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Everything posted by Cali

  1. Cali

    The Snow-Shower

    Ahh, there's that sweet minty snow note you'll find in many other perfumes such as Winter-Time and The Snow at Dusk. Wayyy too soft on me for my taste, but it's still an enjoyable, slightly soapy jasmine with the incense and violet quietly in the background. The Jasmine is similar to Lucille Sharpe's. Watery, and basically dissapeared onto me a couple of minutes after drydown. Aw.
  2. Cali

    Blue Moon 2018

    First thing that came to mind was old ladies perfume. Herbal. Soft, pretty flowers confined in moonlight. Definately getting a splash of cucumber and lettuce which is an interesting whiff! It's kind of like a witch doing some sort of spell at night near a lake. Definately gets more blue on drydown. Little throw on my skin. A really soft, lovely sleeping scent.
  3. Cali

    Vampire Princess

    Hmm. It's a thick, goopy oil in the lil vile; this is definately what jumped out over all the other imps I had lying under my nose just now. Definately getting all the notes; it's quite a sensual, warm and dark; gets a lil more on the oudh-y and green side on me once it dries down. Heavy florals, but I'm also getting a bit of that dusty hippie shop kinda feel with this.... But it's an evil dusty hippie shop. Really nice!
  4. Cali

    The Beldam

    Thick, goopy. brown, red, purple. Almost vanilla-liquorice with a hint of crispy cocoabeetles in the background. Cherry pops and alcohol in a dusty room. Been waiting for a good couple of minutes now but the oil is so thick it's barely drying down, hah. Dried down it doesn't change much; still pretty sure it's got least a touch of liquorice. I'm not sure if I'm getting the woodsy note though, though I must admit to something earthy in there. Very very interesting!
  5. Cali


    Alright, weird, but on application this reminds me of a tiny basket that I was gifted as a child that had peanuts in them but it smelt sweet. Huh. I am getting a good mix of all the notes listed, don't get me wrong but I can't shake off that weird scent from my childhood.. Not for me, but interesting!
  6. Cali

    The Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn (2016)

    Hmmm... It's like the sea rat mixed with the old Mme moriarty but slightly greener and dryer. Holy morpher batman!! I was super in love with it just now but as it dried the lush reddishness, that sticky warm goodness is nearly completely gone, and now I'm left with a slightly woodsy mix of spices. Still... very good for sure! But I was way crazier about it on first application. N'aw. What's good about it is that I learned that whatever is in here (I'm guessing mostly the red pepper) is a good replacement for saffron. I nearly freaked out for a bit there thinking this note was in here (though... knowing in the back of my mind that it isn't)... and it definately has those qualities... without making me sick! Yay!
  7. Cali


    Whoa! Dark floral, wet and boatloads of violet, which is never good on me. And really has a ...poop-y quality on me. I was gonna say bog-like, but nahh this describes it well. Gahh! Too bad.
  8. Cali

    Fairy Market

    This is vaguely reminding me of The Ghastly Garden!! Must be the wet green grass. Actually, it's incredibly similar though the notes are completely different. All the while the notes not resembling apart what it does mixed like this. HOWEVER, on drydown things get a bit more pink; floral, sugary, a touch of incense and then that wet grass, which has now drooped quietly to the background; really cute. definately giving me droomvlucht flashbacks.
  9. Cali


    I could swear there's vetiver in here. This scent when wet is incredibly familiar to me but I can't put my finger on it. Something unpleasant. Sharp and oily. The nasty note thankfully calms down after a few seconds and it becomes a red currant-type thing. Almost alcohol-y. When completely dry, there's something sappy-green in there too. Like everyone else mentioned it's woodsy and sticky sweet, though I'd peg this masculine-leaning. It's really soft on me though, gotta get real close to smell anything!
  10. Cali

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    This starts VERY strong tea on me and transforms into a softer masculine scent, still with the earl gray in the background, but mainly fougere with the vanilla bean poking through. Lovely lovely lovely. There's a magic to it. Indeed a bit like Dorian and how I imagine Jareth would smell. Not strong enough for me, but definately worth the try!!
  11. Cali


    Ugh. I really want to use multiple swearwords here to exclaim how wonderful this is but I don't know if that's ok... and I don't know if it'd add anything to what I'm trying to convey, but hey ...just so you know. By the notes alone I was sure I was gonna like this, but man this is irresistible. Delicious. Sexy, soft but with a punch. Good throw (if not great) and I can pick out all the notes (though it's very well blended). First thing that came to mind was "oh you betcha I'm gonna use this in cosplay" lol. Don't get the snake oil thing people are talking about it here but granted it's literally been years since I tried it and at the time I didn't like that one, maybe my preferences just changed. I do get the link to it though, it's warm, sexy, musky, vanilla-y and just gggg. So so good. Glad I managed to find a bottle, it's already one of my favourites. Such a keeper.
  12. Cali


    This is almost what I expected cathedral to be, however it's very faint on me. What a shame! Soft, sweet florals surrounded by a dusty frankincense. Lovely~!
  13. Cali


