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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by freyasfae

  1. Finally got my hands on an imp of Juke Joint and really liked it. My guy looooves bourbon so not only did he want to wear it, too, but he also loved it on me. He likes a lot of the foodie scents, too!
  2. freyasfae


    When wet this is beautiful fresh cut, dewy flowers with a sprig of mint. As it dries, the mine comes out more. I think I will revisit this in spring. Most mints are more summery for me, but this is definitely a spring mint since it is more about the florals and less about the mint.
  3. freyasfae


    I thought this was mint at first, but that's actually the juniper (and probably me testing a lot of things!), but overall this is just a fascinating scent with so many interesting notes that don't compete with one another, but definitely give the nose an experience - all rounded out by some woodsy notes.
  4. freyasfae

    The Knave of Hearts

    Oh my, this is fruit pastry goodness! As it dries down, it gets a little spicier, but then the spices mellow out and the fruit comes back in, and it eventually all mellows out to fruit pastry with baking spices. I couldn't find a lot of rose in this though.
  5. freyasfae

    Deadly Nightshade Honey

    Oh my, poisonous honey. I love it. Sharp in the bottle, but the honey comes out when wet on my skin, but as it dries down the nightshade sneaks in and balances out the sweet honey. This is such a lovely balance of sweet and malice.
  6. freyasfae

    Mad Hatter

    Wow, minty mint mint from the pennyroyal. I don't pick up a lot of the other scents in this, but it might be that my skin amps pennyroyal as I have tried a few other scents with pennyroyal and it is just screeching mint on me. I can't really get past that to anything else.
  7. freyasfae


    Considering that vetiver can be a death note on me, and cedar can quickly get overwhelming on me, this is quite a nice woodsy scent for me. Nothing overpowers, and it it's a balance of leafy greeness with woods. I even thought it was sandalwood at first, but I think that may be the cedar and vetiver dancing together. Not necessarily a keeper, but does give me hope for more cedar scents on me, in the right balance.
  8. freyasfae

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    These chocolate-y mint notes have really surprised me as something I like wearing. I usually don't wear gourmands, but have found myself really liking BPALs. This one in particular is perfect because the cedar and oakmoss prevents it from going straight gourmand. Generally, this is a lovely blend of mint, chocolate, and woodsy. Edit: After wearing this for about three hours, the mint starts to veer into licorice territory, similar to what the pennyroyal in Mad Hatter did on me. I can't stand anything licorice, so this will have to go in the swap box.
  9. freyasfae

    Venus Murcia

    Unsurprisingly, this is a very green scent, the oil is even green. At first, I can smell more of the notes, but as it dries down, it is mainly about the grass. It actually reminds me of Gap's Grass from the 90s, do they still make that? Anyway, this is a perfect scent for folks who love green grass scents.
  10. freyasfae


    I usually can't stand grape, but fortunately, maybe due to the flowers or because this is white grape, this doesn't go dimetapp on me. It was grape-y, the non-Dimetapp kind fortunately, at first, but the peach quickly joined the party. As it dries down the florals come in and eventually the musk. Overall, it's a little sweeter than I like, but this is another lovely BPAL peach scent.
  11. freyasfae


    This is very woodsy on me actually - there's a lot more than just green and floral on me, and it definitely has a malicious tinge to it.
  12. freyasfae


    In the bottle, this is all green and dark berries, but it immediately goes more berry and less green on my skin, which is what usually happens with berries. It could be a note my skin amps. Because of this ampage, I have to be very careful with berries and dark fruits, but the dark herbal-y green in Baneberry prevents this from becoming an overwhelming sweet dark berry scent on me.
  13. freyasfae

    Queen Gertrude

    Unlike several of the BPAL violets I have tried, this actually smelled like floral violets on me instead of candy violets. Because of that, the scent has the regalness I associate with violets, but I think violets are like pine for me. I love them as a scent, but not on my skin. Alas, it eventually goes soapy, too.
  14. freyasfae


    This was a very subtle citrus on me that went powdery by drydown.
  15. freyasfae

    Queen Mab

    A well-blended floral, spicy scent. I even get a little plum which I think is from the osmanthus. It doesn't morph a lot on me though the sandlawood lessens slightly as it dries down.
  16. freyasfae

    High-Strung Daisies

    Agh, somewhere along the line carnation stopped working for me. Once it dries it turns powderly licorice on me, on almost any scent where it's a note.
  17. freyasfae

    Ode on Melancholy

    A lovely floral, definitely get the sense of sadness, but once it dries down it gets significantly sweeter on me and smells more generic floral.
  18. freyasfae

    Brusque Violet

    Soapy in the bottle, but once it dries down it becomes mostly sweet violet on me with a touch of mint. S'alright.
  19. freyasfae

    The Rose

    This is now my GC rose! I adore Rose Red, and this is the GC catalogue, all year rose equivalent to it. Whereas Rose Red is a stem-y rose with the coolness of winter, this one is a fresh, green, almost single note red rose. Gorgeous!
  20. freyasfae

    Sudha Segara

    Wow, this was one of those incidences where this went drastically in a different direction once it dried down. In the bottle and wet, it's light, milky ginger and honey, then it dries and bam, SOAP! I've seen reviews where BPALers describe something going soapy, which occasionally happens to me, but rarely, but this just goes straight up soapy on me. Pretty in the bottle.
  21. freyasfae


    Um, wow, the leather is very much the undercurrent in this rose. It's mainly rose with a hint of leather, but that's what makes it so fun. There's prominent rose, but a closer whiff and it's this naughty, a little dirty bit o' leather. Definitely worth a bottle.
  22. freyasfae

    Bon Vivant

    I have two things of Bon Vivant, one is an imp and the other is a bottle. I don't know the years of either, but my imp is very strong on the champagne, the strawberries only sneak in after at least an hour of drydown, and even then are very subtle. The bottle version is much more on the strawberry even when sniffed in the bottle. I was worried it might be too sweet, but this was the inverse of my imp - the strawberries settled down after an hour and it became a gorgeous balance of strawberries and champagne with a little floral lurking in the background. I will probably just collect a variety of imps and bottles of this, just to see how they change. I adore this scent. It makes me giddy and unabashedly romantic just like strawberries and champagne.
  23. freyasfae

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    Sigh, this was a real morpher on me. In the bottle and wet, I like it so much, it's herby honey with a touch of minty from the hyssop, but it ended up getting anise-y on me during the drydown which I think may have to do with the tonka in combination with the hyssop.
  24. freyasfae


    I tried this once and gave it a 4 on my 1-5 BPAL scale, but when I revisited it after experimenting more with BPAL and learning more about the note I like and don't like, and I realized this is spicy lavender on me, which I do not like, I like herby lavender, sometimes sweet, but not spicy. I wish the musk and citrus were more prominent, this is just spicy, powdery lavender on me.
  25. freyasfae


    This is actually a myrrh I can tolerate, probably because it's eclipsed by the honey at first, but then mellows down to a light, spicy floral that would be perfect for summer.