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BPAL Madness!

serafina pekkala

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Everything posted by serafina pekkala

  1. serafina pekkala


    First response: Rose! Strong! This is a sweet rose, luxurious with the ylang ylang behind it, but I cannot detect apple on me. It has a very long staying power. On the dry down there's less rose pulling me at collar, and I can get the honey. Another one I really love.
  2. serafina pekkala

    Queen Mab

    Warrior, Trickster and Goddess of Magic and Poets, she is one of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Queen of the Faeries. A very complex scent, both shadowy and fierce: black orchid, sandalwood, night-blooming jasmine, osmanthus, Somalian rose, and Chinese musk. Queen Mab is a bit like Phantom Queen when wet. I've gotten weary of orchid. I also detect a fruity peach note. On application the scent is the same as wet: rosy flowers with a sweet edge. It is quite strong, although the orchid doesn't become as loud as in Phantom Queen. Then comes my favourite stage: sandalwood! Spicy and woody, like the old body shop sandalwood oil. Then the sandalwood fades, becoming more floral. It's a shame this stage doesn't last longer, it might be nice combinated with Fever from Lush. On the whole I thought Queen Mab too 'perfumey' for me, for lack of a better word.
  3. serafina pekkala

    Jolly Roger

    It's very nice and masculine, changing subtly but mostly staying the same while I wear it. Salt, leather, marine-y with something sweet underneath: the rum. Apart from the wood of wreckage washed ashore I also smell those hard pieces of dry seafoam. I'd love this on a guy, but my brother thought it smelled like a women's scent.
  4. serafina pekkala


    In the bottle: smells like those Italian almond cookies, amaretti. On applying: spicy fruityness, I get orangepeel and clove (yum!), the rose is starting to waft upwards. Oh my god. This is so sultry and sensual, I feel *incredibly* sexy when I wear this. The scent doest differ in the places where it's applied: a drier, sweeter almond on the wrists, orangy in my elbows, and Rose! on my neck and shirt. The rose is delicious, not too heavy but unmistakeable and voluptuous. Although the strength does wane after about four hours I could still smell it around me the next morning, twelve hours after applying it. I'm getting a bottle of this!