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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by LexieBlom

  1. OPS imp


    Wet/Bottle - FOODIE. Warm holiday spices -- nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, cinnamon, maybe some ginger. Either spice cake or sweet bread.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Identical to the imp, down to the last detail. Rich, spicy, sweet. It smells like spice cake with a citrus glaze.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - The same creamy, spicy, sweet deliciousness.


    I do appreciate foodie scents, especially ones as delicious as this one, but I never wear them. Ever.

  2. Dance of Death imp


    Wet/Bottle - Myrrh and Patchouli, my old friends! Thick, syrupy, and...chocolate? Not getting a lot of orris, though.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - No more chocolate, thank god. I don't even know where it came from to begin with. It's getting pretty floral, with the orris, and I really hope that is not a trend that continues as florals turn soapy on me. Sweet, thick myrrh is still present, but not much patchouli.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Myrrh scented soap. Damn.


    I really wanted to like this one, but the florals can not be trusted.

  3. The Wretched Rose Window imp


    Wet/Bottle - Very dry and powdery, almost creepy which is what i assume they are going for. Dead flowers, left to wilt a cold dark room.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Well, rose is doing exactly what rose does on my skin - turn to soap.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Soap. Cheap, dollar store soap. All the redeeming loveliness of the dead, dry, powdery flowers and cold stone are gone.



  4. Bocal de Sang imp


    Wet/Bottle - Wet dog and wine. Wait, WINE?! No, no no. Goddamnit, okay. Here goes nothing.


    Wet/Skin ( 5 minutes) - What's happening? There is no trace of wine nor wet dog, now it's sweet, sugared, powdery. Cherry? Clove? Honey? Do i...do i like this?


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Powdery, sugary, a little fruity and a little spicy. This smells so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it for the life of me.


    Guys, you know me by now. Wine is one of my usual death notes, and Cherry doesn't like me either. I don't understand what happened here, but it's lovely. Sweet, powdery, and just the right amount of fruity (which i usually hate.) This should be a textbook hatred of mine, considering the wine and cherry notes, but I actually really like this. I am really glad I gave it a try, rather than throw it aside.

  5. Al-Azif bottle (lab fresh)


    Wet/Bottle - Sweet and dark, heavy heavy incense, but I can't pick out any specific notes. Resin? Man, this one is difficult.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Molasses and creamy vanilla maybe? Some incense trailing behind. It's definitely not foodie with the molasses/vanilla, but I can't really classify it either. WHAT ARE YOU?!


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Have you ever had sex in a vat of molasses? Cause that's what this smells like. But damn, I still can't pick out a single specific note.


    This one is difficult to describe, because it is both heavy and soft, incense and sweet, and very creamy. I know nothing I can say will get it right or give it justice, but I really like it. I may not wear it often, but I like it.

  6. Blood Kiss imp


    Wet/Bottle - Wine? Uhoh! Okay Lexie, prepare your rubbing alcohol to remove this as fast as possible if necessary. Wine, Poppy and Cherry are 3 of the notes that agree with my skin the least. Remind me why we're here again?


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Mostly vetiver, which is one of my favorite notes. Slightly bitter and sharp, maybe from the poppy and cherry. The wine is an after thought, which isn't too bad yet.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - The vetiver is still the most prominent, but the wine and poppy still make this very sharp. It's also very dry and bitter, like a nice wine. I love wine, I just don't love it on my skin.


    While this definitely isn't for me, it wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be.

  7. The Music of Erich Zahn imp


    Wet/Bottle - Sweet resin, probably the lightest vetiver blend i've ever sniffed. I'm not familiar with ajowan, but i think that may be the culprit of the light floral notes.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - It's very gentle, which I wasn't expecting from black musk and vetiver. Very sweet - almost sickly, something floral, something spicy, but not quite foodie. More like a medicinal numbing agent.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - It smells just like the numbing agent they rub on your skin before you get stitches at the hospital, and that just evokes bad memories.


    Far too medicinal for me, which is unfortunate as I really enjoy it in the imp itself.

  8. A Countenance Forboding Evil imp


    Wet/Bottle - I think this is the first time I've ever been able to smell and identify each note in a blend. The vetiver, ylang ylang, blood orange and patchouli are all there, and every time i sniff, I can smell each one. Heavy, dark, and ominous.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - It's so perfect. Guys, I may have found my holy grail. This is the one. It's earthy, dirty, heavy, dark but still sweet. It's creepy, ominous, but also comforting.


    I'm gonna need a 5ml ASAP!

  9. Yggdrasil imp

    Wet/Bottle - VERY woodsy, pine? Cedar? Also very heavily herby, and almost something citrus that could also very well tie into pine.

    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - The herbs are coming to a head, but I can't identify them by their own notes. They are very dark and heavy, however. It feels like a damp, dark forest so packed with foliage that you can't even see the sky. I'm liking it, but also feel like it's missing something, it needs something to bring it full circle.

