather, but fresh out of the box leather. I don't get any other scents from it, either in the vial or wearing it. It came across as way too singular and masculine for me, but a (male) co-worker came over as I was sniffing my latest 4 or 5 imps laying on my desk and this was way his favorite. So I think this may just be one for the boys.
  9. wolfie13

    Come to Me

    I have to agree with the above. This is a sharp green, herbal, soapy smell to me. It does read as very fresh, light and clean (like maybe you just got out of the shower after shampoo-ing your hair with Clairol Herbalessence) I'm not generally a fan of those types of scents, so it didn't inspire me in any way. And it terms of it's other properties, I got in a "discussion" with my bf the first time I was wearing it! And we disagree pretty rarely. I also didn't get any compliments or additional notice from guys like i do when wearing other BPALs. Maybe the guys I know are not responsive to being "commanded". (bpal description being "sexual and commanding in the extreme). Which is actually pretty true, now that I think about it. Or maybe my own lack of interest in the scent was clouding it's abilities.
  10. wolfie13

    Sudha Segara

    I was so excited by the description of this - it sounded, well, perfect. But I have to agree almost exactly with Nephys' review way back on page 1. "This does not smell at ALL like I was expecting; I thought it would be softer and milkier and sweeter. Instead on me it's a sharp spicey ginger with an edge of something green" My sentiments exactly. And I really like ginger too - it's just that this isn't the scent I was looking for. And it fades away to almost nothing on me extremely quickly. I gave it to my sister and it seems to work much better for her. (ETA: I just got another imp of this - many months later because I wanted to try it again. It could be the warmer weather, or a different batch of Sudha, but I definitely get more of the milky component. Overall - soft, milky, a touch of fresh ginger. It layers really with Matilda Maze Menagerie products in Ginger Milk.)
  11. wolfie13


    I am not a huge fan of rose scents - though I love the flowers themselves - or florals generally, but something about it being "Based on a Romany incense blend reputed to induce sexual dreams" and the very idea of mixing cinnamon with roses was intriguing to me. This one smells just as it says to me, roses and cinnamon, with the emphasis on the rose side. But actual real roses - not that potpourri, air freshener or old-lady tea rose smell. And real cinnamon - not sweet or candy-like. (edited to note that, as others have said, it does tend to fade quickly on me as well - needs re-application after only 3 hours or so) It's a lighter, simpler and slightly more feminine scent than other bpals i tend to favor - yet it maintains an air of uniqueness that is common to my favorites. This ended up being a big bottle for me for when I want to change things up.
  12. wolfie13


    Yes - I am one of the renegade O haters. This was in my very first BPAL order and I couldn't have been more excited - amber, honey and vanilla - I mean, what's not to like? Not to mention the name itself. (yes, I sometimes order strictly on name/myth/story associations) For me, this was pretty much the same in the vial, as well as wearing it - sickly sweet. My body must really amp up the honey in this one, b/c I like amber in other scents (for instance, my beloved discontinued Bruja) and vanilla in other scents (snake oil - which i would not have thought i would like, based on disliking O, and it turned out to be the first big bottle i ordered).
  13. wolfie13


    I was sure that I would like Old Morrocco, based on the descriptions and reviews, as well as people's lists of favorite scents that are similar to mine. Well it just goes to show you that there really is no accounting for body chemistry and personal tastes. In the bottle I get more of the exotic spice feeling, but wearing it, it's just sort of "fine." My body may play up the carnation aspect a bit too much for my taste, which tends to go powdery, and it ends up coming across as a more generic sort of department-store scent (think Donna Karan Black Cashmere) than giving me that kick of the unique and exotic that some of my other fave bpals do. Got the imp in a swap and glad to try it, but won't be getting more.
  14. Bloodlust and Wrath smell very similar on me. And Dragon's Heart is close to these two as well.
  15. wolfie13

    Recs for those who can't do sweet perfumes?

    I also have this problem - many of the most universally beloved oils have gone way too sweet or fruity on me. Some that have worked for me - as well as others folks that have posted, it seems - that you may want to try: EARTHY/WOODSY - Aureus Dracul Burial FLORAL-ISH (but not heavy floral which also does not work for me) Harlot Darkness