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Posts posted by BeyondBad1313

  1. This is a bad ass scent if I ever did smell one. I swapped for this bottle and I am glad I did. The only way I can describe this scent is as if you had an old wooden box lined with leather and filled with tea. This is beautiful, the right blend of herbal tea, leather and wood. It is really lovely.

  2. Gingerbread. There is no other description for this. It is straight up gingerbread. It smells amazing when it first goes on, but then as it dries it goes mostly cinnamon on me. It is a nice holiday blend if you want to smell like a cookie. It is really quite on the spot in imitating gingerbread.

  3. This is another of my favorite blends. I was introduced to this blend because I was told that if Dean Winchester was bottled in a scent it would be this. I am not disappointed. This smells like sexy red musk and black tea, and the pie sweetens the end of the blend. The pie note is not really defined, but just adds the needed sweetness to the blend.

  4. This is my favorite yule, I can see why this blend comes back every year. It is a deep red musk that is commanding the front lines of this blend. I love the wood in this blend, to me it feels more like cedar and it is lovely, as well as the leather, mmph if you like leather then this blend is for you. I tried an older version of this recently and I have to say I like the 2015 better. Maybe because the wood is sharper in the new version.

  5. Wanted to try this one because of all the hype. I was hoping that it would be more woolly marshmallow and less foodie. Most foodie marshmallow I try to stay away from as it turns to plastic. Welp Stekk did too. I can see where people were comparing it to AL, but if foodie marshmallow goes bad on you then stay far away from this one.

  6. This one seems to fit it's name. It is fresh and bright cranberry backed by something like a soft pine note. On the skin I get mostly the cranberry, which is weird because normally I would amp the pine more. This is nice, but not for me. Glad I only got one decant of this one.

  7. In the bottle this smells heavenly, I get the strong musky smell sweetened by sugar and made woozy with booze. I was so excited to skin test this one, but when I did I was kind of confused. I got bubble gum. Like the cheap pink hubba bubba that comes in the roll. It was really weird, because booze and musk both work on my skin, It didn't smell bad, but it was just too sweet for me. I am sad because I really thought that one would work.

  8. Amber, vanilla, and nutmeg in one scent. It is like a holy grail. I have been on a desperate hunt for this scent since it was frimped to me. It is sexy slinky vanilla and amber, and the nutmeg makes the blend a bit spicy. The benzoin also makes an appearance here. This blend has potential to be up on my faves. I can't wear it much till I track down more.

  9. I managed to get my hands on a bottle of this after hunting for some time. I am not disappointed. The green musk acts similar to red musk on my skin and creates a wonderfully heady scent, but obviously this blend has a greener more herbal quality. Am I crazy to say that this smells like krampus, but minus the leather and add more greenery. I am loving this and will hoard my bottle.

  10. This is wonderful, this smells like a mixture of cinnamon candies and chai tea. I love the smell in the beginning on my skin, it's spicy and reminds me of some of my favorite tea, but it soon morphs to a nose hair burning cinnamon, for my skin the cinnamon steals the show. Sad because in the imp this one smells really nice.

  11. sweet and apple floral. Beautiful. This blend is light and sweet, subtle but enticing when you are close. I love this blend because it lets me wear an apple scent. Since I amp florals I get the apple blossom, which clings to the apple. It smells like sweet red apples in an orchard. This is on my need to buy a bottle list.

  12. Oh my, right out of the imp it smells like amaretto, boozy and sweet almond, always tricking me to think cherry. On the skin, nope nope nooooope. Smells like burning almond extract, like if you put almond extract in a oil burner. It is sharp and too strong on my nose. This is a wonderful blend if your skin can do almond, I found out that mine can't.

  13. Wow, there goes my nose hairs. This scent is a sharp acrid smoke note with some smoldering ashes in the background. If you have ever smelled something that is fire damaged then you will know this smell. The smell brings up some bad memories and leaves on overall bad taste in my mouth. The blend itself is exactly what it says, if you want the remnants of a fire then this is for you.

  14. Yep exactly as described, a lavender Fougere. I love the scents that smell like mens cologne, and this fits the bill. This one can smell a bit more floral which lightens the masculine tone of the blend overall. Need a bottle of this one to go with the rest of my cologne scents.

  15. Holy rose! This blend is all rose to my nose, and I know better than to wear it for too long or sneezes will happen, but from what i smell I get a spicy herbal rose scent. This is another blend I would recommend to someone who loves the rose scents.

  16. Oooh! This is a scent fit for a lady pirate. I get the rum and the salty sea spray. I am picky with my aquatics, but this is by far my favorite. I love the depth that this scent has and i clearly paints a mental image of a boat on the sea. It went a bit floral as it sat but It just made it better in this case, smooth like ocean waves. A bottle of this is a must.

  17. Wow this is an amazing scent. I snagged an old cobalt bottle of this and I am sure glad I did. Most foodie scents go weird plastic or disappear on me so this one breaks that mold. It is a spicy pumpkin and fall air. I also realized that nutmeg is the best in perfume, it smells wonderful in this blend and I can see why this is a staple in bpal's collection.

  18. Arrr! Avast ye, matey! This be the scent of pirate rum!


    yep I can see this being pirate rum, being drank out of a beat up bottle by a pirate captain. More commonly I feel like this is what butterbeer would smell like if it really existed. I jumped the gun on buying a bottle of this, as it smells like burning plastic on my skin. So no butterscotch for me. This overall is a delicious scent. I opened the bottle and my boyfriend proceeded to steal it from my hands to sniff it, and his nose is crap (meaning everything smells average to him).

  19. everyone knows what snake oil is, but i finally gave into the hype and swapped for a bottle. Wow it is exactly what it says it is. Slinky sexy vanilla, with lots of wonderful spices. It isn't my favorite, but I do still really love it. I have only tried aged snake oil so I can't say what new snake oil smells like on me, that is something to try in the future.

  20. Roses, dear lord roses. If you like rose scents then this is for you. I amp florals like crazy so this was a mistake. I sadly didn't get any of the nice spices or tobacco i only got fresh rose. It smells nice for a bit, but I could never wear it for long or it would drive my nose crazy.

  21. Strong pine bonfire. This smells like how a bonfire in a pine forest would smell. I was hoping for a more cedar bonfire smell, as most pine goes to pinesol on my skin. This one doesn't turn straight to pinsol but it comes in whiffs. There is a bit of acrid smoke not in here that makes my nose tingle. Still on the hunt for a bonfire scent that is more mellow and soft rather than smelling like a pine forest on fire.
