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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by parasolfringe

  1. Hi guys,

    I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I recently had a potentially roommate tell me she wouldn't be able to live with me unless I gave up perfume altogether, because she thought she was allergic to it, and it was overpowering.

    I guess I'm willing to do that, but I was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue here, and what they did. Would it be a good idea to try to pinpoint what notes she was allergic to and stop wearing those? Or are there people who are just allergic to all kinds of perfume/scents?

    And I'm sure you guys understand my perfume addiction here. Should I really give this up, or is there a way to compromise? I would just not room with her but she's a good friend and this is a great apartment for three people and she's a necessary part! But she's acting like I can't even bring it in there because it wouldn't be limited to my room with "air circulation" or something. So I guess she's even allergic to the smell that comes from my perfume drawer?

    Any advice here? And I'm sorry if this is the wrong place, I'd be happy to move :P Thanks!

  2. Several years ago, I got hooked on BBW "Water Blossom Ivy". I really liked it during hot, humid, weather. Of course, it disappeared. It has aloe vera and "water blossom ivy" (whatever the hell that is). Is anybody familiar with this one, and/or have any suggestions? I'm down to my last half inch and the weather is getting warmer!


    I think Ophelia would definitely be a good one! I smell water blossom ivy in that. It's so wispy and pretty and a really good aquatic-floral.

  3. I was this close to starting a new thread about this until I looked back and saw this. I am so nervous, I am a teaching intern for one of my classes, and I have to teach the class/do a course review on Thursday for an hour and a half. I am so awful at speaking in general, and public speaking, and I feel so unprepared, and I am SO NERVOUS. I know I said that twice--I'll probably repeat myself a million times in class too!


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what perfume makes them feel the most confident, like a self-assured, smart woman who knows what she's talking about? I could really use something like that! I looked through the thread but it seemed the other suggestions were more for performing, plus I don't have any of the oils (although I do have a ton!) Can anyone recommend an oil that makes you feel calm, collected, confident?

  4. So good! There's a touch of sugary caramel and cider, but it's not sickly sweet--it's elegant and light with the flowers and just a little bit of wine. As it goes on, I can definitely smell the lovely carnation. It really is difficult to describe, though! I can't make out the notes very much, I'm reaching a bit, for it is really such a well blended scent. I love the treacle in the background! I wish more of the cider came through. I don't know if I need a bottle for I feel that Alice is a bit similar to this, but I certainly want one. I'll have to see how long it lasts!

  5. This scent makes me want to wear flowers in my hair all the time! It reminds me of a breeze coming through the window of a sun-drenched room, blowing away the gauzy white curtains and the rich fabric covering the canopy bed to reveal tropical flowers and long hair and bedroom eyes...

    It's tropical! The throw's good, it gives off an exotic feel. Creamy, sweet, tropical flowers with a touch of fruit. Coconut? But not too much because I'm not a fan of the coconut, and I love this. A lot in common with Dreamland, maybe because of the skin musk? A summer night dream scent! Brings to mind jungles and paradise and beautiful things.

  6. I love this scent so much. On me it's rather foody; it smells a bit like a dainty little cake and marshmellows, but that's probably just what my nose is recognizing in the orchid vanille. This is just the kind of scent I like. The flowers smell honeyed and gorgeous, and the vanille is creamy goodness. It's very poised and feminine, and a definite favorite!

  7. This is the most beautiful musky vanilla scent; I love it. It's a mixture of fluffy marshmellow clouds and sentimental bronze heart-shaped lockets on top of high collared dresses. There's a tinge of mustiness to it that is surprisingly pleasant. It smells mauve colored, off-white vanilla mixed with dusty pink flowers. It's gorgeous, girly and old-fashioned, I just wish it were stronger and lasted longer.

    I might have got 2 compliments on this scent today--a girl who came over to my desk at work asked if I was wearing lotion and that it "smelled really good over here". Before that a lady asked if someone was wearing pineapple bath and body works lotion? What? But she seemed to like the smell. I love Antique Lace!

  8. This is beautiful!

    When I first tried it, it was very aquatic, chilly salt water at the forefront.

    Now maybe it's aged? Or something? Because I'm getting the sweet, cool melon that others have written about.

    There's definitely a melony feel to it, perfect for summer, cool and backed by an evocative aquatic and probably a tinge of honey.

    I wore this to go boating and it was just lovely!

    My mother says this smells like Ralph Lauren's Lauren...I don't know, since I've never smelled it, but there you go.

    I slathered and it's a bit light for my taste but I can't think of a better perfume to wear in the summer. It makes me feel like I'm running along the coast in a flowing white linen dress, breeze whipping through my hair as the ocean laps at my feet.

  9. This is beautiful!

    When I had just received the bottle, all that came out was pepper, but now that I've waited a few days it's different and I'm very glad about that. It did remind me of Bengal, but not so much anymore. For me it has something in common with Frou Frou from Possets, my favorite fragrance ever. It has that some pink feeling but much spicier with less creaminess.

    I feel like I'm surrounded by a pink glow! A girl with a light, flowing dress walking through a forest with exotic pink flowers turned bright and golden by the sun. I definitely agree with who said this scent was a coral pink, and it's glowing gold. I probably smell passion flower with pink pepper the most, with amber tying it together--I'm not sure whether or not I smell honeysuckle. It's sweet and syrupy and slightly creamy with spice.

    It's girly but with quite a bit of kick to it. This is the scent of a spitfire who was "a vixen when she was in school" but is also the most beautiful girl in Athens!

    My skin seems to swallow up scent quite a bit and while this has faded a little in a short time, it's still very present. I completely doused myself with this this morning and I don't regret it one bit. I'd like this to be my signature scent!

    I bought this because I played the part in high school and was pretty much obsessed with it (everyone else wanted to play Helena but I knew Hermia was the cool one), but I'm so happy I can look beyond the inspiration and love it! So often I only keep things for the name or the concept, but this one is twofold!

  10. This really is a beautiful scent, sweet and pretty. It really surrounds you, and the skin musk adds a lot to it. It reminds me of Vasakasajja a lot. But I just wish it better embodied the description and the poem. The description was so cool and alluring! But there is absolutely nothing "pulsating" or "fitful" about this. And what cool words to apply to a perfume! I really wish that those words fit here, but all the words I can think of are "soft" and "pretty". It doesn't last very long either; I can barely smell it now. I've been wearing it for 2 hours and I really slathered too! Overall, I'm definitely keeping it because it's so lovely, but I kind of wish they would reformulate it to better fit the poem. I adore that poem.

  11. I was so pumped for this scent, more than any of the vast multitude of scents I ordered in an impulse buying frenzy of doom. I love tea scents! And mint! And orange blossom! Hurray! And I'm a voluptuous redhead, too...kind of! It should've been perfect for me.


    But on, for some reason, it is making me feel crazy nauseous. And a major headache. I've never felt this with a bpal perfume before.

    It smells minty with something else kind of sickening about it that is leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth.


    Actually, now that I've had it on for some time I can smell some sweetness. That could be the lemongrass or the sugarcane! But it's not my beloved orange blossom and I still smell no tea.


    For some reason this reminds me of the South, like back in the day, women drinking julep tea and having "the vapors" and saying "I do declare!" on swings on their porches. I wish it didn't give me such a bad headache. The smell is not so bad now, I really like the sweetness that came in.

    But I think I must give it up :P. I'd love to pass it on to one of the reviewers in here who like it so! But I cannot. Like it, that is. Poop.
