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Everything posted by Cali

  1. Cali


    Whew, that's a slap in the face of melon! Ahh, how happy and summer-y.. I'm literally just getting only watermelon-goodness, same on my skin. On drydown, it goes a little warmer and a bit more chewed-bubblegum-y but still very nice. I'll be here, in the corner of my room, quietly humming to myself while rocking back and forth, contemplating whether I should get a 5ml bottle...
  2. Cali

    Alien Invasion

    My first impression of this is a slightly bland/conventional but sweet, masculine fragrance, On my skin, it's less sharp and there's a lot of tanginess from the grapefruit, yum! There's still something very industrial, or artificial in there (tentacle goo?) which reminds me a crazy lot of a shower gel I got once and up until now I've never smelled anything like it. If I ever find this somewhere I might jump on it, but otherwise I'm not sure if this is a must-have for me. Glad I got to try a decant of this! ^^
  3. Cali

    Blueberry Picking

    Realistic delicious blueberries! I'm getting a very faint lavender and the sharp green notes that represent the rest of the garden. The blueberries go very faint on my skin but it's still sweet enough to dim those sharp green notes. This is a work of art. My dad would love this.
  4. Cali

    Sunrise With Sea-Monsters

    Ocean mist, kelp, ambergris, amber, white pear, osmanthus, freesia, and seafoam accord. Oof, this is very salty. Actually, from the imp I'm getting so much salt that it's hard to sniff anything else in there. Thankfully, this goes powdery (a good powdery!) on my skin and it's very subtle, while amping up the florals/warm notes. The pear and amber in this are gorgeous. It's almost like a too-cold but sunny day at the beach. I'm afraid I'm getting a headache from either the kelp of seafoam but if I didn't I would try and get a bottle. So pretty and innocent.
  5. Cali

    The Ghastly Garden

    It's very strongly citrus-y from the imp- On my skin it turns to something sweeter, almost a melon-type sweet. It's a bit sour but has a lot of throw, and it's a very heavy, wet, evil greenhouse type scent. On drydown, it's a bit more fresh like grass in springtime but retaining that darkness. Lovely!
  6. Cali


    Whaaaaaat. I'm so confused. There's something in there that doesn't work for me which sucks cause I was anticipating this one so much.. I think there might be caramel in there and a sour vanilla and to be honest I'm not getting a snow note, not one that I'm familiar with anyway. It's mostly foody with just the tiniest hint of smoke in there. There's a lot of artificial mint in there actually. This might just go onto the swap pile I'd just hate to give up on it yet, aw.
  7. Cali


    Lots 'n lots of sweet berries in the imp, running around in some idyllic countryside with berry bushes sprouting everywhere. On my skin it quickly morphs to something warmer, darker and more herbal. I'm gonna hold on to this imp for a little while because my first thought was a big "YES", but now that my skin is doing strange things to it, let's see how I feel about it later.
  8. Cali

    The Apothecary

    Now that I've read the notes, I can tell them apart easily, however my first sniff genuinely made me think of a victorian apothecary, almost like how Anton Pieck would've drawn one. The fig really brings this all together for me, giving it an odd sweet edge that really works here. I don't think I need a bottle but I think I might hold on to the imp because I'm intrigued.
  9. Cali

    Fairy Tales and Lies

    This is so classy! It's a light scent with lilac and something bitter in there. The red rose balances it out cleverly and it gives it some warmth. Which can be represented as the fairy tales - the lies, I suppose is the bitter note (is that bergamot? I'm not sure what that's supposed to smell like). Very interesting. On my skin, the rose amps up but the other notes are still evidently in the background, leering... I don't need a bottle from this, but it's very well executed and really tells a story.
  10. Cali

    Baron Samedi

    Eeeeugh. Almonds. Nuuuuu. D: It kinda smells like those little almond cakes with a smoke-y/insence-y feel to it. If that's your thing, you're gonna love this!
  11. Cali


    Once again hitting the nail on the head of the description. Kind of feels like a humid forest inhabited by trolls, pocing around in the swamp, dimly lit by the little number of sumbeams that manage to find their way through the dense woods. It's really strong and has a big, big throw. It's got a sweet feel to it and doesn't morph at all on my skin.
  12. Cali


    Ok... so I might not be a foody person. At first sniff there's blueberry?! I don't know where I'm getting this. It's almost like a sweet tea with milk and lots of sugar. Once applied on my skin, it goes waaay warmer, and it's mostly the creamy honey-milk combination. It's very cute and great for rainy days. ^^
  13. Cali


