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Everything posted by isisonearth

  1. isisonearth

    Violet Ray

    Imp: ZOMG...violet candies with just a touch of musk. Wet: Still those amazing Chopard's violet mints. The sweetness of lilac just peeking out. Dry: Just a perfect expression of purpleness. Mint tickles the back of my throat when I breathe in. Violet and lilac mingle in a soft bed of musk. Sandalwood makes a perfect creamy base. Occasional fleeting glimpses of hyper-feminine ylang ylang...you almost aren't sure it is there. The moss I can't out my finger on. Overall: So soft and feminine but in an unexpected way that is a bit old fashioned, a bit off kilter.
  2. isisonearth

    The Robotic Scarab

    Ok...my curiosity got the better of me. I couldn't wait for another day to try another Steamworks scent. Imp: Mostly beautiful frankincense with a hint of leather. Wet: Ok...there the metallic note kicks in. The scent is very eastern but oddly sanitized. I really can picture it as a robotic scarab. Up close there is more of a bland scent of leather and lubricating oils but from farther out there is a swirl of frankincense scented smoke. Dry: The throw just keeps improving. That frankincense is much more complex. The spicy star anise and leather start to mingle. Overall: Another unique and unexpected offering from the Steamworks.
  3. isisonearth

    Phoenix Steamworks

    Imp: To begin with I just smell incense and sage but when I inhale deeply suddenly the scent of metal comes into focus. It is the metallic smell of the inner workings of something too. There is a bit of oil and a bit of what seems to be friction to me. How amazingly complex is that? Wet: Burning sage and incense. The tiniest touch of metal lurks in the back ground. Dry: It gets fresher smelling. Almost a bit lemony. The sage is not reading as pure sage anymore...it has morphed to a sort of sun warmed metallic skin musk. Sexy girl robot or Kaylee from firefly. Overall: Amazingly evocative. This is my first Steamworks scent and it makes me want to try them all.
  4. isisonearth

    The Witch's Garden

    Imp: Green but sweet. There is something wonderfully vegetable about it. Wonderfully enticing. Wet: Lettuce and parsley with a sweet breath of morning glory, succulent and sweet. The herbs are dryer and hint at something bitter underneath. Dry: More of a complex herbal blend. I smell the sage, hemlock and wormwood. I recognize them from other blends. They are perfect together a mysterious mix of ingredients. A bit of the fresh green of the rampion lingers but there is nothing floral left. Amazing. I had a feeling this one would be great. It goes on my list to get a bottle before summer.
  5. isisonearth

    Butter Rum Cookie

    I'm not much of a foodie girl but this was in my order for a friend. Not only does this smell so much like cookie but I an picture the EXACT cookie it is. WOW! Warm, buttery, golden, perfect little butter rum cookies shaped like wreaths.
  6. isisonearth


    Imp: OMG...it is that dirt smell that both fascinates and repels me. Wet: Apricot and dirt...mostly dirt. Dry: It morphs into a nice strong patchouli. Almost a single note. Not for me.
  7. isisonearth


    Imp: There is sort of a licorice like scent along with the black teas. Wet: Softer on than I would have expected. The licorice smell is strong at first but it seems to mellow into leather. Dry: The longer it sits the more pronounced the scent of leather becomes. The tea is more of a background scent. Occasionally I get a whiff of something herbal. There is almost a bit of a creamy feel as well...a little milk in the tea. I would not have thought I would have like this...but I do.
  8. isisonearth


    Imp: Fresh apricot with something green. Wet: Orange blossom joins the apricot. What a gorgeous fruity scent this is. Dry: The musk takes this beyond just a run of the mill fruity scent. It really rounds out the apricot which remind very true.
  9. isisonearth


    A lovely raspberry with a hint of blood orange that reminds me of those chocolate oranges we get at holiday time. I don't seem to be getting the candy sweetness that many reviewers got. Pretty but I'm not a fruity gal. Since I'm the 4th to have this one, I think, I will pass it on:)
  10. isisonearth

    Santo Domingo

    Imp: Tobacco and rum. I'm already thinking this may go to my hubby's pirate collection. Wet: Bay rum with a hint of lush florals. Dry: Very much a men's cologne. A sultry tropical one though. I'll have to see how the man likes it.
  11. isisonearth


    Imp: Very minty, almost toothpaste minty. The incubus has gleaming white teeth:) Wet: The mint is much nice on. The sage rounds it out and makes it more complex. Dry: As it warms the caramel comes out and an occasional flicker of nicotiana like a flame. The mint settles down to a backdrop of coldness. I like it. I get this very unusual cold/warm dichotomy that seems to switch back and forth with each sniff.
  12. isisonearth


    Imp: Interesting. I smell the cool melon and juniper contrasting with dark smoky tobacco. Wet: Hmmm the tobacco is mellow but there is a sharp bite from the chili. I get some of the same honey note as Osun too. Dry: It reminds me a bit of leather or maybe leather armchairs that rich men sit in to smoke cigars. It is warm, alluring, a little masculine and dangerous...sexy.
  13. isisonearth

    Rose Red

    Imp: Strong rose with a sharp green edge to it. Wet: Where Peacock Queen was so faint on me this is almost an assault of roseyness. Thousands of roses, greenery and a woody stem note. It seems to be amping like mad. Dry: It settles down some but isn't for me. Too overwhelming.
  14. isisonearth

