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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by LexieBlom

  1. LexieBlom

    Mort de Cesar

    My new favorite! I found a bottle on ebay, and picked it up on a whim. Man, am I glad I did! It's the perfect unisex scent, woody and spicy, yet somewhat sweet. The throw, though, just blows me away. When I tested this, I went to eat Thai food with my SO about an hour later, and just sitting at the table I could smell MdC more than I could smell the food -- and it was ONLY on my wrists. I absolutely adore this bottle, I might actually cry when it eventually runs out.
  2. LexieBlom


    I really want to like this. Really, I do. The only problem I have is it smells like nothing on my skin. Not that it doesn't last a long time like is a common problem, it actually smells like nothing straight from the imp. I don't know if it's aged oddly, or just a faulty imp or what, but it's so light I can barely smell anything to detect any specific notes.
  3. LexieBlom

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    YES! Just the thread I need! I'm looking for a dupe for Whisper by The Makeup Store. I don't know the exact notes, as they aren't listed anywhere, but it's best described as a mix between Dior Addict (Night Queen Flower, Bulgarian rose and orange flower, the base is created with Bourbon vanilla, sandal wood and Tonka bean) and L'Occitane's Patchouli (amber, cinnamon, vanilla, myrrh, neroli and patchouli.) Anyone have any ideas?
  4. LexieBlom


    See, wet in the bottle this smelled like Dr. Pepper to me. Dr. Pepper and chocolate (one of my DNs) and I was so turned off. I didn't know about the swapping forums here yet, so I just resolved to keeping it in a drawer and never using it again. That was 2 years ago. This year, however, on a whim, I decided to swatch all of my BPAL to see how they held up with age. OH.MY.GOD. Seriously guys. This has become my favorite scent I’ve owned thus far. Wet, it’s still a bit pungent, but dry on skin it is so balanced; it really is Voodoo. When I close my eyes, it smells like your first few steps into a witch doctor’s hut, on your way to buy a love potion for the lover you’ve been desiring for years. Spicy, syrup-y sweet with a dark side.
  5. LexieBlom

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I find Dr. Henry Jekyll (purchased from Dark Del.) to be pretty masculine. The scents listed are: Resin-Coated Wood Kerosene Oil Leather Musty Velvet Dust from the Grand Drape It's masculine enough that my boyfriend is comfortable wearing it, but not so masculine that it's unpleasant on my skin as well.