    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Drydown is very soft, but the scent itself doesn't change much.

    I really like it, honestly. But I think I would like it better layered with Oakmoss Accord or even Dirt.

  10. Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues imp


    Wet/Bottle - Oh man, this is fruity and that's really intimidating. It's all currant and lime, but it's not unpleasant to sniff. I don't usually like fruity on myself, but I'll give it a shot.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Cotton candy infused lemonade, with something...tacky. Not sticky/tacky, but cheap/tacky. Almost like a knockoff spray perfume you bought when you were 12 at CVS for $6.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) -Still $6 CVS knockoff Victorias Secret body spray


    I didn't think i was going to enjoy this just reading the notes, but received a frimp of it and wanted to be sure. Now, i know.

  11. Destroying Angel imp

    Wet/Bottle - Earthy, dry soil followed by something quite musty. Oddly sweet, not what I was expecting from the notes listed.

    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - It's light, but the sharp sweetness is almost pungent. I was expecting a pungent smell, but expected it to be more earthy. This nolonger has any soil to it, it's almost soapy.

    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - It's all soap on me, now. I think this is the first blend with dirt that I haven't liked, which is too bad.

    It's way too sharp and sweet for me, and turns to soap on my skin. I won't be keeping this imp.

  12. Paramatman Imp


    Wet/Bottle - All sandalwood, with a touch of floral. Hard to identify if it's the orange blossom or champaca yet. It smells like walking into a headshop,


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Very creamy floral, rather than sharp floral which is nice. I tend to dislike florals, but if I do ever wear them, they have to be either creamy of powdery. The sandalwood is still center stage.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Surprisingly, I really like this. It's still very creamy, but the orange blossom has taken hold and pushed the sandalwood out of the spotlight.


    I am genuinely surprised that I like this as much as I do, seeing as I usually detest floral notes. Since we're coming up on winter now, I doubt I'll be using it much until next summer, so I'll retest after it's aged a little more next year.

  13. Greed Imp


    Wet/Bottle - Earthy, but mostly Heliotrope and Copal. A little too sharp for my taste, but I'll give it a shot.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Ah, Oakmoss, my old friend. The perfect note to dull the raging monster that is Heliotrope. Now, if only we can tame this Copal, we'd be getting somewhere!


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Oakmoss and Patchouli, just what I like in a blend. Finally the heliotrope and copal are controllable, but I don't think the 30 minute wait time is worth it.


    The final drydown is nice, but the copal and heliotrope don't really add anything to it for me. I'd be better off just getting a bottle where Oakmoss and Patchouli are meant to be the stars. It's nothing special, so I doubt I'll be using it much.

  14. Omen Imp


    Wet/Bottle - Very sweet, juniper and myrrh, but I don't get any oakmoss whatsoever.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - All oakmoss and myrrh, which really goes to show how much skin chemistry really does affect the way you wear these oils. Upon bottle sniffing, there was no oakmoss at all, and now it's pretty much all I can smell. That's fine with me, though, as it's one of my favorite notes.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Oakmoss is still the major star of the show, with patchouli and myrrh in tow. The juniper, however, is MIA.


    This is really pleasant on my skin, I can see myself wearing it quite often in the fall/early winter. I'm prepared to buy a bottle if I come across it, or with my next lab order, but I'm not DISO while I have my imp.

  15. Delphi Imp


    Wet/Bottle - Oh, no no no. Something about this is just so...foul. Most likely the honey wine. To be honest, I've sniffed this imp multiple times to test, and put it back down every time, I could not convince myself to put it on. Well, here goes nothing...


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - NOPE. NO. DONE. Washing this off IMMEDIATELY! This sour, foulness is actually giving me a headache.


    Washed Off/Skin - LORD HELP ME IT WON'T COME OFF I may have to amputate this arm.


    I've had this in my collection for about a month, and received it from the Lab in an Imp Grab Bag off of their Etsy. This is the first oil I've ever had to physically remove from my body. I'm not ready to say that honey wine is one of my death notes, but it DEFINITELY does not agree with me.

  16. Juke Joint Imp

    Wet/Bottle - Girl Scout Thin Mints? I actually smelled a box of them after sniffing this, and it's identical.

    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Okay, there's the bourbon. Still smells like a GS cookie, but more like a Thin Mint Martini.

    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - All that's left is sweet, sickly sugar.

    It doesn't last well on my skin, and was all but gone half an hour in. Even when it is on and noticeable, it's far too sweet for me. This one's a "no".

  17. Krampuslaufen Imp


    Wet/Bottle - Very soft, almost foodie. I get the smoke, apple and a little chocolate.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - Schnapps is running the show, with smoke trailing not far behind. Chocolate is playing a small part, but fur and mint are nowhere to be smelled.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - It's all playing together nicely, but still no mint.