    Ahh... The lovely leather note bpal does so well, and then there's the herbs, which, I'm pretty sure has mint in there too cause it smells very fresh; almost reminds me of the dentist office we went to when I was a kid in it's wet stage. Though the lilac might help with the freshness too. So apothecary-herbal-y, and that sweet sweet plum juice that grounds the whole thing in something sweet and gooey. The leather goes softer after a couple of minutes, and so does the dentist thing; it mixes more with the plum in it's dry stage, though, for me it's still there, other people won't know how that place would have smelled. It's only slightly masculine, but would work for everyone, and it's definately a spring scent to me! Very interesting, very pretty. Glad I got to finally try this!
  14. Cali

    Festival Mask

    Wanted to try this for such a long time! A green, even gold-toned scent. Shimmery gold, warmth provided by the amber, patchouli and mandarin. The greener notes giving it sappy and near-spicy undertones. Reminds me a touch of rome and even Jareth. that said, it's more masculine thanks to the sort of woodsy-greeness. It's lovely!! the vetiver, though faded a bunch still kills this for me, but I definately recommend this to anyone who's into just some of the notes.
  15. Cali


    Definately dragons blood with a dark, heady patchouli 'n vetiver. The cinnamon gives it a sharp edge. Angry vampire. For what it is, I really don't hate it (vetiver and dragons blood are some NOPE-notes for me) but, alas, not for me.
  16. Cali

    Sumatran Red Patchouli

    Heady, dark. Smooth with a tinge. Kind of pitching this as the old version off Mme Moriarty's older, (more) evil sister on application. Vaguely floral, woodsy or chocolate-y.... vaguely sweet and vaguely green. But ofcourse, mostly red. a very fun sn!
  17. Cali

    Wynter Wakeneth Al My Care

    Whoa! Not sure why but the first thing that came to mind was "vetiver" which... I'm guessing is what the patchouli combined with the champaca does here for me. Don't worry, this calms down a bit after a few minutes. It's ....like a dusty but comfortable, slightly spooky attic. ...The attic of the house you might've grown up in and have made peace with an entity living there? It's sweet (nothing crazy), dark (with a patch of light) and dusty.
  18. Cali

    The Sailor's Den

    Lord this is pretty from the get-go. A soft, masculine sweet cream. Throw some rum and sea-sprayed clothing in the mix and you got the sailors' den. After a couple of minutes this becomes much less "clean" and there's tobacco, and get more aggressively masculine- that said, still very smooth. The rum fades a lot (aw) but the spices of it come out to play. The flowers fade a bit too! Definately getting what akuaa, a few posts above, gets- though I do get some pirate-y vibes at the least. Maybe it's because I want it to be there. I ...really do like it but the throw is not enough for me, it's barely there at all. And I already have Pirate moon and The sea rat, which both combined would remind me of this. Happy I got to try though, it's very interesting.
  19. Cali


    The same rose I get from The peacock queen, which is my favourite! Definately sugary sweet. So, the peacock queen but surrounded by sugar to me. Not bad, but I don't think it's special enough for me. Lovely though.
  20. Cali


    From the imp this is Fleurette's purple snails on me, but slightly fart-y. On my skin it's simply the sugared violet though (phew!) but still too reminescent of Fleurette's to me to get this on it's own. Very cute, light and purply.
  21. Cali


    I was not expecting what I got applied wet to my skin! I think the benzoin and mahogany are the notes very strong at first on me. I'm almost getting something that's like vetiver. On drydown it gets slightly fruitier but remains very earthy and rough. And then, like magic... gone! All that remains is a very dim fruityness. It's nice, but unfortunately not for me.
  22. Cali


    Honeysuckle and jasmine on me. Strangely getting flashbacks to the swimming pool place I often went to as a kid?
  23. Cali

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    Ugh. Absolutely DELICIOUS in the imp! THAT's how you do spun sugar in a perfume! I'm not even sure if I have many more words to describe it other than 'sweetness' or 'fruity candy'. Dry, it's a little more subdued, a tad more creamy. But still sugary with a harsh edge... as if I can "smell" coarse sugar. ...Which is giving me big 'ol Killer klowns from outer space vibes that I don't mind at aaall! ...I don't really have many sweet (feminine, though I find this to be pretty neutral) perfumes in my collection. And who doesn't love the carnival. I'm sold. I NEED a bottle.
  24. Cali


    Quite salty and masculine from the start. An interesting blend where all the notes are easy to tell apart, yet they work well together. Getting a very dirty/earthy, nature-freak but calmer Funnel of love outta this. Nice!
  25. Cali

    Antonino, The Carny Talker

    Delicious, but also slightly air-freshener-y citrus from the vile. It's very sweet, and the citrus notes calm down a bit as it's drying; the notes, on me, are easy to pick apart. Glorious sweet fig and plum. Smooth musk, the other notes giving it an attention seeking thrill, but not to the point where it's annoying. Only the slightest touch of vetiver. I like it, I think it reminds me of a LUSH bath bomb. Could it be intergalactic? The blue one with the vetiver in it. I certainly like it, but unfortunately it's as smooth as a bath bomb in a bath would be, on me. I was hoping for something 'louder'. Still great though!