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Everything posted by LizziesLuck

  1. LizziesLuck

    Boadicea v9

    Not sure exactly why, but I felt compelled to pick this up from the Lab's Etsy. Wet: Citrus. Ah man, really? I can't do citrus most of the time. This is ok so far, but not wowing me at all. Dry: Lemony musk! It's not actual citrus at all. That explains why it never went powdery. It's black musk doing this lemony thing. I have never actually experienced it to do that on my skin before, so that's kind of cool. I totally get what people are talking about now. There's some pretty florals in there too. I am not 100% sure how I feel about this! It's really light. Pretty. Feminine. Just not sure it's ME, you know? I may need to test it again. There's an interesting sugary vanilla note buried in there that I am really liking. Wishing that would amp up more! This does grow on me every time I sniff my wrist though....ugh, undecided!!
  2. LizziesLuck


    Wet: Sweeter and fruitier than I imagined! Dry: Dark sweet fruit, with hints of soapiness from something. Nice, but not something I can see wearing.
  3. LizziesLuck

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    Wet: Soft, pretty florals. Slightly soapy, but nice. The leather comes through after a moment, and it's the kind that I like. The flowers quickly fade, and I am left with leather and something vaguely smoky. Interesting. Dry: Dusty leather single note. Quite nice! I think I would adore this on a man, but it's not really for me.
  4. LizziesLuck


    All these notes are lovely on me, except Jasmine. Oh jasmine. I keep trying though.... Wet: Cat pee. But the jasmine is settling and receding a bit...maybe it'll be ok? Dry: Not ok. So much jasmine, it's all I can smell. Another jasmine fail! How is it that it ALWAYS overpowers all other notes?? I smell nothing else.
  5. LizziesLuck

    The Ecstasy of Passion

    Wet: lots of red musk, sweet, fruity, and a little peppery (the clove, I guess) it's really nice so far. Softer than I expected. Smooth and well rounded. Dry: This dries to primarily a clove scent on me, with hints of musk and some gentle sweetness. I do like it, but it's not amazing on me. I was hoping for more red musk and ambergris, to be honest.
  6. LizziesLuck

    Little Metalmark

    Love musk! Gotta try it! Wet: Wait, what the heck is nagarmotha? Ha ha. Reminds me of....vetiver? But different? Some kind of dried plant, at least. Interesting. Woody. Hmm!! Intrigued. Dry: A really interesting scent, much different than anything I have smelled. It's sweet and woody and musky. I don't really think it's something I would wear, but I am glad to have tried it!
  7. LizziesLuck

    The First of the Three Spirits

    Wet: So pretty! Reminds me a little of Snow White, somehow. Cold, pale flowers, creamy sweetness, airy musk. Lovely! Dry: The florals in this are most prominent, and still remind me of the florals in Snow White. Which I adore, but already have. I think because of the similarities, I don't need to track down more of this, but I am so glad I got to try it! Based on those notes I never would have suspected this is what it would smell like.
  8. LizziesLuck

    Illuminati Cotillion

    Wet: A beautiful blend of incense and roses. I think I smell some Frank in there. Sweet, resinous and woody. Reminds me a bit of Cicuta, I think. Lovely. Dry: Gorgeous. Roses and incense. Rich and sweet. I really like it.
  9. LizziesLuck


    A light, invigorating floral and citrus blend. Tuberose, lotus and jasmine with a hint of lime. Lime! Cat pee! Oh jasmine, why? Why do you hate me so? In truth, I knew this would be bad on me, but I am really close to finishing off testing the entire Ars Amatoria category, so I had to try it....right? The lime was good, momentarily. Then it all went downhill. Oh well, glad to have tried it! One day there will be a jasmine scent I can wear. I have faith. It's not this one though.
  10. LizziesLuck

    De Vos’ Unicorn

    Love all of the notes in this on their own. Not sure about the lavender, as I usually only enjoy wearing it to bed. But I couldn't resist. Wet: Very sweet, sugary florals. Reminds me a wee bit of Fluttering Peonies Bath Oil in the first few seconds. But it's morphing as it dries, and becoming more of a sugary vanilla, a bit marshmallowy, touched by florals. NUM. Oh, this is what happiness smells like. Oh yes. Resisting slathering more of it all up my arm. Praying is doesn't decide to randomly turn to plastic. The sweet pea tricks my nose into thinking there's a wee bit of fruit in here. Dry: Vanilla sugar, with hints of creamy pink florals. Totally girly and innocent, without feeling childish. Does a pretty good job of capturing the feeling of "unicorns" in general. Stekk meets Serving Fish, maybe? It's good. You should likely try it if you like sweet florals with vanilla.
  11. LizziesLuck

