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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by PlumSiren

  1. Curls Rock has always smelled just like cherry lozenges to me. Just my $0.02
  2. PlumSiren

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Here's Mambo for men, hopefully someone can help from here:
  3. PlumSiren

    Looking for the notes in Fleurs d'Amour

    Ooh, that sounds yummy!
  4. PlumSiren

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Couldn't find anything about English Waterlilies, but here's the info on Estee: Hopefully someone can help!
  5. PlumSiren

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Sounds vaguely like Three Brides:
  6. PlumSiren

    Yankee Candle to BPAL

    Has anyone tried the new Beanswax candles, the soy ones? I'm in love with Over the Moon - can anyone tell me what's in it, or if they know of any similar oils? (The YC site doesn't name anything specific)
  7. PlumSiren

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Do people tend to get contact & inhalation allergies equally from these? My only contact allergy I'm aware of is raw wood/sawdust...think that would be an issue with anything derived from a type of wood? In terms of coughing-sneezing-gagging-eyes-watering allergies, my worst, by far, is to lilies. In fact, if any of these say either tiger lily or stargazer lily, I'm just going to have to steer clear altogether. If there's anyone else with this allergy (only to lilies with that powdery stuff in them, not water lily or anything), could you let me know about any bad reactions you've had?
  8. I am utterly addicted to my Scorpio Soular Therapy candle...I'm positive the old one said geranium & pennyroyal; the current one says ginger & geranium. I know it's not a lot to go on, but on the off chance someone here has [had] one, I figured I'd ask! Here's more of a description: You can find stuff about the other ones at their website. It doesn't really smell especially spicy OR leafy to me, just...I dunno, it's something that is so perfect to me I can't hope to describe it! Thanks in advance!
  9. PlumSiren

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    This is such a long-shot, but...Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise, anyone? All I could find was this vague description from RL:
  10. *is new* Is anyone familiar with Dream Angels Divine (the pink one)? I've been worried for years now that they're going to discontinue this one. According to VS: A major stumbling block for me is that, while I love things like lily of the valley and water lily, I am severely allergic to pretty much any other kind of lily (esp. tigerlilies and stargazers) Anyway, thanks!