    I'm not huge on foodie scents, and feel like I'd rather have this as an atmo. than an imp. It's nice, but I can't imagine myself wearing it.

  18. The raw, untamable power of chaos. Rosewood, amber, red musk and a dribble of red sandalwood.


    Wet/Bottle - I'm getting A LOT of musk and sandalwood. It actually brought a really vivid memory to me when I sniffed it -- walking around Venice Beach, passing all of the incense booths and merchants. The wind often picked up the scents and wafted them toward you, even if you were a block away. Wow.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - About the same as in the bottle, only now the amber is rearing it's head up. Not stealing the show, but definitely a player. I am very tempted to layer this with Ask The Nearest Hippie, or even if there was a Cannabis Accord single note.


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - THERE'S the rosewood! It's a lot less pungent/punch-you-in-your-sinuses.


    I've never, NEVER had a visual reaction to BPAL like I did with Fenris Wolf. Aside from the memories it brings back, it's absolutely lovely with my chemistry. I'm definitely going to need a bottle.

  19. Yorick Imp


    Wet/Bottle - Floral? Possibly from the Angels Trumpet. The dirt is definitely an afterthought, which is too bad. Dirt and Bone are two of my favorite notes ever, so I was hoping they'd stand out a bit more.


    Wet/Skin (5 minutes) - More floral, almost soapy. Nonononono, please die down a little. The dirt is all but gone, and no trace of bone. I want to like this so badly!


    Dry/Skin (30 minutes) - Less soapy, but still too floral for me. There is no dirt or bone to this on my skin, and that's a bit disappointing. Damn you, skin chemistry!


    I'll use up my imp, but don't plan on obtaining a bottle.

  20. Wet/Bottle: Oooo, lemon? Honey? Maybe some rose or carnation, okay, kind of fruity for my taste.


    Wet/Skin: All honey and lemon. VERY powdery, not unpleasant.


    Dry/Skin: Yep, pretty sure this is just bottled lemon pledge. Guess I amped the lemon more than I thought I would.


    Sadly, not for me.


    I find Dr. Henry Jekyll (purchased from Dark Del.) to be pretty masculine. The scents listed are:

    • Resin-Coated Wood
    • Kerosene
    • Oil
    • Leather
    • Musty Velvet
    • Dust from the Grand Drape

    It's masculine enough that my boyfriend is comfortable wearing it, but not so masculine that it's unpleasant on my skin as well.


    I noticed the copy for Dr. Henry Jekyll on the Dark Delicacies has an error in it. The lab lists the notes as, "A discreet men's cologne of juniper, cumin, verbena, bergamot, mint, and basil splattered with dregs from apothecary bottles.", whereas the one on the page is meant for Erik, "Resin-coated wood, kerosene, oil, leather, musty velvet, and dust from the Grand Drape."




    Those notes definitely make more sense, I figured the blend was just a little too complex for my nose to detect each individual note. But upon sniffing, the mint and basil are definitely there.

  22. Bottle #18:


    Wet/Bottle; Smells like a caramel mocha latte with burnt milk. Weird.


    Wet/Skin: Sickly sweet caramel, the chocolate has died down a little but is still present. Not much vanilla to speak of. I can smell it on myself even when I'm not moving and my wrist is down and away from me. This is a bit too much for me.


    Dry/Skin: Purely caramel and vanilla. This has changed so much in the last 15 minutes -- it's no longer sickly sweet, but almost floral sweet. The chocolate is all but a memory, and the vanilla has reared its head in the best way possible. It's died down so much and mellowed, but I still have a slight sugar headache from sniffing it before this.


    Most likely will not be using again. The drydown is lovely, but I can't put myself through the sickly sweet stage again, even if mellows out eventually.

  23. My new favorite! I found a bottle on ebay, and picked it up on a whim. Man, am I glad I did! It's the perfect unisex scent, woody and spicy, yet somewhat sweet.


    The throw, though, just blows me away. When I tested this, I went to eat Thai food with my SO about an hour later, and just sitting at the table I could smell MdC more than I could smell the food -- and it was ONLY on my wrists.


    I absolutely adore this bottle, I might actually cry when it eventually runs out.

  24. I really want to like this. Really, I do. The only problem I have is it smells like nothing on my skin. Not that it doesn't last a long time like is a common problem, it actually smells like nothing straight from the imp. I don't know if it's aged oddly, or just a faulty imp or what, but it's so light I can barely smell anything to detect any specific notes.

  25. YES! Just the thread I need!


    I'm looking for a dupe for Whisper by The Makeup Store.


    I don't know the exact notes, as they aren't listed anywhere, but it's best described as a mix between Dior Addict (Night Queen Flower, Bulgarian rose and orange flower, the base is created with Bourbon vanilla, sandal wood and Tonka bean) and L'Occitane's Patchouli (amber, cinnamon, vanilla, myrrh, neroli and patchouli.)


    Anyone have any ideas?
