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Everything posted by LizziesLuck

  1. LizziesLuck

    Prisons and Workhouses Atmosphere Spray

    Hmm, this is interesting! The tobacco note is much different than I have smelled before. It's...earthy. A bit spicy. I like it? Maybe? But it's so not what I was expecting. Not anywhere near French Tobacco, or Bulgarian, to my nose. It's a much drier tobacco note. There's something in there that's not listed, I swear. It's so familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it...reminds me a bit of Yorick? It's somewhat cologney at times, but it's like it morphs back and forth on the cushion I sprayed it on. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't dislike it, but I am not loving it either. Not sure I can see using it. Too bad, in theory this should have been perfect for me, two of my fave notes.
  2. LizziesLuck

    Shadows of the Things That Have Been Hair Gloss

    OMG this smells so good, why did I only get a decant and not a full bottle?? The hot buttered rum smells very much like caramel, and the firewood sort of smells like tobacco, and I am pretty much in heaven here. This is seriously yummy. Sweet, but not too sweet. I was afraid of the butter, but I needn't have been, it's well behaved. It just makes the scent rich, it doesn't actually smell buttery. The wood-masquerading-as-tobacco keeps this from being too gourmand. I want this in perfume too. And atmo. I wish my Christmas had smelled like this. This is the most perfectly unisex scent I have ever smelled, nothing remotely masculine or feminine about it. I'm basically just rambling, because this is hard to describe, but know that it's awesome. If you like scents like Alan McMichael and Gluggagægir, you should try some of this. YUM.
  3. LizziesLuck

    Pink Snowballs Floof

    This jar is so cute! Totally going to think of a way to reuse it. I find the scent of the floof much different than the taste. It smells very much of vanilla, which is a bit perfumey (I don't smell the rose, but I think that's what is giving it that perfumey quality). When I taste it though, I don't taste the vanilla or the perfume (thank goodness!) instead I taste high quality candy floss (which I LOVE) with hints of a sweet mint (the "chilly" part, I assume). All in all, it's really yummy, I would buy it again, and I cannot guarantee I am not about to eat this whole jar in one go....
  4. LizziesLuck

    Psychodynamic Discharge

    Wow, in the bottle it's sexy. Reminds me a bit of So Below, somehow?? Wet: A lot of leather. It wants to go a bit chemically, but then I think the creamy coconut pulls it back and smoothes it out. The musk is....musky. Lol. The ginger is really coming out now. I keep wishing for a bit more sweetness to this scent. I feel like the best word to describe it is INTENSE. It means business. Dry: It calms down quite a bit. Mostly leather on me, made creamy by the coconut (what a gorgeous combo, but I do wish the leather was a bit more well worn, a bit less new). It's musky, for sure, but I wouldn't actually be able to place it as red musk, except that it lacks the sweetness of the other musks. The ginger is a bit sharp, but has calmed down considerably. In all, this is a truly unique scent. It's a bit sexy, a bit discordant (but in a pleasing way). It's not AT ALL me, but I think that would make it all the more fun to wear it. I can't see wearing it much, but I also can't see not having it in my collection. I'm sure it'll only get better with age.
  5. LizziesLuck

    New Snow in the Avenue

    So I was pretty much an idiot this year, when it came to decants. I didn't get all the ones I really wanted, and then, in a blind panic, purchased partials and blind bottles of things that should have been decants. Must. Be. Smarter. (This is one of the blind bottles I freaked out and purchased on the forum because I realized I really had wanted to try it) Wet: In my head, this was a plum scent. In reality, first it's a lavender scent (briefly), then it's a snow scent (even more briefly) then it's a plastic scent. Buuut it's making a come back! The lavender may save it. Dry: Soap. Well, at least it's not plastic. It's nice soap. I contemplated maybe keeping this and wearing it for bed, but I am starting to get a headache, and I think this is the culprit. Sad.
  6. LizziesLuck

    Christougenniatiko Dentrophobia

    I think my eyes skipped right to the opoponax and tobacco, and I chose to overlook how awful all the other notes could be on me...lol. Wet: Pine/cat pee. Off to a stellar start. Gosh that's awful. No tobacco or opoponax yet, just forest. Used as a toilet, by a cat. Dry: Much sweeter than before, almost fruity? It's quite odd, not at all what I expect from any of these notes. It doesn't really smell like tree (or cat pee) anymore, but I don't know what it DOES smell like. It's masculine though. I guess it kind of just smells like clean man? Not a bad thing. But not for me!
  7. LizziesLuck