    St. Clare

    Of the unicorns, this is the one that was the most no-brainer, instant blend bottle for me. I love tobacco, and all of these other notes should be full on win on me. Smells glorious in the bottle! Don't fail me now, skin! Wet: Mmm. Sweet, smoooooth tobacco. The kind that's just a touch spicy. Gorgeous. The rum is almost tropical in this. The whole thing smells like somewhere hot and sultry. This is rich, heady and sexy, without being in your face. Dry: Lovely. Rum, tobacco, hints of woods. On the border between feminine and unisex. Hints of vanilla swirl around. It makes me happy. ETA: Upon further settling, the next time I wore this, it seriously reminded me of Aradia. I you adore Aradia and lament how limited it is, give this a whirl!
  12. LizziesLuck

    Fledgling Raptor Moon

    I have been eyeing this up for a while. Years ago, the lunacies tended to not work with my skin chemistry, but lately I have had better luck, with both new and old lunacies. Wet: Oh. That's not....hmmm. What am I smelling? Not anything I expected!! That's gotta be the bay, because it's not woody and it's none of the other notes, all of which I am quite familiar. Hmmm. Really herbal. It smells like...salad oil. Oh noes! Dry: Well, apparently my skin amps bay, which I didn't know until now. That's literally all I can smell once this hits my skin. None of the other lovely notes that I can pick out in the bottle. Boo, skin!! Also turns out I don't much like bay, so off to the swap pile, sadly. I really wanted to love this.
  13. LizziesLuck

    Abduction of Proserpine on a Unicorn

    Love sandalwood. LOVE blackcurrant. Pomegranate is iffy, but I want to like it!! Giving this a go. Wet: An interesting mix of dark and fruity and very woody. I like it a lot so far, but struggling to see myself wearing it. Boy would I ever like that as a room scent though! Dry: Dry sandalwood and tangy fruits. This is really nice, but I just don't think it's me. I can't see wearing it, so don't think I'll need more. Bet it ages well though!
  14. LizziesLuck


    Looking at these notes, this would have been a blind bottle for me, if it weren't for the orris. I have had zero success with orris. Of all the bottles that I own, there is ONE that contains orris. It has ruined every other scent it's in for me, it just reacts so badly to my chemistry. I will be ecstatic is this is another exception! Wet: Wow! Rich, heady, dark. Really sweet, almost syrupy. Thick Myrrh and heady rose and.....powdery orris. Shit. Oh and it's amping, that's just perfect. Dry: Orris. Which smells mostly like candied powdered violets, in this instance. (Yes, I know orris is the root of the iris plant. On my skin, to my nose, iris and iris root smell like violet. And they hate me). So. Sad.
  15. LizziesLuck

    Old Demons of the First Class

    Wet: Thick musk, opoponax and pepper are standing out most to me. It's sweet and smooth, mmm. Dry: Sweet, peppery, faintly musky. Dark and rich. Really good!
  16. LizziesLuck


    Wet: Whoo! Pine! doing that nose clearing thing! Lol. Wait, after reading the notes - WHY do I smell like a tree? I don't know what mullein smells like, maybe that's what I am smelling. Sure smells like pine! Dry: It dries down to a light, dark, murky-sweet musk. I enjoy it!
  17. LizziesLuck

    Her Voice

    I was compelled to track this down. I really don't know why. The beeswax, maybe? The vanilla amber? The florals? I dunno, but I just had to try it. Wet: Wet on my skin, and in the bottle this is very green. Smells like stems, as others have mentioned. It quickly warms on my skin, and some of the other notes sweeten and brighten it, but it's still really green. Dry: This sweetens as it dries. The amber comes out nicely. This smells sweet and fresh and clean, without smelling of laundry (which I really dislike). It's very pretty. The florals meld together and I can't really pick them out individually. This is different than anything else I have, and I am really enjoying it.
  18. LizziesLuck


