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Everything posted by freyasfae

  1. freyasfae


    Right on the skin, this is sharp, citrus with cedar lurking in the background with a touch of metallic that makes sense with the description as it emulates the brass, but then the metallic started to amp on me and it got sour, BUT only for the initial beginning of the drydown. As it dried more, the amber started to round it out and add more warmth to the scent. As I got this as a frimp, it's not what I would usually pick because resins are very temperamental with my skin chemistry, but glad I got to try it.
  2. freyasfae

    Pears - different BPAL pear scents

    Thanks for the rec - that sounds perfect. I am on the hunt now!
  3. freyasfae

    La Befana

    This imp intrigued me with the candies with florals and dust. Unfortunately, it's mostly candy on me. If I dig my nose into my wrist, I can pick up the violets (and a bit of the cypress), and I can't tell if the violets are the candy or the actual plant, as my skin tends to turn violet sweet unless it is strongly balanced with other florals, but arround me, the throw is all pixy stix. I can't detect any chimney dust which is a total bummer. This will be going to the swap box. Like the idea and complexity, but my skin does not.
  4. freyasfae


    This wasn't as bad as some jasmines on me, though it is night-blooming jasmine which isn't technically jasmine. The currant comes out on the drydown so it is less florally, but overall, it's just not for me so I gave it to my mom who likes jasmine, any jasmine.
  5. I just found an imp from a seller along with several others I have had my eye on for awhile, yay more testing!
  6. freyasfae

    Two, Five & Seven

    A lovely crush of roses though it tended to veer powdery on me as it dried. I do like it, but I have other rose scents I much prefer - it reminds me of Hove's Rose Celeste. However, my mom really liked this so I gave my imp to her.
  7. freyasfae

    The Peacock Queen

    Like brineydeep and elbow, Peacock Queen fades pretty quick. This is my second time wearing it, and I slathered it on this time as I had the same problem before, yet I think it faded even quicker this time! Maybe because this time I went out in the cold winter wind almost immediately after. It is definitely a velvety rose, but something that fades this quickly isn't a bottle for me. I will use up the imp, but Rose Red is still my Winter Rose of choice.
  8. Thanks for the ref, and I love that the description says "the devil herself'!
  9. freyasfae

    Snow Scents!

    How was it? I tried several snows lately and have been bummed out by all of them - Snow White, Midwinter's Eve 2007, and Snowflakes 2006. They were all a lot sweeter on me than I expected, too sweet ultimately so I have yet to find my snow scent. I just missed the decant for The Bear Prince, but I did get Frau Holle, Hurðaskellir, and Le Befana. I will be trying those soon to see if they are the snow scent I am looking for. I am eyeballing a few other Yules for my snow scent now...Nuclear Winter, The Snow at Dawn, Unmanageable Snowdrift, and Ded Moroz. Several others look nice, but I have to avoid benzoin, labdanum, and similar scents because they can go medicinal on me. Anyone recommendations would be appreciated! What about Mat Night? I didn't even know I could like a snow scent until I tried Mat Night. It's amazing. caramelized tobacco and slowly I can't seem to find it. Is it an LE? Sorry!! It's a retail exclusive, from Pretty Indulgent I'm not sure what the shipping is like to the US, as she's based in Canada, but you can get Villaness and BPAL in one place and it makes me so super happy! I order frequently and usually qualify for free shipping, so if you decide you want a bottle but it's going to be a fortune to ship it to the US, shoot me a PM. I have been looking at organizing a group order if there's enough interest and if it'll save folks money on shipping. I've also seen some used bottles floating around the forum. Oh goodness, there's more ways to BPAL! I assume by retail exclusive, that means they only make it for this particular retailer?
  10. Oh, then I will definitely add it to my imp list! Thanks!
  11. Try Bayou! (A lazy, warm deep green scent with a thick aquatic undertone: Spanish moss, evergreen and cypress with watery blue-green notes and an eddy of hothouse flowers and swamp blooms.) I can't pick out any specific florals in it, and although it is "aquatic" - it doesn't have that cologne smell that aquatics usually have (on my skin, at least). It smells of summers in the South to me. Thank you, these have been added to my wishlist. Ziggystardust, how is the rum in jazz funeral? My skin is iffy about rum. Grog was awful on me, but Perversion was very good on me, and the rum in Santa Domingo didn't entirely put me off, but I do need to test it more.
  12. freyasfae

    Snow Scents!

    Oh, you may have convinced me BlackLace! How was it? I tried several snows lately and have been bummed out by all of them - Snow White, Midwinter's Eve 2007, and Snowflakes 2006. They were all a lot sweeter on me than I expected, too sweet ultimately so I have yet to find my snow scent. I just missed the decant for The Bear Prince, but I did get Frau Holle, Hurðaskellir, and Le Befana. I will be trying those soon to see if they are the snow scent I am looking for. I am eyeballing a few other Yules for my snow scent now...Nuclear Winter, The Snow at Dawn, Unmanageable Snowdrift, and Ded Moroz. Several others look nice, but I have to avoid benzoin, labdanum, and similar scents because they can go medicinal on me. Anyone recommendations would be appreciated! What about Mat Night? I didn't even know I could like a snow scent until I tried Mat Night. It's amazing. caramelized tobacco and slowly falling snow muffling the scent of a distant fire. I can't seem to find it. Is it an LE?
  13. freyasfae

    Can anyone recommend scents for me?