    Snow White

    Imp: Snow with a touch of almond. Wet: This is almost a dead ringer for LUSH Snowcake my #1 fav. LUSH fragrance. Marzipan...yum! Dry: I never really do find the flowers. The are hiding. Sweet snow and and almond are wonderful and subtle on their own. Another one that I will have to get a bottle of if it reappears.
  15. isisonearth

    The Peacock Queen

    Imp: Rosewater. Very faint scent. Wet: Pure, red hot-house roses. Dry: It remains a true hot-house rose but is already fading. Just like expensive roses it doesn't seem to last as long as it should.
  16. isisonearth


    Imp: Gorgeous pomegranate and fig with a touch of amber. Wet: The fruits are sweetened with beeswax fragrant with honey. There is a touch of mellow olive oil too. The scent is warm and glowing and makes me think of comfort and abundance. Dry: The olive oil and beeswax linger longest but there is a complex sweet undertone that must be the last of the fruits. I'm a huge fan of this sort of ancient world foody scent. I really wish I would have bought a bottle of this. If it makes a reappearance it will be a must buy for me.
  17. isisonearth

    Archangel Winter

    Imp: Ozone, Beth's wonderful snow note and a hint of grapefruit. Wet: Cold, sugared grapefruit. this is so odd...I don't remember it this way at all. Dry: As it dries it gets less fruity and turns into more of a fresh, snowy scent. It reminds me of breathing clean, cold air.
  18. isisonearth


    Imp: Minty bubblegum, that's the lotus talking:) Wet: I'm loving the bubbly champagne even though it only lasts for a second or two. Quickly changes to a tart grapefruit with a spring of mint. So far so good. Grapefruit often goes stinky on me. Dry: Nice fresh grapefruit scent. A bit of cheerful, bubblegummy lotus hangs around making it fun. It is off to the imp box for now but I think I'll really enjoy this when warmer weather returns.
  19. isisonearth

    Swan Maiden

    Bottle: Lily, a powdery sandalwood and the delicate sweetness of gardenia. Wet: Stronger gardenia with a supporting cast of floral whiteness still with that touch of sandalwood to keep wearable. Dry: Soft and white, a whisper of florals on my skin. The magnolia and orchid are more distinguishable but gardenia remains the star. Truly evocative of white feathers. I always love gardenia because it was my mother's favorite flower. Most times I find it too sweet to be wearable for me. This is just right...not at all over powering.
  20. isisonearth

    Day of the Skulls

    Bottle: Beeswax and frankincense with a tiny breath of floral. I'm feeling giddy. I had been hoping for the beeswax to make a strong showing. Wet: So mellow and gorgeous. The beeswax, sandalwood and tobacco are so complimentary. But then there is also a bit of sparkle from the florals. The rose is minor and the hydrangea is light and fresh. There is a quality to the florals I don;t quite recognize that must be the cactus and kantuta blossoms. There is something almost wet about them. Dry: A large amount of beeswax still glowing through with an enduring frankincense and a dusting of cocoa finally making an appearance. Everything I could have imagined and more.
  21. isisonearth

    Dragon's Musk

    Imp: Dragon's blood so sweet it almost has a jasmine feel to me. Wet: A powdery musk joins the mix. Dry: In the dry down it becomes really wearable. A little resinous...a little sweet...a little soft...very nice!
  22. isisonearth

    The Dormouse

    I can't believe I never reviewed The Doormouse. It is my favorite of the Mad Tea Party blends. A profusion of pink peonies releasing a cloud of fragrance. Underneath the herbal scent of the teas keeps it from being too much. I love this in the spring. It makes me feel cheerful and carefree!
  23. isisonearth


    Imp: Pure amber. Wet: Warm, resinous amber that rounds out into the musk. It is almost a seamless transition and keeps the amber from going powdery. Dry: The "murky" musk starts to have a bit of a dirty scent. Verdict: Not quite sure what I think. I'm not a fan of dirty but I love amber and this seems to work. I'll probably need to wear it again and think it over.
  24. isisonearth

    Sticky Pillowcase

    Bottle: Strawberry syrup and taffy. Wet: Total sugar rush. Mostly strawberry and caramel. Dry: It seems to hit the dry phase quickly. The sugar is light and non-distinct and joined by a bit of fresh cotton. Verdict: Bought for a candy scent loving friend's birthday. I think she will enjoy it. Not something I would personally wear.
  25. isisonearth


    Bottle: OMG...swoon worthy. Honeyed spices...gorgeous copal...rich tobacco and just a faint hint of rose. In the bottle it is already so swoon worthy I'm glad I ordered it. I'm just sitting here opening and closing the bottle to sniff. I don't want to rush. I can tell this is going to be one to savor. Wet: More mellow. Well worn, ornately carved chest of precious spices. I'm not sure what spices are native to S. America but there seems to be something fiery like chile with something mellow like cumin or anatto. The tobacco rises as fragrant smoke mingling with the scent of the spices. There is a little dewy sweetness from fresh roses but is is very much a back ground note...plus a green honey note that must be the agave. Dry: Warm and close to the skin. As though you have returned home after the Day of the Dead rituals with the scents of the offerings having become one with your skin. This is really amazing. I can't believe I almost didn't order it. Thank goodness for the copal dragging me in. I will be wearing this often. In fact I may take a day or two before testing any other Halloweenies. I want to smell Mictecacihuatl again and again.