    Zombie Green Hair Gloss

    Sprayed on my sleeve, this is a lovely green dandelion note, with maybe a hint of lime that's not listed? And something sinister (but enjoyable) underneath. I like this. So different from anything I have. I love the idea of layering it with floral or fruit scents. A decant of this will be enough for me, but glad to have a bit of it. There's nothing else like it (hair gloss wise) that I've smelled.
  8. LizziesLuck


    Wet: Lots of vetiver and coffee. Vanilla. Yum. Wish it was a bit stronger! It's really nice. Simple, but really good. The vetiver keeps it from being foodie. With the coffee and vanilla combo, this reminds me of a non-gourmand Worst Pillow. so little throw though, I have to shove my face right into my elbow to smell it. I put some on my wrist, and that's easier to sniff. This has a dry, almost cocoa (but no richness, and just a hint sweet) feel to it. I actually really like it. Dry: Gone from the crook of my elbow. Completely. Despite slathering. On my wrist (where scents stay less true) there are faint hints of really sour vetiver left. Not nice. This one is not for my chemistry, which sucks, cuz it was amazing when wet.
  9. LizziesLuck


    Bumping the thread due to my newest obsession, carnation. My favorite Carnation perfumes are Hod and Morocco. I have imps to try of Bathsheba and I want to track down Brisingamen. I am waiting for A Thousand Hopes and Dreams and Fears to settle. I will probably never be able to find a bottle or decant of the The Masque. What are some other carnation perfumes to try? Hey my fellow carnation lover! I think you'll like Brisingamen, I do. Keep meaning to get a bottle. Hod and Alice are my faves, (Morocco is all sandalwood on me, which I love, but not a carnation scent for me). I can't wait for my decant of A Thousand Hopes to get here! Anticipating needing a bottle. Have you already tried Queen Alice? It's another GC carnation fave of mine. Miss Lizzie and Cushing Manor "Atmofume" are my newest carnation loves, but they're both harder to find. I know "soliciting" is not allowed, and this is not that, but if you wanted to try The Masque, dear Sprout, I know a certain someone who has a bottle and would gladly send you some to try. PM me if you want.
  10. LizziesLuck

    Gingerbread, Vetiver, and Black Clove

    I love clove, so I had to at least grab a decant of this Wet: Wow, this is dark. At first it smells like gingerbread and vetiver, which is actually a disconcerting combo - like evil, dirty, gingerbread men. Then the clove amps WAY up, and it's evil, dirty little gingerbread men with glowing clove eyes (don't ask me what that's the visual I'm getting, but it is. And it's creepy). There is a ton of clove in this, backed by the sweet gingerbread, and the whole thing gets some grit from the vetiver. Well blended. This is not a sweet innocent little gingerbread man - this guy is ANGRY. And I like him. Dry: Sadly, both the clove and vetiver fade away, and I am left with some stale gingerbread. Now instead of angry, it's pathetic. I had forgotten why I sold my gingerbread poppet - gingerbread no longer really works well on me as a note. I may put some age on this decant and try again, it was great for the first hour or so!
  11. LizziesLuck

    Père Noël

    2016 I avoided last year, because orange doesn't get on well with my skin chem. However, I really like orange, and I love anise and orange together (Portrait of a Young Woman with a Unicorn HG is almost all orange and anise on me, and I have been DREAMING or a similar perfume that would actually work on my skin!). So here I am, giving this a go, and I will try not to be too heartbroken if it doesn't work. Wet: Mmm, oranges. I love that smell so much. Not going to powder yet, but I don't want to get my hopes up. The lavender is much more herbal than I expected, as it's listed as "lavender candy". Not getting the anise yet. Dry: Mostly orange, that amazingly never went powdery, and makes me so happy when I sniff it! I do get hints of anise too, and a bit of Lavender. I like this a lot. I can actually see wearing it in the summer. It's so bright and fresh and happy! I may have to have a bottle. It's so rare to find orange that works!
  12. LizziesLuck

    Winter Landscape

    So, before my decant even got here, I purchased a bottle of this, because I saw one for a good price, and I have a problem, OK? Lol. I may regret it. Testing the decant now, the bottle hasn't yet arrived! Wet: Snow. I'm learning that I amp that slushy, bright, snow note. This one's a bit different than the others I have, a touch piney, but not in a way that goes cat pee on me. It's really realistic, and pretty, and makes me want to walk through a snow laden forest on a clear, cold, moonlit night. I'm not really getting the clove, but something is a touch orangey and is warming the scent up. So more like a snow laden forest at sunset than under moonlight. I really like this. Though I amp the snow note, these others notes are holding their own, and I am finally getting a snow scent that isn't JUST snow on me. Dry: Yay I get some sweet clove as this dries, and that makes me so happy!! I love clove so much. Hints of the sandalwood and Tonka. The snow has settled down, and all the notes are balanced now. This is really beautiful in all stages, and I am quite happy I jumped on that bottle, and can't wait till it gets here so I can slather in it!!
  13. LizziesLuck

