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Everything posted by soniahgreen

  1. soniahgreen

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    It's hard to narrow down to five, and I might change my mind tomorrow, but these are definitely at the top: Eat Me Snakes in the Pumpkin Patch Meus Amor Aeturnus The Witches Maybe Edith Cushing Right now I'm loving warm scents. In the spring I might have Elf, Les Bijoux, or Loligoth at the top. Any recs would be greatly appreciated
  2. soniahgreen

    Berry Scents - Blackberry, Red Berries

    I looove berry scents, and the Lab's red and black currant notes usually make me blind bottle order! Eat Me and Little Lady Macbeth (Lilith) are heavy on the currant. Abduction of Proserpine on a unicorn is heavy on sandalwood, but the currants and pomegranate make this absolutely beautiful. For strawberries, The Instruction Manual and Battle Fairy in Training are great! Blueberry Picking is nice as well. Zarita the Doll Girl has a nice hint of berries.