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Everything posted by Cali

  1. Cali

    Frost at Midnight

    Ahh... gorgeous and complex. If I would've hid my eyes from the notes I wouldn't have guessed there was tobacco in there, as it gives the blend a very earthy, pleasantly dark (night time-y) swing to it. Usually I'm not a fan of pine but it's very subtle and soft in there. There's ofcourse the sweet herbal notes which, to me, makes it alltogether quite nostalgic. A little while ago I had it on my skin and it reminded me of crimson peak... Which has completely different notes (and in the bottle they're quite different) but on my skin they do seem to agree to morph to something alike. Crimson peak being the "colder" scent, frost at midnight, while also having the "cold" edge, a little more cozy. I suppose it's the tobacco. Absolutely love this.
  2. Cali

    The Red Queen

    I must be crazy, before I read the notes I thought there was coconut in there. But, revisiting, that must be the smart blend of the cherry and something sharp... Maybe cedar? I swear there's gotta be almond in there *shudders*... Which amps up on my skin. Clever blend, but this is not for me.
  3. Cali

    In Brightness and In Joy

    Divine mercy: sweet winter berry, orange blossom, frankincense, golden sandalwood, angel’s trumpet, and red rose. This sorta reminds me of in winter in my room; very red, with some pink and orange speckles. That lovely sweet winter berry is the first thing that hits me straight from the bottle. The frankinsence gives it a lovely almost smoky undertone. Great blend, a foody floral. Unfortunately my skin completely eats it after smelling of the red berries for fifteen minutes... too bad, this one's beautiful.
  4. Cali

    Temple of Dreams

    Not what I was expecting - a bitter in-your-face lavender. Goes herbal when wet. The drydown is mostly a bit soapy, not bad though.
  5. Cali


    Big nope for me, I can't stand almond. A very sweet, semi-dark concoction with sO MUCH ALMOND.
  6. Cali


    Isn't there leather in this? Not even a touch? It reminds me a bit of neutral. Dry, bittersweet and a strong incense. Kinda dies on my skin, shame.
  7. Cali


    Ooh, nope, not for me; red hot, kinda like spicy chips but sweet. If that's totally your thing though you might really like this!
  8. Cali

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    While closing the imp, some of it sprayed in my mouth; I wouldn't advise this to anyone. ANYWAY, this reminds me of some sort of candy that I can't come up with, but I do notice the olive in there as a good supporting note.. and what's that, melon? This is kinda confusing to my brain. A creamy lollypop with just a touch of dark green somewhere in the background. On my skin it gets a little more grittier and earthy. I don't understand how I got there from the description but it's definately not unpleasant!
  9. Cali

    Loup Garou

    The wild, untamed essence of lycanthropy. Primeval in its raw power and insatiable hunger: juniper, cypress and galangal with the barest touch of eucalyptus. Nice! Exactly what I was expecting - very fresh, green, and I really like the supporting equalyptus in there - it's usually something I avoid in everything but it really makes it work. I'd call this a bit more of a masculine scent, woodsy and a werewolf's fur might just smell like this...
  10. Cali

    Dragon's Tears

    A tad sweet (red), something sharp besides the salt and I imagine standing in this underground water tunnel system (NOT intended to be a sewer might I add) (must resist a poop joke), seeing the reflection of the water, curving blueish and green shapes on the ceiling while something might be lurking under the water. It's not neccesarily a looming or dark feeling that I'm getting here though, quite ...comfortable. I don't think I'd get a bottle as the salt is a bit too much for me but I don't hate this at all. Poop.
  11. Cali


    A very subtle lavender, surrounded by something dark. It's definately a purple smell to me. It's not really a lavender-field lavender or a grandma's-little-scented-pillow lavender to me (two of which I actually like, yo) but hazy is definately a good way to describe it. Hell, if you told me it had lavender in it before I read what's in it I probably wouldn't have guessed. Then again, I know nothing. So yeah. It goes a bit sweeter later on, and I'm not really sure what to do with it.
  12. Cali


