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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Cali

  1. Cali

    Drink Me

    Whew, what a blast from the imp! I can basically just easily pick apart all of the "ingredients" listed in the description. Sweetness of the cherry tart, butter, bread and spices. What. On my skin it surprisingly doesn't seem to morph much, it amps up the cherry tart and that buttery toast but the rest is still there and needless to say it's... confusing. But not bad strangely.
  2. Cali

    Snow White

    '09 Version. I'm not really getting anything chilly or winter-y... maybe the cozyness of winter, that I get. It's a creamy vanilla, almost (dim) sugary scent, with a bit of unidentifiable flowers in the background. I'm getting a tiiiiny bit of caramel but maybe that's just me. It's really cute but other then that my brain can't really seem to figure out what to make of it.
  3. Cali

    The Magician

    Ooooohymygod this is beautiful. from the bottle it's a musky, soft cologne with some "soft" metallics in there. Once applied to my skin, it does not morph too much; but something strangely sweet amps up just a bit (it works great trust me) and the metallics amp up too, to a cold coppery and rusty mix. It works so well on me. And it could work great on everyone, it's fairly masculine but neutral. I can definately imagine visiting Thomas' workshop, while outside the manor a winter storm is brewing.
  4. Cali


    Very fresh and juicy! Almost zesty. Blended very well, I find it hard to take apart the notes in this. On my skin it doesn't morph much, only on drydown what I think is the plum gets bit stronger, other than that it's all there.
  5. Cali

    Oleander Honey

    In the imp: eating honey-candies in a forest in spring. On my skin it goes a bit bitter and herby, and loses the hyper-sweetness. It's as if it turned from day to night on drydown. Dark, green, a bit bitter (is there milk in this?). Very interesting!
  6. Cali

    The Queen of Hearts

    A warm, sticky sweet mix with white florals. It kinda feels like looking down in a witches' cauldron of a thick red concoction, on which a few white flowers are floating. It goes a bit soapy and super green on drydown. It's nice, but not something I'd wear.
  7. Cali

    Blood Kiss

    It's a lot of vetiver, and honey from the imp. On my skin the vetiver amps like it always does and on dydown the other notes left are just the wine and musk.
  8. Cali

    Dana O'Shee

    Straight from the imp: almond. Uhuu. Other than that I'm getting some realistic natural sweet notes like coconut and honey. On my skin this first goes really sugary, then it quickly morphs into a very dimmed down sugar and watery coconut/milk and then it's just gone, eaten. And to be honest, I don't mind, it's not for me.
  9. Cali


    I was hoping for something strong with a big throw. But this is as strong as neutral, it's soft and clean. I'm getting of all things, a sharp vanilla. The vanilla being most apparent, and then there's a bit of that white musk and I guess shining armor. ​On drydown, a bit of leather shows itself, and even though I love bpal's leather note, it doesn't work for me in this. However this goes kind of "sweaty dude" on me after a while and I'm not a fan. On the swap pile it goes!
  10. Cali


    I love this in the imp!! It's kinda like an artificial cherry, like a lipgloss I had years ago. I'm not getting anything boozy to be honest. On drydown the lighter sweet notes dissapear and I'm left with mostly sticky plum/bubblegum. ...I still really like it. Might need a bottle in the future.
  11. Cali

    The Reaper and the Flowers

    Heavy florals like Hymn, but this is less insency and it's looming. I feel as if there's something earthy in there besides the white florals. Goes all grass and cold on my skin, not for me, but it and it's inspiration are certainly interesting.
  12. Cali

    Mad Hatter

    A soft musky vanilla with a whiff of real cripsy mint leaves. In the imp it's a little more wet but on my skin it goes sugary, almost foodie. Later, the lavender comes out and it's a bit more calm instead of screaming MINT. Lovely and smooth!
  13. Cali

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    2016 version. Oh my god this is so good. A lovely aquatic with plenty of salty air and fantastic florals. I don't smell the almond in this, which is good because that's usually a death note for me. It's strong with a good throw. I can imagine an underwater cave pocket, the underwater entrance filled with colourful types of coral and seaweed, and the pocket, a tiny beach on itself with warm soft sand, decorated with the most lovely pearls and shells a mermaid could possibly find. Dried flowers hang from the rugged top of the cave and there's a spiky throne constructed out of huge cones and conches. A feminine or floral pirate if I may add. Per-fect. So curious to see how this ages.
  14. Cali