    I love ambergris, carnation and patchouli, but orange blossom and I don't get along. I still really wanted to try this. Wet: Oh wow, that's a lot of orange blossom. BUT it's not immediately going bitter and yucky on my skin. The patch is present, earthy and dry, not gnarly. The carnation is just a hint of spice. I'm not getting any ambergris, sadly. Dry: Dry, dusty patchouli. Nothing else, it all faded right away. It doesn't smell bad, I just like other notes with my patchouli.
  19. LizziesLuck

    Ü Mütter Museum

    Wet: Dry leather and vanilla. Wow. In the initial application, I totally get the comparison to Lush's Butterball. But there are other notes mixed with the butterball type scent as well. This is way lighter than I expected, a warm comforting skin scent. I like it, but there's a faint hint of...something...that's throwing me off. Interested to see how it dries! Dry: Interesting! Sweet, a bit vanillic, but mostly I think I smell the balsams, which are sort f hard to describe, for me. I quite like it. I don't get any woods, it's more resinous or something. A warm, sweet skin scent, that I quite like, but am not sure if I love.
  20. LizziesLuck

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    I happen to have a box from the Lab sitting here, and the customs form is marked "Essential Oil". HOWEVER, that could be because the Lab knows that's what they need to mark it to get it into Canada. Essential Oils are fine to ship here, but not anything marked perfume. I think your best bet would be to email to Lab before placing your order. Chances are if you live somewhere they offer shipping to, they know how to fill out the customs forms to make sure it gets there ok. Doesn't hurt to check and be sure though!
  21. LizziesLuck


    Wet: The frankincense is really sweet in this, golden, and almost woody. This is a sweet, warm scent. It's really interesting. Different than any other frankincense I have smelled, or at least the combination of the other notes is making is seem that way. I can just barely pick out some carnation, but none of the other notes stand out, they just lend a sweetness and warmth to the frank. This is quite nice. Dry: Warm frankincense. Sweet, and still sort of woody smelling. I like it. It's not my favourite, but it's very different from other frankincense scents that I have smelled, and it's quite interesting. Glad to have tried it!
  22. LizziesLuck


    Wet: oh my gosh wine...and it's GOOD. Wine is never good on me. I didn't expect to like this at all, I just wanted to finish off testing everything in this category...lol. And there's violet in here! It usually hates me too. What's happening? This is sexy. Dry: This dried down to just a faint fruitiness. It's rich and sweet, but not very strong. Still, there's violet and wine in here, and it didn't turn terrible on me, that's a huge win in my books and give me hope! This isn't really something I would wear, but I don't dislike it at all. and am so glad I got to try it!
  23. LizziesLuck


    Wet: Candy-sweet melon. Almost like a watermelon Jolly Ranger, or something. For sure more like candy than fresh fruit, to my nose. Dry: Stays pretty true to melon candy. It's quite pleasant, actually, a fun summer scent! I don't think it's something I would wear personally, but if you love fruity/candy scents, it's totally worth a shot.
  24. LizziesLuck

    Monna Vanna

    Wet: Initially it's a bit like bug spray, but as it warms it gets better. Surprisingly, I can't detect the violet yet, which usually amps like crazy when it touches my skin and then turns horrid. This is very light. It actually still reminds me of bug repellent, but the somewhat pleasant Skin So Soft variety. I can barely smell it. After slathering on some more, the violet creeps in...but still, I can't help thing of Skin So Soft. Maybe the lily? Dry: I smell bug spray!! (And roses) Once I got that association stuck in my head, I couldn't get past it. Stupid nose....clearly, this one is not for me. Lol.
  25. LizziesLuck

    Dragon's Bone

    I have yet to find any scent containing orris, other than Lyonesse, that works on my skin. But I keep trying!! If Lyonesse is an exception, other scents could be too. Wet: Oh my gosh, so much orris! And it's the sour kind. It always goes either sour, or sickly sweet and powdery on my skin. This is sour with a hint of powdery - that's a new one. Dry: Orris (it eventually went to powder) and the floral sort of Dragon's Blood. A hint of sandalwood, which actually helps the orris be less horrible on me. Not something I can wear, but way less horrid than I expected this to be on my skin chemistry. Glad to have gotten to try it, but I will pass in on to someone who will hopefully love it better.