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Everything posted by roseus

  1. roseus

    Kumari Kandam

    It's starts off with a cold note (apparently snow but I have limited experience with these notes) but it is not minty or mentholated. There is clay, and humid florals. I also get a hint of sweet incense and ocean water. It's not super ozone-y or salty. The aquatic aspect is very subtle and beautiful.
  2. roseus

    No. 93 Engine

    Starts off very forest-y balsam, and herbaceous, it's a little sharp but not so much that it's off putting for me. On wet: Similar to in the imp but with a little sweetness underneath. Dry: A nice smooth base of benzoin and beeswax, with a little frankincense. There's a lot of herbs and other things floating over top, but the one that stands out the most to me is sage. It's a little spicy but not in a heated cinnamon kind of way.
  3. roseus


    Starts off like cherry cough syrup, but dry it's a nice sweet red musk with a little cherry, followed by anise. It's nice if you like cherries and anise, but as I do not this will soon be relocated to a loving home!
  4. roseus


    Starts off with the pleasantly bitter orangeness of the kumquat. The white tea is crisp, and the orange blossom is floating around sort of softening the edges. It's not super peppery to me but I'm definitely getting a little heat in this blend. It's nice and I'll revisit it next spring to see if I need a bottle.
  5. roseus

    Death Cap

    To me this is a creamy dirt scent. Very lightly sweet, it reminds me of coconut. While I love earthy scents, dirt has never really drawn me but this is the prettiest dirt scent I've ever tried. It's still not something I'd be likely to wear, but I will consider layering options.
  6. roseus


    This started off so sweet it gave me a headache, and ended as very sugared lime-grapefruit combo, with some nectarine. It smells like a generic body spray meant for teens on me. I was so looking forward to this, as I love citrus notes. But I prefer them crisp and zingy. There was no zing here for me unfortunately.
  7. The honey is so strong at first! But like Hattress said once on the cake comes out more. I've never smelled Eat Me so I can't compare, but this reminds me of Cockaigne. Not exactly the same, but definitely similar. It's sweet and not super cakey, rich and decadent. I feel like this could suit a lot of moods and go with a lot of scents. It's foodie but not intensely so to me, and doesn't seem like it would overwhelm most scents.
  8. roseus

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    Expensive lightly vanilla-scented candle. Not an intense vanilla cupcake candle. A really light and beautiful vanilla over smooth wax, and a touch of candle smoke. Dry the vanilla becomes more prominent and the smoke fades. There may be some skin musk too. There's a sweet warmth, but it could just be the vanilla. I like the scent, but it's just smells so much like a candle I am unsure how often I will wear it.
  9. Dark, burnished, and heavy. It's a woody tobacco scent. The sweetness is there, but the overall scent is deep and dark. It's smoky but not in an ashtray way. Teak comes across as super slick and polished to me, but the mahogany and tobacco have more dry qualities. I really like it, but it's just a touch too woody and not quite sweet enough. I really like layering it with Paladin and Snake Oil.
  10. roseus

    The Sea Foams Milk

    I was scared of this one. Salty milk just sounded wrong, ya know? But it was fresh, and creamy and actually really pretty! But then it disappeared! Apparently I scare it but than it scared me.
  11. roseus

    The Night-Raven

    Sweet, cool, smoky. Like jasmine incense. I love it!
  12. roseus


    I gave a bottle of this to an ex who ended up being a horrible guy, but I remembered loving the scent and hoped time would eventually soothe the association. Here's hoping. In the imp: sharp, herbal pine. Much sharper than I remember. Wet: Still a lot of pine, with leather and rosin. Earthy, warm, with an herbaceous kick. Dry: The pine is gone, and I'm left with a soft leather topped with with sweet resin and hemp. Beautiful but very soft on me. Luckily without nasty scent associations!
  13. roseus

