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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Cali

  1. Cali

    Bitches Love Unicorns

    Wow this is sweet!!! I'm getting a slight apricot vibe from this, but it's likely just the hyper-sugary sweetness this is from the start; that taste you get when you take a bite from an apricot after not having one for years. It's a very natural fruity sugar/sweet. That said, like other people has said, all of the fruityness certainly does remind me of skittles. The hyperness of the sugar on drydown dims very quickly, in fact all of it dims down in about half an hour which is a shame. Such a bright, fun scent!
  2. Cali

    Golden Champa Attar

    This smells like a sunset colouring a a dusty victorian room golden, or perhaps a very 70's themed one. It's dry, dusty and insency and super-fancy! Doesn't morph on my skin. I'd totally need a bottle but it dies after only five to ten minutes of wear. Not worth it for me, but it's absolutely lovely!
  3. Cali


    I find this asbsolutely LOVELY in the imp. Getting slight blue lollipops and sugar plum fairy vibes from this. Once on my skin it morphs, and the sweeter notes sorta fade and make place for a lot of apple. The other notes are besides noticeable kindof indistinguishable, or rather, not as easy to pick apart as it could, but it works. They add a certain mystery to this, a certain darkness like a veil of smoke. Is it blasphemy to call this the spring version of samhain?
  4. Cali

    Rose Red

    Definately the peacock queen's sappier, green sister. WOW this is green! Peacock queen is the rose for me, but if you're more into the green thing you'll absolutely love this.
  5. Cali

    Leanan Sidhe

    From the imp; soapy, green, herbal. It definately has a sense of whimsy in there. On my skin it goes to something similar as the dead leaves note. That, but a little less... dead. Is there white rose in this? It reminds me of it. In the end on my skin, fresh messy dishwash. Not for me unfortunately as much as I love the concept.
  6. Cali


    Whooaa this is really REALLY strong, fruit and sugary from the imp! I don't miiiind it... or rather the concept of it at all, I just don't like banana or coconut at all, and while it's a good blend alltogether, I can still pick apart all the notes. It's lovely but not for me.
  7. Cali

    Lilith and Sekhmet

    Oh dear. I might have made a mistake to try this out, as I was so sure I'd love this... I love the lab's wine note but in the bottle it is in-your-face strong and slightly more sharp (but maybe that's just me/because it's so strong). There's something in here that just doesn't tickle my fancy, and if it's really only those two notes, I'm sure it's the amber. Which, to me in here is like a dusty rag in the middle of a cold cave, heh. Weird, cause I'm usually a sucker for amber. Only when this is nearing end of it's ride (and it does stay on for a looooong long time) I like it, but I'd have to go super close to my wrist to smell anything.. And I actually like wearing smellies that are kind of obnoxious. However! The possible silver lining is that I've only had it in for a day, so I'm gonna let it settle for a good couple of hours, who knows it'll change and I'll get back to this. But only to have it smell nice at the very end of the ride seems unnecessary for me. We'll see. EDIT: Now that it's settled more, it's definately softer from the start, and doesn't morph much on the skin: it's more of a bitter wine (not like a chardonnay, but genuinely more of a dusty bitter wine). No more rag in a cave, just some dust. Actually, I just realised what this reminds me of now, the manuscript. From what I remember I liked that one much less on my skin, and it's not the same smell, but it had the same essence of dust or the dryness of paper... It's warm and fits the colder season, but I can see this working really well at the end of a warm summer's day. Unfortunately I'm just not into this as much as I try. Someone else will adore this though. ^^
  8. Cali


    Hmmm... on application it's basically just a thick liquid cocoa. Not a huge fan of how the cinnamon comes in at first.. it's nearly orange instead of cinnamon. And that happens to be a combination that I hate. However, about 7 minutes in it fades again, this time to a softer cinnamon and a watery cocoa. Unfortunately that happens a lot with cocoa on my skin, bah! This has a lot of potential and I see why these are so popular!
  9. Cali


    This is very smoky? I'm getting helluvalotof smoke... is that really just me? Anyway, it's basically a frothy, deep smoke and something floral. I actually don't hate it, it's just that I have no idea what to think of it!
  10. Cali

    Eat Me

    Oh no.. I'm just not destined to like any of the alice in wonderland scents I'm afraid. Appearantly I just don't like the smell of tarty sweet pies and fruit (actually it might be the buttery/creamy notes bpal uses in more of these)... Anyone who does might want to give this a try?
  11. Cali


