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Posts posted by exumbra

  1. Once it's dry on me, Voodoo is a really beautiful clove. The other notes all take a back seat to clove for me.


    Oh yes. I tried Voodoo a couple weeks ago and was blown away with how the clove came out on my skin. It wasn't quite the scent that I was originally looking for when I came into this thread, but I'm definitely obsessed.




    I'm resurrecting this thread since a lot of these recs are not easily obtainable anymore. Any good clove scents, preferably ones that I could find as imps to try before I got a full bottle?

    And in particular, I'd love to find something similar to Bath & Body Works' old 'Warm Milk and Honey' line. It was heavy on clove and cinnamon with a touch of honey - very warm and spicy and comforting. But I'm open to all suggestions, really!


    going down the lab's list of currently available clove scents, dracul, plunder, sybaris and blood kiss are the only ones I've tried that are gc and in imp form. I liked them ok but i don't reach for them to wear them. I love troll, but prefer it in the gingerbread version that came out a few years ago.


    clove essential oil is something I like a tiny bit of for a few moments, but after a while it starts to feel acrid and intrusive to my nose. sometimes clove in a scent can do that to me too. in other words, my love of clove is limited so take my advice with this in mind!


    however the following scents from bpal have clove but are heavenly and divine and I recommend them heartily, although they aren't quite close to milk and clove and honey. many lean slightly unisex to masculine.


    these aren't gc and some will be OOS soon!


    looming spectre of inutterable horror


    the wild men of jezirat al tennyn

    WOMEN'S SONG OF MOURNING hair gloss from the post (there is also a frankincense clove hg but I've never tried it)


    out of stock but worth trying if you get the chance:

    gacela of the dark death

    gingerbread troll

    imperfect enjoyment


    la ronde du sabbat

    palus putridinus

    the season of forgiveness




    Thank you for all the suggestions! With so many people recommending The Wild Men of Jezirat, I think I'm definitely going to have to try that first. And I love the sound of Gemini too. I'm so excited.


    Pumpkin Spice Everything perfume (2014) was strong on the clove. Strangely, the atmosphere spray & hair gloss were not - I got more of a mix of spices from them. I really like the clove in Clemence & WIld Men of Jezirat, too.


    You might also want to look for things with a carnation note - it's quite similar & might be softer. Here's the thread: http://www.bpal.org/topic/21410-carnations/


    Off the top of my head from the GC, Alice has carnation, milk & honey with a little bit of rose. Morocco is also nice but might not be quite what you're looking for.


    I'd never considered carnation as a substitute but I'll have to look into that thread. I do like Alice quite a bit, but unfortunately it turns very powdery on drydown on my skin, so I guess I'll have to keep looking. I love Morocco too, but like you said, not quite what I was wanting. Thanks for your suggestions though! I'm definitely gonna try The Wild Men now.

  2. Wet, I get a lovely mix of peach and bergamot, and the background has the nice oakmoss note to soften it up. It's bright and sweet and not too floral, so I'm having high hopes.


    Unfortunately, on drydown this becomes pure play-doh on me. And somehow the smell persists even after I tried washing it off. Alas.

  3. Oh my goodness I'm so excited for the Carnaval's return! That's awesome.


    @LiberAmoris, thanks! I'll definitely keep an eye out for decants of The Imperfect Enjoyment.


    @sprout, that sounds intriguing, but the lily makes me a little nervous. I guess it depends on how strong the floral note is. Also, I had no idea what ambergris smelled like so I googled it, and "a waxlike substance that originates as a secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale"

    Some things are probably better left unknown :tongue:


    Also, does anyone have particular favorite clove notes from the GC? I was looking through the clove tag in the lab, and it sounded like Plunder and Wrath both have the cinnamon note I was looking for. Any thoughts?

  4. Thanks for the suggestions, all!

    The Avenue sounds really interesting and gorgeous. I've never tried a chocolate-y scent, so I'd be curious to see how that works on my skin.


    I'll keep my eye out for Clemence. Do all the Carnival acts come back? I've been eyeing the Snake Pit and also the Pickled Imp from upthread, but I'm pretty new here so I don't know exactly how the Carnival works!


    It's so interesting how big a difference skin chemistry makes! I'd be a little nervous to buy a bottle of that since it sounds like people had pretty variable experiences with it and I don't know how I feel about smelling like food, but I'll put it on my list of decants to watch for!

  5. I'm resurrecting this thread since a lot of these recs are not easily obtainable anymore. Any good clove scents, preferably ones that I could find as imps to try before I got a full bottle?

    And in particular, I'd love to find something similar to Bath & Body Works' old 'Warm Milk and Honey' line. It was heavy on clove and cinnamon with a touch of honey - very warm and spicy and comforting. But I'm open to all suggestions, really!