    The Obsidian Widow

    Pinot noir, dark myrrh, red sandalwood, black patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, and attar of rose. In the imp and wet all I got was wine. It was a nice wine, dark and grape-y. But dry is MAGIC. The pinot noir, rose, and jasmine blend wonderfully into something that's somewhere between fruity and floral, but entirely sultry and mysterious. The myrrh and patchouli add depth and nice grounding aspect, with the red sandalwood adding a little sweetness. Normally these notes read as warmth to me, but not in this blend. It's not cool toned either, but somewhere in the middle. It makes me think of running through the city at night, red lipstick, the adventure not quite over.
  14. roseus

    The Peacock Queen

    2015 version. A beautiful, velvety red rose. A perfect bold rose.
  15. roseus

    Juke Joint

    Oh my WORD. I thought this was going to GREAT. Started off sweet and boozy and went to sweat. Like stale sweat. Nasty stale sweat. What happened? Who turned on me like this? Why? For what gain?
  16. roseus


    In the imp: Citrus and amber. Zingy, but with a comforting warmth. Wet: Similar to in the imp, but with a distinct herbal edge from the verbena. Dry: Lost the herbal quality and the citrus has faded and become considerably less zingy. There is a nice warm, woody incense underneath. It has a lot of depth. Don't know if I need a bottle but it is definitely in consideration...
  17. roseus


    It starts off cedar and a strong spice (clove? cinnamon?). Dry it stays very similar. A sort of astringent and very raw scent.
  18. roseus


    This is warm, sweet skin. In a very innocent way. Beautiful, and will likely need a bottle!
  19. roseus


    This is very light and sweet on me. There is a warmth from the musk and something vaguely floral about it. Very well blended.
  20. roseus

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    This starts off as a beautiful chocolate-mint, but dry the cedar and oakmoss dominate. There is a touch of pistachio as well, but I was looking for chocolate and mint.
  21. roseus

    Black Cat

    Really light rose, maybe some sandalwood? There is something bright about it as well, but it doesn't smell like lemon, or any other citrus. It's pleasant but I have roses I like better.
  22. roseus

    Dragon's Claw

    This smelled lovely in the imp, but the dragon's blood of course went spicy-floral.
  23. roseus

    Dwarven Ale

    Bottle: Super sweet butterscotch. Wet: Butterscotch and pumpkin. Dry: Less sweet, bread-y pumpkin with a touch of ginger and maybe nutmeg or clove. This could be a nice scent for autumn!
  24. roseus

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Some picks for Syra: Dee - soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods. Thalassa, The Galapagos Mermaid - Seaweed, kelp, salty ocean spray, bitter almond, night-blooming jasmine, frankincense, and benzoin. Luna - Touareg tea, Asian pear, carnation, lime sugar, green musk, armoise, and thyme. Venus Murcia - Crushed grass, honey myrtle, and dew-touched green musk. Some picks for Gracklebait: Philostratus' Phoenix - Rays of sunlight, shining with gold: amber glittering with orange blossom, Calabrian lemon, warm saffron, golden vegetal musk, and honeyed incense. Tweedledum - Green mango, fig, patchouli and green tea. Bard - A ridiculously charismatic blend of bay rum, honey, and white musk mingling with the scent of harp wood and lute strings and the twang of horn brass. Grand Guignol - Our Grand Guignol perfume is a shot of sweet apricot brandy; just enough to settle your nerves after a ghoulish, gory brush with the macabre.
  25. roseus

    Bestiaire du Moyen Âge

    I would like to start off this review by acknowledging Beth's artistry, she is truly a master of her craft. This scent perfectly illustrates the artwork. The apple blossom and grass stand out the most, with the musk supporting them. I have a hard time describing the musk because it's fresh and evocative of water but not quite aquatic to me. It's fresh, clean (but not in a soapy way), and sweet. I get a little mint and pine as well. The pine isn't like sticking your face in a branch, but more like the scent gently wafting down from the boughs. The mint just adds a faint crispness. As others have said this is just like walking through an orchard.