    This reminds me a bit of Edith Cushing from the get-go! Mostly thanks to the vanilla accompanied by those very bright fruity notes. And then, there's that wool note... which I hadn't sniffed before. How to describe this. Like a favourite childhood plushie, perhaps? Without "my own" in it... that kinda old, fuzzy, dusty fabric thang. The hyperfizzyness doesn't last long on my skin and merges more with the rest and now it's more oudh then anything. Nice, and a little odd.
  12. Cali


    Ok I'll admit, this one really scared me because I HATE snake oil, but I was just too interesting to me because boomslang literally translates from Dutch to treesnake. I don't hate it, to be honest/suprisingly. It's kind of a watered down snakeoil to me. Wouldn't neccesarily say the cocoa is really cocoa if I wouldn't have read the notes; it's got a bit of a dusty feel to it, more then cocoa, but maybe that's just me. A tad sweet and soft snake oil. Not bad! Not for me though, as much as I don't hate it. I wouldn't wanna smell like this, but I can see how people just love this.
  13. Cali

    Anne Bonny

    It's like Mary Read's darker, more evil sister! The red patchouli really gives this blend something oriental, something exotic, shrouded in something beeswax or even leather-y. A wonderful sultry kickass blend!
  14. Cali

    Mary Read

    On first application this reminds me a LOT of Thalassa, the galapagos mermaid. When it's calmed down a bit, I get a very strong SALTwater, and definately getting a bit of that lovely rum note, and that gunpowder makes it a kickass unity. As much as I love pirates and nautical ...anything, I don't think I'll need this in my collection but what a rad blend to try!
  15. Cali

    Sky City (Before)

    It's really exactly the notes from the description on me, really. After a while it goes slightly more red/sweet on me which is a lovely surprise, but it's just this sharp, cold air with the slightest bit of metal and florals/greens.
  16. Cali

    The Spanish Dance

    I'm super happy to try this, don't get me wrong, but MAN does this not work on or for me. It reminds me of those chocolate covered-orange filled chips which repulse me *shudders*.. And generally I don't like chocolate mixed with fruit anyway... I mean, I should've known but then again ya never know for sure. Certainly interesting though, as the blossom and pomegranate notes are just wonderful on themselves. It goes burgundy on me, with that dark undertone of chocolate in there.
  17. Cali

    The Nutcracker

    dry, smoky, nutty, woodsy. At first sniff I didn't think I'd like this at all, but now that it's slowly settling into my skin I actually find it quite charming. A lovely frankinsence floating around in a dimly-lit wooden cabin. Whatever I percieve asa nutty note (must be the galbanum???) in here makes this a meh for me, but otherwise it's lovely.
  18. Cali

    Graveyard Dirt

    I'm getting the same dirt-note and underground feel that zombie has, but without the sweetness of the rose. This is a bit more harsh and realistic. It's like smelling upturned, damp ground. Wow!
  19. Cali

    Fairy Wine

    Oh, BPAL, how I love thine wine note. It's just like a glass of smooth, slightly (and not too) fruity wine. The red currant comes out more as it dries down, and the honey falls into the background. It's almost like having a glass of wine while walking in a herb-gardenpath ...or something. Very very nice!!
  20. Cali

    Fearful Pleasure

    I'm getting the same artificial sweet note as in blue lollipops, but more grating...Other then that I find it hard to pick out the notes, I mean I guess I can smell the orange and beer but otherwise??? Perhaps I'm out of touch heh. Reaaally doesn't work for me at all unfortunately.
  21. Cali

    Miss Spink

    Okaaay, so I have figured out by now that tuberose is... not a note for me. Which is what I remember bothered me about the other miss spink. I'm getting a lot of the tartyness a lot of the other BPAL GC foodies have, which I am ALSO not a fan of (I'm a mess, I know) and this whole thing just amps on me like cRAZY and gets messy and I ...kind of just wanna wash it off again. Miss Spink, you're a sweet old lady but this doesn't work for me.
  22. Cali

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    Clean and slightly soapy, but green enough to distinguish itself more as something floral and green. Waaaaay too soft for me/on me though, as I prefer really in your face kinda things, but this is so subtle and sweet, I can't bring myself to dislike it at all.
  23. Cali

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    I've smelled this before and it's not helping that I can't recall where. A soft, sweet pear in the background, fuzzy light florals in the front. A cold winter morning in an ancient castle, filled with flowers and a grandiose fruit cornucopia?
  24. Cali

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    On my skin this is aaaall citrus dishwasher cleaner while in the imp it's a little more ...velvety, and fuzzy. Bleh, not good on me at all.
  25. Cali


    ...Black patchouli? Slightly aquatic and ozone-y. Some sort of white floral and a wood note. Not sure what to think of this. Interesting though!