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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Myotis

  1. I don't know why, but the first time I opened and sniffed this straight from the bottle, my first thought was "ORANGE CREAMSICLE!!!" :P

    So I dabbed a bit on. After a minute, it goes a bit powdery. But not baby powder, a soft powdered ginger. Tiny bit of vanilla in there, but nothing like Love's Philosophy to my nose...thankfully.


    I like this, but I'm not sure it's something I'll wear more than testing it twice, maybe three times. We'll see!

  2. Wow I was finally able to get my paws on a bottle of this and am I ever glad I did!


    It's mostly pine on me (which I LOVE).

    But it's a warm pine, like in the summer and almost a pine sap.

    There is a hint of the grass and maybe it's the birch bark I'm picking up. A wee bit woody, but not much.

    I just adore this scent.

    Although most of my friends would beg to differ, so this will be one I slather on when I'm home for the night so I can sniff myself and not have friends wriggle up their noses at me. (as they sometimes do with other BPALs I wear..*cough* Snake Oil) :P

  3. I LOVE LUCIFER!!!!!!!! :D


    I get mostly the deep woods and patchouli with a bit of the amber calming it from getting too dark.

    It's almost sweet...so maybe that is the fig in there too?

    A sweet dark wood....ya, that's it. :P

    This is gorgeous and almost warming on a cold wintery night!!!

  4. I was so disappointed when I missed the ordering on this one.

    But thanks to alhbooks up there ^^^^ I was able to get me some Ice Prince!!! :P

    Saw her sale post and pounced on the opportunity to get my paws on this!


    I LOVE it. I find it reminds me a lot of one of my fave bpals, Knecht Ruprecht.

    There's plenty of pine in there (LOVE the pine), but something slightly sweet behind there as well as minty, almost medicinal.

    I only need a few drops of this under the running water and my bath is perfectly scented. The oil works wonders in keeping my skin soft afterwards as well.


    It's a killer combo with a Jingle Spells Lush bath bomb too!!!!!!!!!!


    Two thumbs up from me for the Ice Prince!

  5. I have to say, next to Snow Bunny, Mouse's Tale is my absolute 2nd favourite of all time BPAL I've tried.

    This is the one I refer to as my "safe scent" because I can wear it anytime, anywhere and know it still smells great on me as well as it isn't overpowering for work.


    The amber really comes through on me with a hint of sweet pea and perhaps a bit of vanilla behind it.

    Luckily for me, it remains exactly the same on my skin as it smells in the bottle.


    I had originally received this as an imp and that imp was empty in about 2 weeks. :P


    I managed to whiz through at least 3/4 of a bottle in about 10 weeks of this one so I had to order another bottle recently! :D


    I wish they made this one in bodywash, soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion......you get the picture. :D

  6. I definitely get the peach note coming through rather strong when I first put this on.

    However, within minutes, the peach fades and then it's pure pumpkin-nutmeg goodness! I smell like a baked pumpkin pie today! :P

  7. no offense. I've ordered from other small etailers and they use lotsa bubble wrap and they dont charge a handling fee. Since I paid this much for an order, I shouldnt have to pay an extra handling fee. Besides Im sure bpal is earning enough profit to sustain it's business. Not like they need to charge handling fee to cover their costs. oops. *waits to be attacked*


    I did post in the wanted section. Since global priority is the only way to go, I guess I'll just try to do a group order. *sigh*



    You should have been around for the USPS postal hikes. It WAS costing $23 to send overseas.

    So $13 isn't bad at all. I'm in Canada and it's $11 and I'm more than happy to pay that after the Labbies were kind enough to look into shipping costs and lower it to that after the original hike to $18.

    Sure it's not worth it if you're only going to order 1 or 2 bottles, that is why I wait until I know I want 5 or more before placing an order.

    ISO posts will help you get what you're looking for for cheaper shipping if it's only a couple of items, BUT if it gets lost in transit (and it does happen, maybe not often, but it does) that person can't replace what you paid for. Whereas the Lab, does replace lost or broken items in your order. :P

  8. The only thing I've had a reaction to thus far is Saw Scaled Viper.

    The area I put it on (back of my hand) went all red! But it wasn't itchy or sore.

    I just noticed it about a minute after I put it on.

    I don't have that reaction to Snake Oil, so I guess it's either the cassia, red ginger or cinnamon?


    I don't have any reaction to Bengal and that has cinnamon in it doesn't it?


    I really do love Saw Scaled Viper, but the redness has detoured me from using it much.

    It smells better ON me than it does in the vial so I dunno what to do. ;)


    At least it's the only one I've had any reaction at all too though. So I guess I'm lucky there.