    Midnight on the Midway (2015)

    In the bottle, it's almost a bit medicinal, a bit of smoky incense and jasmine/florals. On my skin the medicinal thing buggers off and I'm getting that dusty sugar thing, musk and an odd type of soap. Hm. I had really high hopes for this but it just turns out not to work on me. I might just hold on to this and see how it ages because I really don't hate it or w/e but I'm notoriously impatient. The incense is so good in this mmm. 2018 EDIT: I... keep finding myself coming back to this, craving it. Decided to go on the lookout for after all this time. Funny how these things go.
  15. Cali


    Inspired by the tragic, ill-fated love of Queen Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester. This is our modernization of a 17th-century perfume blend favored by British aristocracy: rosemary, orange flower, grape spirit, five rose variants, lemon peel, and mint. Eh!? I'm just getting a lime cologne from the imp. Really. Ahh now I'm getting a bunch of stuff once on drydown on my skin. vague florals and a fluffy grape with a hint of "lime cologne". That's a big surprise! A royal high tea in a well-executed garden.
  16. Cali

    Grand Guignol

    Oof, a sweet in your face aquatic. What everyone else/the description is saying, apricot booze. A nice, realistic apricot ...thaaaat goes plastic-y on me on drydown. D'aw.
  17. Cali

    Horn of Plenty

    There's my good 'ol buddy almond again. Actually it's not as disgusting to me in this as I usually feel about it; there's another sweet note balancing it out quite well. On my skin, it keeps that, but quickly morphs and fades those notes just a bit and there's something tangy and dark (probably tobacco and maybe something else)? A no for me, but it's a good blend!
  18. Cali


    Something lemony or lime-y and a very faint sweeter note embracing a lovely warm tobacco and leather. Cold winter wind booming against an old castle tower. In the tower there's a small room, with a wooden floor, well-built and furnished furniture, on which bottles of booze and a group of men scatteredly sit, sucking their glowing pipes, most of them staring at a roaring fireplace. Not for me personally but it's lovely and intricate!!
  19. Hmm... What to say about this one. I feel like I know this from something or somewhere but I've no idea what. The only distinctive thing in this to me is benzoin; then again I have to admit that I'm not entirely sure what the other components should smell like. In the bottle: dark, twisted, dusty, woody, just sharp enough, and a lot of benzoin. My skin seems to adore this as tones down the benzoin a bit but keeps everything balanced out nicely... as to what is actually is balanced out to I can only describe as a smooth and dark looming incense.
  20. Cali

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    Mmmmm, lovely and sweet. A breath of fresh air and mostly florals and pomegranate juice. My skin amps up the aquatics in there and turns it into a very freshly manufactured plastic. Too bad, it's so cute in the imp!
  21. Cali

    Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery

    Literally what I'd expected from the name. A dark, damp swamp with little bugs zooming around your head. Giant plants surrounding a tiny wooden tavern emitting a cozy light. The faint sound of flutes and guitars in the distance. So yeah, basically wet greens with a dark twist- and yes, beer.
  22. Cali

    Death Cap

    In the imp: an abandoned overgrown flower shop. Interesting! On my skin: earthiness, but not too pungent. Still getting dead (and sweet) florals, dust, raggedy curtains and damp air/condensation. Getting a whiff of coconut here and there. Not for me, but certainly a great scent to try, imagery-evoking. This tells a story.
  23. Cali


    Oh! First time I sniffed this I hated it, I remember thinking "super in your face masculine-cologne, aquatic, salt" ...Not getting any of that this sniff 'round. Well, alright, there's a saltyness to it and I'd say it's neutral/masculine. Once on my skin the overpowering metal and stone notes dissapear, and amps up a lovely sweet dusty leather with a bit of earthyness. It's really dark and smooth. Faaancy!
  24. Cali

    Iridescent Pastel Basket Grass

    Ooh, sweet, hyperactive, candy!! Sour gummi worms indeed. It gets a little more creamy or fluffy on my skin. It's just a really fun, cute, fresh summery scent. An active day in the park with a string forming a crown of daisies on your head!
  25. Cali


    Very sexy, dark and delicate (but self assured!). Crimson red and feminine. Smoky with a lot of strong roses. It's kinda dusty (red musk) like velveteen curtains hanging in a small, dimly lit cosy room. It's not for me as it goes a sharp and a bit too cold on my skin (some bpal roses tend to do this on me) but if it didn't this would've been an insta-bottle. Lovely!