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Everything posted by roseus

  1. roseus

    Jiggery Pokery

    For me this was initially a little too sweet. I got none of the pink pepper at first and it was all cotton candy, orange, and vanilla cream. But it softened up into a delightful peppery cotton candy with just a touch of creaminess. Very whimsical and would be fun to wear to a carnival.
  2. Oh this is much more lovely than I imagined. This was generously frimped to me in a swap, before I never gave it a second look. I am not into herbal scents and rosemary and lavender seemed like they would be the dominant forces in this blend. I thought it was going to be very similar to Arcana. In the imp this was all rosemary and lavender, very dry and herbal. But on wet the blackberry came out and sweetened it. As it dries there is a nice cool base of rosemary and white musk. The blackberry is the star but it's soft and lightly sweet, and there is a little bergamot floating around for brightness. I totally agree with Teamama, this smells exactly like warm summertime afternoons in the PNW. This blend is absolutely delightful.
  3. roseus


    This is herbal incense with bright lemon. The rosemary, frankincense, and lemon verbena are most prominent on me. This is a very natural scent to me, perfect for the hippie types who don't like patchouli (-gasp- could there be such a thing?)
  4. roseus

    The White Rider

    In the imp: Sharp leather and sandalwood, almost overwhelming. Wet: The leather is very prominent and sharp over the sandalwood. Here it's reading very masculine to me. Dry: The leather softens, a very smooth and light leather. Softer than Dee. The sandalwood is dry, powdery, and lightly sweet. Overall: A very comforting blend, this is reminiscent of white musk. Warm and alive, but clean.
  5. roseus


    This is so crisp and refreshing. It's stays the same on me the whole way through: bright citrus-y green tea and a hint of floral. To me this smells EXACTLY like one of my favorite summer perfumes Thé Vert by Roger & Gallet. This will be the perfect replacement once I run out!
  6. roseus

    Night Scene

    A soft, cool-toned blend. The blue musk is aquatic feeling and the wisteria is very clean and fresh. This blend is just like night-dew. The frankincense is a nice light incense-y base, and the lemon brightens everything just a touch. Much different than my other blends and very happy I took a chance!
  7. roseus

    Grooming Scene in a Brothel

    Oh my goodness. Saffron, carnation, and sandalwood are at the front for me. This is smoky, spicy, and lightly sweet. To me this is really sexy, but in a coy way. Not in a sweaty or intensely carnal. It's heated, like the anticipation building.
  8. roseus

    Bon Vivant

    Oh this is fun! A lovely frimp from the lab, which is lucky because I was considering putting an imp in my next order! This is pretty much the same on me the whole time. It's fizzy, a teeny bit tart with just a breath of strawberry underneath. The strawberry concerned me, because Tis the Voice of the Lobster went weird on me but it's very faint here for me. The champagne has a mineral-y quality. The color of this scent is light pink to me.
  9. roseus

    Lady MacBeth

    In the imp: wine and berries. On wet: Okay initially this smells like fruity scented erasers from childhood, but that quickly changes into a more sophisticated berry scent. Dry: Primarily juicy, sweet berries and just hint of thyme. This faded very quickly on me.
  10. roseus


    Dragon's blood resin is spicy floral on me. So Wrath is a very spicy floral on me. This is red, with a lot of heat. Not my thing.
  11. roseus


    I just tried Nocturne and the tuberose was fairly prominent for me!
  12. roseus


    What a lovely soft floral. In the imp I get only tuberose and violet, but on my skin I get mostly lilac and tuberose. The violet fades in and out (as violet is wont to do) and gives a nice candyish sweetness. Classic and perfume-y, but this is truly a dusky scent of the gloam. This could be a very nice sleep scent for those who can't stand lavender.
  13. roseus


    Some how I had completely passed over this previously but the Lab clearly knows what I'm about and frimped it to me In the imp: Sweet vanilla cake and honey. I've had some scarring incidents with honey, but it's not always so I have some hope. On wet: Boozy honey cake. This is wonderful. Dry: Spicy vanilla cake, with a little wine and honey. I am SO happy the honey is working but this is stunning. Overall: This will be a bottle purchase as soon as I've recovered from Luper spending.
  14. roseus

    Blossoming Vulva

    In the bottle: I definitely got that buttery quality. It's not dairy-ish to me (Giljagaur had a buttery-ness to the sheep's milk for me but this is totally different). It's slippery. the vanilla and tea blossom are what I detect the most here. On wet: Everything starts coming out at different volumes, and there's a lot of scrambling to get into places. But I get a lot of amber and lotus in this stage. Dry: dusty, sweet oak and warm amber create the base. The vanilla is buttery and is making this blend super smooth. The tea blossom is a soft tea scent, and the lotus is softly sweet. Overall: The blue lotus is very different, and I absolutely love it. While it leans spring/summer I could also see myself wearing this in the winter as it's kind of snuggly.
  15. roseus

