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Everything posted by Miladygrey

  1. Miladygrey


    In the bottle: Generic floral, pretty, a little richer and darker than the bouncy-floral of my Terpsichore imp. Wet: Mmmmmm, flowers. Sweet and mature. Mainly getting the stargazer lily (which I love) and jasmine. Dry: Still lily-and-jasmine, with just the faintest hint of vanilla underneath it all. The scent also turns powdery-sweet as it dries, but not to the extent of drowning out the base notes. I may not order a bottle of this, but I'll enjoy my imp.
  2. Miladygrey

    Dragon's Milk

    In the bottle, fruity-sweet. Not something I would usually wear, but I'm feeling adventurous. Wet: Bubblegum. I smell like strawberry bubblegum. Overwhelmingly so. My inner dragon is indignant that anyone would think dragons smell like this. As it dries, the scent deepens down, and now (2 hours later) I'm getting some vanilla mixed with the fruitiness. Maybe if I applied it in miniscule amounts, it wouldn't be so overwhelming and I could wait for the vanilla to come out. I don't dislike it, but I won't be ordering it again. Maybe I can swap it for some Dorian or Casanova...
  3. Miladygrey


    In the bottle, and wet: All almond and cherry (where'd that come from?), all the time. Both scents I love, but very strong. However, this only lasts a few minutes, then floral notes come out and leaven the cherry-almond down into pleasant sweetness. Now, several hours later, there's only the barest hint of foody scent, swallowed up by incense and floral. I never got any cinnamon out of it at all. Overall: Very nice. It becomes more and more mellow, almost soapy at times, and is never quite overpowering. A happy scent, definitely a keeper!
  4. Miladygrey


    A sultry and unruly blend that emulates the ambient scent of the markets in ancient Bengal: skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger. In the bottle: honey and spice, rich and sweet. The prevalent scent when I opened the package of imps. Wet: Honey. Thick warm gooey honey, with a dash of cinnamon. I smell like a square of baklava. This is in no way a bad thing, I only wish my fiancé were here to enjoy it. Dry: The spices came out over the course of the day, although the honey note stayed strongest. Ginger and (surprise) pepper became much more apparent, but thankfully never overpowering. In short: I'm so glad I got this as my frimp, I'd never have tried it otherwise. Now 'tis going on my 'keep around' list. Love as thou wilt, and be wise.
  5. Miladygrey


    In the bottle: Sweet and musky, with an edge of amber (for some reason). Good, I like amber. Wet: Not bad. Still with the amber. Definitely a male scent. I'm guessing that's the musk combining with this mysterious vetiver stuff. Dry: Um, I want to do naughty things with my wrist now. It changed really quickly to leather and smoke tinged with sweetness. Guh. Completely dominant male, Christopher Eccleston in black smirking at me. I described this as "S&M in a bottle" to my fiancé, and got his complete and undivided attention. In short: YES PLEASE I WILL TAKE TEN! Love as thou wilt, and be wise
  6. Miladygrey

    Blood Kiss

    First reaction upon smelling: Sweet sweet *gasp* too sweet! Initially on skin: Still overpoweringly sweet. I'm not getting any vanilla, honey, or cherry (and I got honey galore from Bengal), just a very strong musky-sweetness that's not bad, just a bit much. Four hours later: It's finally toned down enough so that I can smell a bit of honey, along with cloves. Overall: I can imagine Drusilla from BtVS wearing this (which is fitting), but not me. I think I'll be trading this one out.