    Allegory of Winter

    Terrified of the blood orange spoiling this.... Wet: Orange, yes, but not going powdery yet. I get hints of what smells a lot like vetiver, but is maybe the coal dust? Much different than the coal dust in Le Pere Fouettard. The amber is nice. Overall it's kind of muddied though, notes are hard to identify and pick out. Dry: Orange, but not powdered bathroom cleaner, which is extremely impressive. I really struggle to find orange that works on my skin, and this does. Sadly, the only other note I can pick out is the amber, making this very simple. Nice, but not amazing. I wish I got some of the musk or leather. I'll let it sit for a bit and try it again. So far not having a ton of luck with the Yules!
  14. LizziesLuck

    Gloomy Day (February)

    Wet: I got a decant of this for the ambergris and hay, but wet this is all wood, delving pretty far into pencil shaving territory. Quite sharp and unpleasant. As it warms on my skin, I get some incense and roses, and that's when I realized I just layered it over Gypsy Queen, which I thought had washed off in the shower... Take two: Still pencil shavings, but now I am getting something sour along with it. Just for a second though, and then the whole thing just melds into my skin and I don't know what I am smelling anymore. I may be too tired to test things properly. Dry: The balsams come out, and this gets much sweeter - very resinous. Hints of hay. I can't really detect the ambergris at all. It's nice, but I'm not loving it. I will likely test again, I have learned the hard way that decants especially can take some time to settle, but currently, this one is like but not love.
  15. LizziesLuck

    Le Père Fouettard

    2016 version My Yule decants came Friday, and of course I have been on call all weekend and too busy/tired to test them (plus I have such a huge back log of testing, my goodness! How did that happen??) Anyway, when I opened my back of decants, I could immediately smell something awesome. I sniffed the outside of each decant, and it was this one that smelled so good! Right through the vial! I took the cap off and sniffed more, and immediately found myself a partial to purchase, without even putting it on my skin. It needs a proper review now. Wet: This is such a rich scent! I expect sootiness and darkness, and instead get glorious rich sweet anise. I had to look up what gaufrette is, and now I get it!! It's a wafer. The coal dust is actually an incredibly pleasant smell, dark and glittering, and keeps this from being too gourmand. I love this. As it dries down, my favourite leather note starts to emerge. This only gets better!! Dry: This makes me happy. I keep catching whiffs from my arm and thinking, "man, I smell good!" Glad I snatched up that partial immediately, wondering if that'll even be enough. The base is leather, with lots of anise and hints of that glittering coal dust note. Altogether unique and glorious. Love it!!!
  16. LizziesLuck

    Gypsy Queen

    Wet: Rose and incense. It wavers on the edge of being powdery, then soapy, then it comes back around. Hints of smoke and sweetness. Very evocative. Quite beautiful, in a mysterious way. Dry: Gorgeous. Hard to describe. Rose, yes, but much more than just a rose perfume. This is so perfect for a Gypsy Queen. It's mysterious and unique, but at the same time familiar in an elusive way. I really love it. Happy to have it!
  17. LizziesLuck

    His Station and Four Aces

    Wet: Lilac - both petals and a hint of green foliage. Backed by a clean, slightly sweet white musk. Mmm. I don't find this masculine at all, it's a lovely floral perfume that anyone could wear. It's so clean smelling, but not in the aquatic/dryer sheets manner that I dislike. It smells like spring. Hints of leather are emerging to ground it, but just hints. I LOVE lilac, but have struggled to find a BPAL lilac that was sweet but not too sweet. This is perfect, and I LOVE it with the white musk. So elegant. Dry: Love! Lilac, white musk. Lovely. Still not finding it manly at all, I will really enjoy wearing this in the spring. ETA: I have to add that, on full dry-down, the most GORGEOUS leather note emerges. It's sexy, musk, almost creamy. Total love. All phases of this perfume are gorgeous.
  18. LizziesLuck