    Oh, oh, I just want to add that I think Apothecary would fit your green love perfectly! It is all the things you like: ginger, tea, citrus with some fig to add a little sweetness to it, but not too much. I adore it! Embalming Fluid, Squirting Cucumber, and Cordelia are also some other greens that I really like.
  14. freyasfae

    Pears - different BPAL pear scents

    Anyone got an recommendations for a fall pear scent? To give you an idea, Bath & Body Works Perfect Autumn Day: Key Notes: Bartlett Pear , Crisp Autumn Air, Maple Toffee, Amber Woods, Fig Leaf Any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. So I got a hold of Snow White from this year's Yules, and I have tried it out a few times, but each time, it just ends up too, too sweet on me. It has that etheral, swirling snow quality - as in I don't necessarily smell it on my wrist, but smell it lingering around me which is really cool, but ultimately it just ends up getting sweeter and sweeter and sweeter till I can't stand it. Sigh. Rose Red worked great as a winter rose, but not quite the winter scent I am looking for. I got Jersey Devil and it is definitely a festive winter scent to me! I love the snowy pine with the berry. It's not quite the snow scent I am looking for, but definitely meets my winter woods scent. Thanks for the rec!
  16. freyasfae

    Snow Scents!

    How was it? I tried several snows lately and have been bummed out by all of them - Snow White, Midwinter's Eve 2007, and Snowflakes 2006. They were all a lot sweeter on me than I expected, too sweet ultimately so I have yet to find my snow scent. I just missed the decant for The Bear Prince, but I did get Frau Holle, Hurðaskellir, and Le Befana. I will be trying those soon to see if they are the snow scent I am looking for. I am eyeballing a few other Yules for my snow scent now...Nuclear Winter, The Snow at Dawn, Unmanageable Snowdrift, and Ded Moroz. Several others look nice, but I have to avoid benzoin, labdanum, and similar scents because they can go medicinal on me. Anyone recommendations would be appreciated!
  17. freyasfae

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    Licorice then cherry cough syrup. Yuck! It gets a little more berry and less chemical cherry on the drydown, but I just can't get past the initial licorice and cough syrup.
  18. freyasfae

    Rose Red

    I can't believe that this smells exactly like a fresh cut rose, there's just the right amount of rose, green, and dirt. Then swirling around it all is this cold dampness that is perfect - great as a winter rose and a rose for all year. Glad I bought a bottle, and I will probably buy another bottle before the Yules go away.
  19. freyasfae

    Rice flower scents!

    I participated in a Lilith decant circle and tried My Baby & a Baby Goat which is like a rice flower, foodie scent. I adore it - it's cozy and cuddly and perfect as a winter foodie scent for me because it makes me want to curl up under the covers with a good book. I definitely want to try more rice flowers based on this now.
  20. I recently tried New Orleans, and while I loved how it captured the humidness and decay of my favorite city, I have learned that my skin cannot tolerate honeysuckle. I like how it smells on the vine, and I like eating them, ha, but on my skin, it is a definite nope. Further, jasmine can be iffy, depending on what it is in combination with. Anyone got any recommendations for American Southern scents that avoid those two florals? I know it just seems egregious, but my skin doesn't like them!
  21. freyasfae


    I really wanted to like this because Lilith, c'mon, but it ultimately just didn't work on me. That being said, it most definitely turned me on to trying some more red wine scents especially if in combo with rose. It's probably the myrrh as my skin often doesn't like that, but still really love the red wine and rose combo.
  22. freyasfae

    Old Scratch

    When wet, this one went almost (but not quite) lemon pledge on me, but then as it dried down it started to go more general perfumy scent. This has a lot of notes that tend to not like me so it's surprising this doesn't end up being terrible on me, but it also doesn't end up being anything special either. To the swap box!
  23. freyasfae


    This is such a strange scent. I can smell many of the notes, seemingly disparate, that many other viewers mention, but in the end it ended smell like a sort of generic BPAL perfumy scent (which of course is far superior to any generic perfume scent), but it just didn't stand out for me in any particular way.
  24. freyasfae


    Got this in an Ebay imp lot. I generally dislike melon and grape - that being said, the moss creeps in on the drydown and makes it less melon sweetness. Still not for me, but I like how the moss comes in.
  25. freyasfae


    I am a rose fiend so I was excited to receive this scent as in an Ebay BPAL lot. The lotus gives a lightness and delicate sweetness like others have said - I just think white flowers when I smell this. It's a simple scent and beautiful, but I prefer the more complex BPAL scents and this is just not that.