    The Head

    I love loud florals and oudh is a favorite so there really was no way to go wrong here for me. In the bottle: I get a whole lot of tuberose, gardenia, and jasmine but the carnation holds its own too. It's potent for sure. Wet: the tuberose and gardenia are softer, and the jasmine comes out more. I wouldn't say it's amping, but maybe blooming. Dry: The florals are soft and well mingled, but I can still pull out jasmine and carnation if I really try. Underneath is a nice, lightly incense-y deepness from the benzoin and oudh. Overall: It's a very heady, sexy blend. ETA: The blend has mellowed out a little, and I get that nice vanilla-y sweetness from the benzoin now and it heavier on the tuberose.
  16. roseus

    The Book

    Lovely soft leather, vanilla, and pink roses. The tonka and vanilla bourbon tar is a substantial scent. It's weighty vanilla, not soft and fluffy. The rose is delicate and fresh, but not in a juicy or damp way. It is so lovely. While I can pick each note out if I search for them, they are very well balanced. The longer they are on my skin the more they meld together. For me this is strong but subtle, people near me could smell it but it's definitely not bold. This is definitely a favorite for me.
  17. roseus


    Unfortunately I pretty much only got cherry cough syrup from this. After an hour it softened to a smooth chocolate-cherry, but I the cough syrup phase was too much for me. Alas, passing the imp on to someone else who will hopefully love it!
  18. roseus


    Got an imp to bring with me on an upcoming trip, however I do enjoy lilies quite a bit. In the imp: I can distinguish a particular flower, but it's very sweet. Like a fruity flower. On wet: The sweetness diminishes and the lilies come out. There is a fresh breezy quality to the scent. Not quite laundry detergent to me, but a very clean scent. Dry: Soft lilies, with a little bit of spice. Just a touch. Still a very clean, pure scent but not as breezy as it had been. Overall: Quite pretty, will definitely wear it on my trip. Though it does make me think of the New England coast more than Prague.
  19. roseus


    I got a frimp of this little beauty! This is one of the most truly unisex fragrances I've ever smelled. To me it doesn't lean even a little masculine or feminine. It's incredibly smooth. I'm surprised by how smooth the patchouli is, normally I find it to be a very textural element in the blend. The base is red musk and patchouli; warm, sensual, and slightly smoky. Definitely getting some saffron and a fruity sweetness I'm lending to the red currant (and maybe the vanilla bean, too).
  20. roseus

    Blood Kiss

    I have received two frimps so I it's about time I try this! The description is rather enticing despite my general lack of interest in red scents. In the imp: Cherries and cloves, and something medicinal. On wet: Poppy, cherry, and honey. Getting pretty cough syrup-y. Dry: The honey intensifies and dominates all. Oh well, better luck elsewhere!
  21. roseus

    The Black Tower

    Not something that had stood out to me originally, but I was frimped it by the lab so I gave it a go! In the imp: Primarily red wine and sandalwood. Nice. On wet: the leather blooms, it's sharp and intense. Red wine and sandalwood are still quite prominent. Dry: The leather softens and forms a base with the resins and wood. Very smooth, and smokey-sweet. I get a touch of wine over the top of it all. Overall: I surprisingly adore this. It's dark and vampy. I could see myself wearing this on cold, bleak winter days. Don't know if it's quite 'me' enough for a bottle though.
  22. roseus


    What a nice little surprise from the Lab! I love ginger and many of the other notes so I'm not sure why I've over looked this one, but many thanks to the Lab for bringing it to my attention. In the imp: Bubbly ginger ale. Light and sweet. On wet: Very strong ginger, and balsam. I can also smell thin chemical lubricant over the top, but it doesn't dominate or take away from the other notes. When I reapplied right before a class someone near me mentioned "Something smells like weird soap, ugh." And once she mentioned it I have to say I can see where she is coming from. But that weird soap smell definitely fades away shortly. Dry: Ginger and sarsaparilla, but the peppercorn and smoke kick in here and keep it from being too soda-y. It's a very enlivening and toast-y blend.
  23. roseus

    Black Lily

    In the imp: fresh, lily. Just a little sappy tartness. On wet: A very clean, bright lily. Very pure. Dry: Strong but soft. A shadow-y lily, less bright than it had been before. Womanly and creamy.
  24. roseus


    Grabbed a bottle despite the less than encouraging reviews. All of the notes listed and I have amicable relationships so I was pretty confident. In the bottle: clamoring flowers. Just what I hoped for. On wet: A lot of tea rose, and some jasmine. A little pink pepper spicing it up. Dry: A deep, sweet vanilla base. Tea rose and jasmine sit on top nicely balanced, but loud. Pink pepper sprinkled over top, and a little patch weaved through. The patch isn't very strong here, it's hard to put a finger on it. It just dirties up the blend a little. Roughs it up, and gives a little edge on all the femininity. Overall: A wonderful, heady floral. This one has a lot of personality, and will probably be my go-to in spring/summer.
  25. roseus


    This starts off as a sticky,super sweet vanilla marshmallow and mellows out on the sweetness as it dries. Dry the scent has the texture of cotton, if that makes sense. It's a fluffy, wooly, vanilla marshmallow. So perfect.