    It's quite likely to be the cassia/cinnamon, which often cause that kind of reaction. (They are close relatives and have a similar smell and similar effects.) I react to some things with cinnamon, including Saw Scaled Viper and Bengal, but there are other cassia/cinnamon-containing blends that I don't react to, like Gingerbread Poppet, Priala, and Death of Sardanapal. So it could just be an odd fluke that you haven't reacted to Bengal in the same way - maybe your skin will tolerate that level of cinnamon, but not the amount that's in Saw Scaled Viper.


    Of course, it could also be the red ginger, but if that's the case you're lucky because it isn't in many blends - just War and a few LEs, as far as I know. Have you tried War (from the Good Omens collection)? It's very heavy on the red ginger.


    Nope, haven't tried War. But it's on my wishlist. hehehehhe so maybe I'll find out some day.


    I think Saw Scaled Viper is the new Inferno. (Inferno used to be the guaranteed skin scorcher... :D)


    ClareN's theory about varying levels of cinnamon or cassia in different blends makes a lot of sense to me. :P It could definitely explain why you could wear certain blends with these spicy notes and others could give you redness and burning.


    I have had some success diluting spicy blends - Bengal and Al Sharain both gave me the dreaded cinnamon/cassia welts, so I diluted each by about a third with jojoba oil in roller bottles and it seems to have done the trick.


    I'd advise doing this with a small amount and testing it on yourself a few times before diving in and diluting an entire 5 ml bottle - once you've diluted an oil, it is not kosher to swap or sell it on the secondary market. (Basically, it falls under the same rules about swapping or selling a product made with BPAL - you've literally made a new product, 66% Strength Bengal for example.)


    Another option for wearing spicy blends can be to make yourself a lotion with them - they are usually quite strong scents, so an imp's worth in 8 ounces of unscented lotion can dilute it enough that it doesn't irritate your skin but you can still enjoy the scent. Another thing to experiment with in small scale first, make a teeny amount and test it on a small area of skin before applying it with abandon.


    And there's always the scent locket or the room scent option.


    But if you suspect at all that you are actually experiencing an allergic reaction rather than the kind of sensitivity to "hot" spice notes people have described, cross these ideas off your list and swap that oil away, pronto. What Myotis described sounds like the classic reaction, although I also get a little burning in addition to turning red where I have applied something spicy - but itching, hives, welts that spread beyond the spot where you applied the oil, are all indicators of an allergy.



    I didn't have any reaction to Inferno either. Very strange!

    Although a good friend of mine certainly did...she got all red, sore, bumpy, burning and itchy where she had applied it. Even the backs of her hands were affected if she put it there!

    Thankfully I haven't had that experience thus far. *knocks on wood/head* :D


    Thanks for the diluting advice! I'll have to try that out! :)

  9. FINALLY got my paws on an imp of this scent.

    I was really looking forward to this one.

    Alas, it was not what I was hoping for.

    I get a really strong citrusy sort of green tea scent from it, both in the imp and on me.

    It's very nice, but just not what I was hoping for.

  10. This is the candied sweet scent I was hoping for.

    I smell sweet strawberries, almost a strawberry jam, topped with a hint of vanilla.

    After about 5 minutes, it's a creamy strawberry/cherry vanilla.

    At first I thought this was going to be Bloody Mary's twin, but I was wrong, thankfully.

    I love Bloody Mary, but love Beaver Moon even more!


  11. GORGEOUS scent!

    Smells like wet grass on me...total wet grass!

    On the dry down, I get a wee bit of dried leaves as well as a tiny hint of the smoke but it's mostly grass all the way. :P

    Perfect one for a cool autumn afternoon!

  12. I had been expecting more of a walk through the forest on a cool spring day sort of scent, but that isn't the case.

    Despite it not being what I expected, I'm really enjoying this scent.

    I think I'm getting mostly ivy and or moss coming through. No hint of wood at all.

    It's refreshing on my skin, almost a cooling scent.

  13. The only thing I've had a reaction to thus far is Saw Scaled Viper.

    The area I put it on (back of my hand) went all red! But it wasn't itchy or sore.

    I just noticed it about a minute after I put it on.

    I don't have that reaction to Snake Oil, so I guess it's either the cassia, red ginger or cinnamon?


    I don't have any reaction to Bengal and that has cinnamon in it doesn't it?


    I really do love Saw Scaled Viper, but the redness has detoured me from using it much.

    It smells better ON me than it does in the vial so I dunno what to do. :P


    At least it's the only one I've had any reaction at all too though. So I guess I'm lucky there.

  14. *puts up hand* Another one that got this as a frimp on my order!!


    Ohoh I love this one!

    From the description, I wasn't the least bit interested in it.

    I hate cocoa, chocolate, sickly sweet smells as perfumes on me.


    But I don't get a single hint of the cocoa at all!

    Infact, this reminds me a bit of Shango at first.

    I suck at reviews so this is really hard to describe.

    It's sweet, but not overly. I don't even get any patchouli either and I love patchouli!

    Definitely fruity, but a creamy fruit.


    Must get a bottle before they're all gone!