    Oof, this kinda reminds me of pumpkin lager, but thankfully more pleasant. It's very sweet and in-your-face boozy. This is kind of what I imagine a butterbeer must smell like! It goes a lot sweeter and more foody on my skin, and I'm afraid this is one of those that just won't get off - aka not for me but most people will love this.
  14. Cali


    I'm not sure what most of the notes are supposed to smell like, but it's exactly as described; gentle and contemplative. There's something slightly white and sharp in there, and to me it's not soapy but definately greenery/floral (see the post above for colours). It's lovely but actually too light for me.
  15. Cali


    A very fresh, happy spring scent. From the imp, it's kinda like a soap that's acting as grass and tulips. It's lovely, but goes even soapier when applied to my skin. too bad, this is nice!
  16. Cali


    Mmm. There's something strangely sexy about this. It's like being in some sort of damp underground passage with the roots of whatever is above your head, sticking out. I don't know if I'd need a full bottle (who knows, maybe in the future) but this is surely beautiful.
  17. Cali


    2013 version. This brings me back to a ghost tour through the forest on a halloween night I did as a kid. Walking around with some candy in my pockets, people dressed in mediocre costumes yelling from the darkness... Saw some of the most beautiful displays of nature under the full moon that night, getting lost with the group we were with... good times. Anyway, the apple is a bit loud but the pumpkin evens it out. the fir and pachouli give it that cold, outside-y feel. I find the pachouli very gentle in this, alltogether it's almost creamy. This is beautiful, glad I got my hands on a bottle. ^^ EDIT: This doesn't dissapear on my skin. Really. I dabbed a good amount on yesterdaymorning, now at 16:00 the next day, still here, still a decent throw. Um, wow.
  18. Cali

    Screeching Parrot

    Swapped an imp from a lovely forum member. Wow, spicy and fruity! Very bright and sweet, a tropical cocktail! That pineapple and golden rum in this are the stand-outs and I'm definately getting the bite of that pink grapefruit and lime in there. This is beautiful. My skin ruins this by making it sickeningly sweet and artificial. Whyyyy. :c
  19. Cali


    I really love this in the imp, but it basically dissapears on my skin leaving only the smallest trace of rose and maybe some jasmine. Smells clean! In the imp, it's got a lovely bitter, dark side with the jasmine and myrrh acting as a cloak for the rose. Pretty!
  20. Cali

    Mouse Circus

    Yep, I see how this is a bestseller. I ordered this, and a week later I went to see Cirque du soleil's Amaluna, and if you step into a Cirque big top you're met with this loud but lovely popcorn scent. So then and there I was hoping that mouse circus would smell like that - and it's very close to the same. The cotton candy's a nice background note. I've been compulsively slathering this on because I want to imagine myself back there again, heh. Unfortunately it only stays on my skin for about half an hour and then the popcorn is gone. I was also really anticipating this because, well, it is a bestseller after all, plus I absolutely adore the movie (Coraline ofcourse) so yes, very very good. Such a happy smell.
  21. Cali

    The Waltz

    All of the crimson peak ones are top-notch! This one is no exception. A fizzy, warm floral. Everytime I turn around with this on I get a whiff of a different note (/or a couple of/) yet distinctively "the waltz". Classy deliciousness!
  22. Cali

    Crimson Peak

    Waiter, bring me another! This really feels like I'm standing on the mines outside of the Sharpe manor in the cold. It's got something sweet in there, but JUST enough really and I'm really digging that clay. Sniffing this gives me a chill down my spine every time because of the cold it emanates. Which is perfect. I feel like I should hate it because it does have something moldy and old but man does it work in here. And it's not nasty at all. My skin amps up that clay and coldness and I really can't get over this.
  23. Cali

    Lady Lucille Sharpe

    for Lucille, I was expecting something more agressive and brutal/bare... However this is way more fitting then I could've imagined. It's intricate and cold with lovely plum and those pretty flowers... And it certainly has something brooding in there. I kind of need a backup bottle. Gorgeous.
  24. Cali

    A Specific Aberration

    Not getting the white petals but it's a lovely soapy scent with something else (likely the ambergris it's just that I don't know what that's supposed to smell like) with a lot of frankinsence. The colour's a clouded light purple, and really has a spectral cold edge to it. Preeeettyyyy!
  25. Cali

    Sir Thomas Sharpe

    I'm raving about this just as much as the next person, this is SO GOOD!!! A soft, red, intriguing scent that describes his character perfectly and has the longest staying power than any other perfume I've ever tried. I'm in love with this.