    Straight from the imp I'm getting a subtle old ladies perfume vibe. Not much Myrrh in there to me, and that goes all soapy on me. The jasmine is the most notible in there and I wish it wasn't! It's quite sour and dull - and the rose is really only a bit supportive in that. Someone will like this, but not me! Perfectly executed concept once more though!
  13. Cali


    It smells like honey to me from the imp, very very sweet honey! On my skin, it kinda develops into the chaotic goodness as described, quite exactly. There's a lot in here that I like apart from a sharp note (not sure what it is) and something... almost sour?? That's probably my skin chemistry doing the work though. Not for me, appearantly, but it's a lovely sweet summer child-I mean scent.
  14. Cali

    Slippery Poppy Tincture

    I like the berries in this a lot! Lovely fresh summer/spring scent. There's definately something green and sharp in there and It's quite strong and remains to be for a good amount of time after applying and it even gets a little sweeter in a herb-y way. I don't need a bottle but it's certainly wonderful.
  15. Cali


    What an odd mixture - very pretty! Wet, I'm mostly getting the honey and olive blossom. Later the jasmine kind of kills it for me unfortunately. I'm sure this is great for most people!
  16. Cali


    First sniff: HONEY!!! Jeez, that's a lotta honey. Wet: There almost seems to be something fruity about this, but it's probably the florals messing with my brain. Still so much honey. Dry: Ahh, there's the myrrh. I'm also getting the red wine now. It lives up to it's name quite brilliantly. Smelling it I can imagine some sort of a greek god infront of me, or some sort of an old, sunlit greek lane,
  17. Cali


    The patchouli really gives this one a bit of a "bite". A sweet mixture that kind of makes me hungry. Doesn't stick around on my skin for a long time, dies down after about an hour? The red musk is most obvious when wet, but later my skin amps up the myhrr and I'm left with almost only that. Not for me, but quite lovely.
  18. Cali

    Tiki Princess V3

    Lovely, summery, candy goodness! Wet, red, pineapple and ...grapefruit(??) I'm going to have to put in an image to illustrate what I mean because I have literally no idea what these are called Very much these things, but a touch more tropical. This is a keeper!!
  19. Cali

    The Knave of Hearts

    Oh no. The only foody I get from this is something caramel-y and rotting pie. It's very strong and has a huge throw on me. Physically hurts to smell the imp. I'm sorry, I hate this.
  20. Cali

    Event Horizon

    A smooth, industrial scent. Brassy and smoky. I find it very hard to describe but I'm getting a silent-hill vibe.
  21. Cali

    The Forest Reverie

    First impression: I imagine a landscape of pine trees surrounded by bushes of all sorts of flowers, some leaves glistening in the strings of light that randomly scatter through the trees. A floral pine forest. Wet: Exactly as it was but SWEET! Almost a candy-type sweet. Dry: It gets really minty a little later, very very lovely.
  22. Cali


    It's quite dark, and red. Literally and figuratively. The sandalwood is very in your face, and there's a couple of undertones that I can't place. My skin brings out the notes that I don't particularly like, but it's got a lot of potential on it's own!
  23. Cali


    Sighs, I wish I liked vetiver cause I really, really want to like this. Sharp, spicy, dark and deadly, in other words, leather, spice and everything not nice (imagine a wink at the end... Not from me. from someone you find attractive). That said, there's something sexy about it too. Uhuuu why can't I like this... Onto my swaps pile it goes! :c
  24. Cali


    Ooh! I get lots of citrus and dirt. Very interesting. I'd say it's more of a masculine scent, probably cause there's an aquatic/wet undertone. Wet: Ahh, there's the incense. There's also something else light in there. Almost pink. Dry: The citrus is tuling alongside the incense. Nailed the description!
  25. Cali


    Smells like a strong and sharp rose tea. Very warm. Once applied on the skin, there's a soapiness. Not a nasty or distorting one, a clean one. Not for me, but I see why so many people LOVE this!