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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by roseus

  1. Hey forest fanatics! I am looking for a sweet pine scent. Something evergreen, but not super cold or camphoraceous. Are there any BPALs that fit the bill? GC is great but I don't mind hunting for an LE!
  2. roseus


    Overall this is a sweet incense on me. The hyssop was the first thing I could smell in the imp, herby and almost camphoraceous. But there was a definite sweetness underneath. I don't get much rose, more amber and the other resins at the heart. The champaca and ylang ylang (cananga) are the florals I get the most. Rich, sweet, and a little heady. I think I may need a bottle of this!
  3. roseus

    Baba Yaga

    I get a nice base of patchouli, with a lot of herbs. Pretty sure I am getting a little oakmoss, as there is just teensy bit of an aquatic-y edge. There is a little bit of metal present, as well as a white floral that I think might be lily. It's green and dark but not heavy. A touch too earthy for my tastes though!
  4. roseus


    This smells candy sweet to my in the imp, and I thought it was going to be too fruity and sweet in general for me. However, it does deepen somewhat on me. It doesn't get boozy, or particularly sultry on me. But it straddles this sexy-innocence thing. It's juicy and ripe, and is in the same vein as Mme. Moriarty to me, only a little lighter and sweeter. I may need a bottle!
  5. roseus


    Sweet and syrupy, with roses and some herbs I can't identify. Not my jam!
  6. roseus


    In the imp I got bubblegum sweet lotus. On my skin I get a spicy almond cream with soft florals.
  7. roseus

    White Rabbit

    This started off sweet and creamy, and I started to get the tea and then it all wet flat and musty. There is something good in here though. I need to find a newer imp to see if this one just went off...
  8. roseus

    Bram Stoker

    Bourbon vetiver with opoponax, Italian bergamot, and hay absolute. Smoky vetiver sparkling with bergamot, and a touch of hay underneath. This is SEXY aftershave to me.
  9. roseus

    Funerary Papyri

    The reed is green and dewy. The pairing with the vanilla is interesting in a good way. It doesn't make sense but it smells so good. It's nice and light. But then the myrrh comes in on the dry down giving it a deeper base. It's now a nice vanilla-myrrh but with a soft aquatic touch.
  10. roseus


    The mallow and oudh combo is what I get the most in the imp, Fluffy but not sugared. It's the same mallow oudh I get out of Libra 2016. I get just a touch of "cherry red". Just the slightest bit of cherry candy. Wet I get a candy explosion. But as it settles I get soft fruit over mallow and oudh and then... Fruit scented erasers of my childhood. I will give this another shot later because I was SO interested in the concept, despite my general disinterest in fruity scents. ETA: Now it's fruity-mallowy-oudh again!
  11. roseus

    San Cristóbal de la Habana

    Normally I don't go for fruity scents but I will make exceptions for some and I love tropical scents. I also love tobacco and this combo sounded very interesting! This reads as tropical and clean to me. I get ginger blossoms and salt at the front, with a little bit of tobacco for some earthiness. It's an interesting combination.I get very little fruit, which is normally okay but here I was kind of searching for it. There is just a soft undertone of mango. It's absolutely gorgeous and different from other white florals I have though and am considering a full bottle.
  12. roseus

    Dinnertime at the Diviner’s Hut

    Wet I get mostly frankincense, which is bright (for a resin) and almost citric to my nose. A little gritty. It pairs nicely with the bright, herbal tomato leaf here and it softens the edges of the frankincense and also brings out some of its sweetness. Dry it's a little warmer, not so bright and tangy. The tomato leaf gets a touch tomato-ier. This would be such a nice summer scent.
  13. roseus

    BPTP & BPAL Layering Combos!

    Revenant Rhythm (bath oil or hair gloss- pick your poison) with Bulgarian Tobacco SN is one of my faves now that the weather is cooler.
  14. roseus

    Pumpkin Latte

    2011 version. I definitely get a nice base of roasty coffee with lots of sweetened pumpkin. The spices take over in the wet stage but back down dry, giving a nice toasty feeling to the blend and keep it from being too sweet. Didn't think I would love this so much but I am happy I was frimped some and may have to snag a bottle this year!
  15. roseus


    Um.. I'm getting toothpaste. Like peppermint toothpaste. In the imp, wet, and dry. I don't know what is going on with my sniffer but apparently my guy's is broken too.
  16. roseus


    Been frimped this before not sure how I haven't reviewed this. In the imp this smells just like cocoa butter lotion. Which is a scent I love for sure. It's rich, and light on the cocoa. Dry it still smells like cocoa butter, but very refined. The sandalwood and myrrh add a nice warm and sophistication, with a nice sweetness from the cocoa and vanilla.
  17. roseus


    This is a smoky, mysterious scent. I think the tonka is giving the smoky vibe, because it reminds me vaguely of Perversion. But it's also very herbal. And while it is a smoky blend it does not read as dark or heavy to me.
  18. roseus


    This is all raw black leather and vetiver for me. Dark, smoky, and rough. I can see why people love it, but it is definitely not for me.
  19. roseus


    I get a sweet rose and sandalwood in the imp. The sandalwood is sweet and soft, not super dry or spicy. Wet: the rose gets stronger but also lighter? Like it's not a deep and heady rose, but it's not faint. Dry: Just left with the faintest bits of sandalwood and a sweet patchouli.
  20. roseus

    Penny Dreadful

    A spicy, gingery dirt. Foodie dirt? The ginger is the fresh kind to me, not like gingerbread. It's kind of sweet, maybe some vanilla? But there is definitely an earthy dirt quality. A very beautiful scent, but not hitting the spot for my personal tastes!
  21. roseus

    Detestable Putrescence

    Melty vanilla ice cream! A beautiful, rich vanilla. Very buttery, and I get a beautiful touch of almond (but not reading cherry). It's very cozy. This is a really nice 'everyday' kind of vanilla.
  22. roseus


    In the imp and wet I get a blast of mint, pine, and a dead leaf scent. Makes me think of walking through a forest before the first snowfall. The mint and pine stays through dry, but it gets less mentholated and sweeter. It sort of reminds me of a soft, sweet eucalyptus.
  23. roseus

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    All I get is very zingy citrus and orange blossom. It's a little too sharp on me to love, unfortunately.
  24. roseus

    Coconut Meat

    This is a beautiful fresh coconut scent. Very sweet, not too creamy. Tropical, but not sunscreen-y. An absolutely perfect coconut!
  25. roseus

    A Little More Tea

    For me this is mostly buttery cookies, with cream and tea playing a smaller part. I do get a good hit of that bergamot at the opening. Dry it smells like a tea-scented cookie rather than tea and cookies. It's a very nice and playful scent.