  15. Ahhh yes, Crypt Queen, how do I love thee.

    Patchouli........ :D


    I LOVE this scent. However I was a itty bitty bit disappointed when the Queen decided to devour all the fruits and florals and burp up a mess made only of patchouli, pepper and blood all over me. ;)

    Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the spicy patchouli/pepper/blood combo, but I was hoping some of the sweetness of the fruits would at least stand a chance.

    I guess they just weren't loyal enough to be her royal subjects on my skin. :)


    I still love the Queen though. :P


    ETA: Nov 3


    Today I tried on Crypt Queen once again. She was calling to me from my Flowertub/Tramp bath.

    This time, she's more fruity, less pepper. Perhaps letting her settle in a bit was all she needed.

    I still get that stingy sharpness of the blood accord in it along side the fruits as well.

    I'm loving her even more than I did when she first arrived!!! :D

  16. :P LOVE this one.


    MacIntosh apples, a bit tart, but sweet as well.

    I get a hint of the opium under the apple, but no sign of the hemlock.

    As it dries down, the apple softens and opium comes through a bit more but the apple is still the dominant note.

    I find myself sniffing my wrist over and over again.


    This was a chance purchase from the lab without previous testing and I'm pleased with this!!!


  17. This is THE apple scent I was looking for!

    I ordered a bottle without previously being able to test it and am I glad I did!


    It's that tart apple taste you get when you've just bitten into a crispy granny smith apple.

    This smells exactly like that both in the bottle and on me.


    I believe I have just found a new one to add to my top 10!


  18. I got an imp of this the other day and I love it.

    I think my skin sucks up any pumpkin notes because so far, any of them I have tried, the second it touches my skin, the pumpkin is nowhere to be seen!


    This goes all peachy/ clove on me. Reminds me a lot of March hare (which I adore).

    The peach is much stronger than the clove, but I can still detect a hint of it.


    Definite :P

  19. I just got a frimp of this from an ebay sale.

    If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn this was Talvikuu!

    I do believe this may be the GC counterpart to it.

    I love it, cold, forest-like....pine! :D

    Now I know what to do when my Talvikuu runs out!!! ORDER KUMARI KANDAM!!!!!! :D


    I love this! :P

  20. As I said over in my Spellbound review, Satyr is Downy's April Fresh fabric softner, pretty much to a "T" both in the imp and on me. I've sniffed them both, back and forth and still, can't tell much difference.

    It's very strong, almost to the point of headache inducing, but not quite so.

    If I'm going to wear this one, I put a tiny dab of it on my shirt the night before I'm going to wear it. Giving it plenty of time to settle down so I can sniff my shirt all day and not get a headache. :P


    I must agree that if I did smell this on a man walking by, I'd surely be rubber-neckin' it to see where that gorgeous scent is coming from!!!!

    But I don't feel this is necessarily a masculine scent. I love wearing it myself. :D

  21. Ok I must really be the odd chick out here. I get NO roses, NO florals...nothing like that whatsoever.

    Probably a good thing because I'm not into florals ESPECIALLY roses.

    Had I read the description first, I never would have even bothered to try this because of the roses.


    I get pure DOWNY fabric softner with a wee touch of something sweet sniffing this! HAHAHAHHAHA

    Infact, I can hardly tell the difference between this and Satyr.


    But I must admit that I LOVE the smell of Downy April Fresh softener. So this is a good thing for me. lol

  22. I have had an imp of this for a couple of months and never really got around to trying it.


    WOW am I ever glad I finally dug it out and tried it.


    I can smell vanilla, amber and a hint of the white pine. I absolutely love this scent!


    Although I'm not sure why it's referred to as a "men's" scent because I'd surely wear this anytime anywhere and can't really picture a man smelling like this.


    This one is a definite future bottle order!!

  23. Another one that had been on my wishlist for a bit. Thanks to a fellow forumite, jayzoe, who included a free decant of this with a purchase I made, I'm finally able to try it!


    I LOVE this scent!

    It's cool, yet sweet and watery. There is a hint of peppermint when I first dabbed it on my wrist.

    After about 5 minutes, the peppermint subsides and something sweet, but not overly, comes forth.

    The sweetness reminds me of the same sweetness Snow Bunny has, just not as sweet.


    I'm very happy the peppermint didn't amp on my skin as I'm not overly fond of mint or peppermint scents.

    But if I can get my grubby paws on a bottle of this someday, I'll be a happy camper!!!

  24. Upon sniffing this, I got a sweet citrus-y lemon scent. I was a bit reluctant to apply it to my skin as most lemon scents go all "skunky" on me.

    But I went ahead and dabbed some on my wrist.

    Immediately it turned a bright orange/lemon scent. Not bad.

    After about 5 minutes, that fades down and it's all pure green tea with a hint of bamboo!!

    I'm sooooooooo glad the citrus note stepped into the background. I love the green tea scent!!

    Glad I took the chance and picked this one up from ebay!!!