    I should not be testing things, I was on call all night last night, and have to go back on call in a couple hours (whose stupid idea was that? Oh right - mine) I feel too exhausted for my brain to even work. But I needed a pick me up, and a lovely friend sent this to me so I am going for it! Mmm. MMM!! Spicy, smoky, resinous chocolate. Bitter-sweet. Unique. Glorious. This is good stuff! Something in it almost smells caramelized. I love this, and am so happy to have it! A new favourite Weenie for sure.
  19. LizziesLuck

    Peppermint Cream Cupcake

    Thank you to my decantress who included a tester of this with my decants! Wet: Yummy, buttery mint and chocolate cake. You can clearly detect both the chocolate cake, and the mint buttercream. It makes we want to bake a batch of these and devour them. I am getting so hungry....the mint is REALLY strong and fresh, when you breath it in, it makes you feel cold. It's the strongest note on me, so far. Dry: Wow, that mint is still going strong! It's the dominant note. I really like this scent, it's a lovely mix of mint (just a hint of buttercream, not overwhelmingly buttery or sweet) and cakey chocolate. I would actually really like it as a room scent, but I don't think I would personally wear it as perfume - it makes me too hungry!
  20. LizziesLuck

    La Befana

    2016 version: Candied violet and chocolate. The chocolate smells waxy and stale on me. The violet, which usually turns into a screeching, powdery, headache inducing mess, is instead turning to plastic. Ooh, this is not good. instead of giving me a headache, it's making me nauseous. I don't usually have to wash anything off - I enjoy trying every scent I can, even if I know the notes won't work, because I appreciate that everyone has different tastes, and Beth is a genius, and you never know what could surprise you! But this has to go.
  21. LizziesLuck

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    When I tried Silky Bat hair gloss, I had to look up the notes - I remember thinking to myself, "I thought this had patchouli in it, why does it smell like lemons?" Then I looked up the notes and was thoroughly confused. Sugary musk (like skin musk or some dark musk, where it does that thing that makes it smell clean and lemony) I didn't get any patch out of it at all. My favourite patchouli is Banshee Beat, which I wish wasn't the case! I also love the simple combination of patch and apricot in Depraved (my GC patch favourite) Sin is a close runner up with that lovely patch/cinnamon combo, sweetened with amber. The Patchouli and rose combo of Beauty, The Aggrieved is amazing also. And then I have this whole section of Patchouli+Currant-or-Plum in my collection - I just adore that combo! (Shadow in The Elevator, Black Moths, Mme. Moriarty, Satan Starting from the Touch of Ithuriel's Spear, Criminal Glamour) I love the patchouli and honeysuckle combo of Badgers. And I adore the patchouli that's in Haute Macabre and So Below. So many great patchoulis!!!
  22. LizziesLuck


    Wet: The sweetness of the ylang ylang is actually counteracting the normally horribly bitter neroli (on my skin) in such a way that I can actually enjoy how pretty a floral it is! It's like they balance each other out. Enjoying this WAY more than expected. Surprised that I can't smell any patch though. Dry: This is kind of amazing, because for the first time ever, I feel like I can smell what neroli/orange blossom is supposed to smell like (instead of what my skin turns it into) and it's really beautiful. Unless that's the oleander. Lol. either way, this is a really pretty floral. It feels so classic and elegant. It smells like spring! I do have a lot of florals, not sure I need more, but I am just so stunned at being able to wear anything with neroli in it that I almost want a bottle! And the ylang ylang is so well behaved! This scent is a well kept secret, can't believe it doesn't get more love.
  23. LizziesLuck


    Wet: Green, a bit sour, almost citrusy? Slightly effervescent almost...and a bit like eucalyptus or menthol. Weeeiiird. Like rotting foliage. This is sinister. Dry: Tart/sweet almost fruity green herbal scent. It's odd. It does smell poisonous. I kind of like it! I don't think it's very me, but totally unique!
  24. LizziesLuck


    I like vetiver, and love Myrrh, so this could be nice! Wet: Mmm, dark, smoky, nutty vetiver, dark and brooding, sweetened and made richer by Myrrh. Nice! The Myrrh is quickly overtaking - my skin tends to eat vetiver. Dry: Close to Myrrh single note, but with some depth and richness, hints of smokiness and nuttiness from the vetiver. I actually really really like this, and can see wearing it. I may need to grab a bottle!
  25. LizziesLuck

    The Sea Foams Blood

    Not a fan of aquatics, nor do I really love dragon's blood, but I DO like testing everything I can, so here goes! Wet: This is actually quite pleasant, for an aquatic, but very very dark and sinister! The DB is coming through, but there's something else in there too. Dry: Yep, soapy aquatic. They're just not for me. If you like clean smelling aquatics though, I bet this is lovely.