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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by dlynngarrett

  1. Lace Phoenix is as perfectly complex and beautiful as the scents in the CP line. I did not pick up incense at all in the wet stage. Even upon dry down, it's not the typical church incense. It's not heavy at all, and I can't wait to wear this after the mail shock has settled. A back up seems to be in my future!

  2. I don't know why I smell cherries, but that is what I get. My second favorite of this series! Maybe it's the red wine.... I'll give it a chance to rest and see what happens. It's lighter than I expected, and I can't detect even a hint of wood. The other components really turn This SO/Dorian blend into something amazing

  3. Right out of the mail, Cotton Phoenix was my favorite of the group! I love SO, and adore the almond milk sweetness here. It's such a cozy, beautiful play on the original SO. I can also smell the cotton blossom from Kwamie Cotton that VioletChaos mentioned above. I blind ordered 2 bottles, but will definitely add another to my next order. Hoard worthy for sure!

  4. My beloved Havana. I missed out on this one completely, and finally located a full bottle a few months ago old school label and all. I had been collecting imps and hoping to find even an empty when I saw it for sale. Threeofcups described it perfectly. Havana is a sweet, warm scent that isn't too heavy for warm weather. The tobacco takes a back seat for me and allows everything else to meld together beautifully!
