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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by kscha2017

  1. I love patchouli but hate coconut. I also do not do well with BP hair gloss as the scent always gets in my mouth no matter how I apply. However ...MPF 13 seems to be the exception. So far, so good. The coconut is quite lovely, very light and of superior quality to other coconut-scented things I've tried in my lifetime. The patchouli is not aggressive or overwhelming either and the two blend well. I was not expecting to like this or be able to wear it. Nice surprise.

  2. Open bottle, sniff: big, wet frogs wearing patchouli. I know frogs aren't insects, but my nose is identifying something wet and green along the lines of A Plague of Frogges here. Mixed with a sweet, black patchouli and sumptuous, sticky, thick, purple fruit. Quite gorgeous and unusual. I love it.

  3. A science fiction thriller by Lilith Victoria Barrial.

    Swirls of black plum, orange flower, white musk, spun sugar, and lollipop goo opening up into an abyss of patchouli, benzoin, and and fig.

    Okay, I'll start with my humble review ...


    I could not "picture" this scent in my mind when it first went up but, because it was Lilith-oriented and was accompanied by a video which gave it its name (and it included my beloved patchouli), it was an automatic must-have. This is a joyful, playful scent. It makes me smile every time and has become my favorite bedtime scent. My nose tells me this is an expensive gourmet black raspberry lollipop (warm and sticky) floating in a cloud of sweet patchouli. If I concentrate when I'm spraying it, I can also identify cocoa and fig. I am also greatly amused that the quote from the video "Vanished into oblivion! Bye!" appears on the bottle.

  4. Crisp lime and mandarin, with a bit of scaly green mint and coconut.

    OMG, "A Fling in the Lagoon" bath oil is to die for!!! It smells like ... a pristine, white sand beach without any dead fish odor ... like your daydream about being marooned on some tropical island (where you have food, shelter, good water, and your favorite books/music) ... like the best mojito you ever had served by the sweetest cabana boy (or girl) ... like how your skin smelled as a kid after swimming in the pool and playing in the sandbox all day ... like some happy memory I can't place ... it brought tears to my eyes. Sun, sand, lime, and mint. I need more bottles of this ... or a vat.

  5. Open bottle. Laugh with delight. This is a liquefied, old school lead pencil from my childhood. I have always loved their smell. I just didn't realize it until now. I agree with the first reviewer that the scent of the eraser is there. For me, it was a warm scent, more like the eraser bits left on the paper. This is the "sleeper hit" of this Weenie season. :)

  6. This was a last minute addition to my decant order. Am I thankful to have added it. This is a fresh, clean, cool scent that I think would smell amazing on a man but is in no way "masculine" such that it would be pegged as a man's cologne on a woman. Wet and dry on me smelled the same : sea water spray coming over grey stone walls on a cold overcast day. I think the oak and green moss give it a lively, bright tweek that prevents it from being "gloomy". Will be ordering a bottle for sure.

  7. Oh, I like this so much! Wet on my skin, I got the impression of a good quality men's cologne on a cool day outdoors. I assume my nose was interpreting the lavender and leaves in this way. As it dried, the scent changed to a more feminine, soft lavender mixed faintly with other florals, again with the impression of being outdoors on a cool day but also, amazingly, including the sensation of a breeze. Is it possible to capture "running" in a scent? I think it's been done here! This oil is also a gorgeous, bright orange-red color.

  8. My impressions were very similar to Auspicious Q: White Rabbit + Venus Verticordia = Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable. In fact, I chose to divest myself of both WR & VV in favor of Iulia's blend of tea, sugar and fresh herbs.


    Editing to add that every day this sits on my shelf, the more I like the scent. The milky, sugary tea is stronger now and the greenery is brighter. This is a very refreshing, rejuvenating scent. Fits perfectly with Iulia's storyline. I may need to grab another bottle.

  9. September 27th brings us a Supermoon Blood Moon Full Lunar Eclipse in Aries. This is the scent of domination and belligerence, passivity and compliance – revenge clashing against reconciliation – and the internal struggle to balance it all. Soul-rending hatred gnawing at the impulse of compassion, the struggle for safety at all costs, and the blood and tears that cleanse it all in the end.

    May the Gods show mercy to any who stand in the way.

    Impenetrable, blood-spattered, Martial red musk, fiery pomegranate and black pepper, the splintered woods of uncountable wooden arrow shafts and shields, sharp frankincense and morose myrrh, all smothering the gentler impulses of the moon.

    First review I'm writing and I can't do it the usual way because I'm not that good yet. But I needed to say that I bought this scent believing I wouldn't like it. But the concept of it fit me to a T. It described me, like someone had seen me from the innermost part of my soul. I thought I was being very foolish with my wallet. I figured instead of wearing the scent I wouldn't like, I'd use it in ritual (likely something pertaining to my rage issues).


    Well, the bottle arrived and I tentatively sniffed it. What?? This isn't rage. This is the gorgeous rust-red color of the moon the night of the eclipse. If color had a scent, this would be what the moon wore that night as she gazed down on us in beauty and splendor. I could do nothing but stop and gaze back in love and wonder. She was calm, comforting, soft, caring, and gentle despite her position in Aries.


    I can't describe this other than, on me, it smells like a soft, floral nag champa. It's utterly beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. If this is rage, let me rage.
