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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Nepthys

  1. Nepthys


    This is a rich deep scent of freshly turned earth, laced with a very light sweetness. It also smells vaguely woodsy to me and suggests the smell of the ground on a damp overcast day. As far as earth-scents, I prefer Zombi to wear, but prefer this to use as a home scent.
  2. Nepthys


    Although this is described as a mournful scent, on me it comes across more of as the sweet side of haunting, like an old attic trunk full of antiques and velvet. The amber and musk first start off as a drowsy, clean, just-took-a-shower smell, then deepen into something sophisticated and luxurious. I really love this scent. In some ways it reminds me of a drier, more foreboding version of O.
  3. Nepthys


    This is a great example of BPAL's ability to surprise me. I never would have ordered it (though I love the name) because the sound of it seemed so incompatible with my chemistry; fruity scents just don't mix with me. Elizabeth slipped it in as a bonus sample and much to my surprise it smelled good to me - the perfect balance of tartness and sweetness. I was even more surprised when it dried down on me to something heady and very sweet without being overwhelming. This actually does remind me of the Old West a bit - it's a very sassy scent, as you imagine a bordello girl would have to be back then.
  4. Nepthys


    As a big fan of Velvet, I wasn't sure I would need another chocolaty BPAL scent - especially one laced with cherry. But Elizabeth slipped in a sample of this and wow, do I adore it. I can pick out the chocolate, cherry and orange and yet it's not sickeningly sweet at all - just delicious. It reminds me of Christmas, that fresh smell that comes at you when you open up a box of luxury goodies. Whereas Velvet has a darker and somewhat mesmerizing quality to it, this tends to perk me right up. Unfortunately after the first hour it loses some of the chocolateness as it dries down, leaving mainly a liquored-cherry whiff.
  5. Nepthys


    Very nice scent but not for me. For some reason a strong note of jasmine came through on me which is the one scent I can't handle. Even so, I still liked the overall blend. It is very tropical yet in an elegant, feminine way, not a blaring sex-and-sand way. This reminds me of a 1950's perfume your mother might have brought back from Hawaii. I will probably use the rest of my imp as a room scent.
  6. Nepthys

    Golden Priapus

    I'd heard this was the boy version of O or Snake Oil so I had to try it. On me this brings forth the amber-vanilla notes of the former, but with a masculine edge of wood and smoke. Gorgeous scent, very sexual and confident; this does evoke images of a beautiful boy for me, but one who is golden and pampered, not butch or rough.
  7. Nepthys


    Sniffing this in the vial, I was not impressed - it smelled like straight patchouli and that is what first came through wet on me, with a very hippie-ish heavy incense smell. Then the ginger came on and it dried down into something bold and challenging, yet sweet. As the day wore on, I got more and more attracted to it and now I find it irresistible. It reminds me a lot of a Chanel perfume, Coco Mademoiselle. I love blends that are completely new to me, yet make perfect olfactory sense and this is one. This is a very self-assertive scent and makes a great fall perfume.
  8. Nepthys


    This is a nice mix of florals, but a little too sophisticated for me. It reminds me of something an older powerful woman would wear, a subtly dominating scent which would underscore her power.
  9. Nepthys


    I do get the baby powder associations others have mentioned but this also comes on as very green and grassy to me. It dries down into something soft and half-innocent, half-mysterious. This is an addictive scent that can grow cloying worn every day but worn once in a while, it's beautiful. My only concern is that it might be stronger than I perceive it to be, because twice I have had strangers lean in and sniff and ask what perfume I'm wearing.
  10. Nepthys


    In the bottle this smelled too sweet and childish for me. But on it began with the floral note dominating, and then dried down to a vanilla baby powder smell - yet there was a lift of sophistication that saved it from being too cloying. This is a very pretty scent and though I sometimes don't feel comfortable in ultra-feminine perfumes, this is a great light summer scent.
  11. Nepthys


    This was thick and dark green on me. I thought the floral notes might add some sweetness but really it was just a murky, mossy vegetation smell on me. None of the hothouse flowers came through at all. It's funny but I don't find this humid in the least; I think that's because I used to live in a swamp town in South Carolina and this was totally evocative of how the swamps smelled in winter -- dry, spooky and very green.
  12. Nepthys


    I'm beginning to love so many BPAL oils that I'm having a hard time ranking my ultimate favorites, but this is definitely one of my top-tier ones. I think I can pick out cinnamon or cardamon, sandalwood, almond and spices, but really it all comes together in a perfect blend that dries down on me to smell exactly as it did wet: warm, sophisticated, inviting and exotic. I love that it is spicy without being bitter. It does fade quickly on me halfway, and then the ghost of it lingers on all day. But I don't mind reapplying because this is just so beautiful.
  13. Nepthys


    This really works with my chemistry and for that I am grateful, because nothing has ever smelled as good on me as O. It smells like warm skin, sex and cake - arousing and cozy and mysterious all at the same time. This is my all-time favorite scent ever. This summer I've been wearing it set with Kama Sutra honey dust powder and the effect is ... quite nice.
  14. Nepthys


    Sandalwood is my all-time favorite scent, so I suspected I would fall in love with this and I was right. Wet, it didn't smell all that complex to me - then it dried down into a very rich, wicked and seductive smell. The cinnamon is barely detectable, but deepens and sweetens the sandalwood to a perfect extent. This reminded me of something a very confident, wealthy courtesan would wear. Strangely this, more than any other BPAL scent, has elicited verbal compliments from men who usually refrain from such. One even made me write down BPAL's url so he could buy a bottle for his girlfriend.
  15. Nepthys

    Danse Macabre

    Wet, the woodsy notes dominated and smelled exactly like a Southern graveyard in autumn. It dried down, however, to a churchier scent of heavy frankincense - something I'm not fond of. Luckily that only lasted a short time before morphing to a nutty, mossy wet-tree smell and then settling into a lovely scent that I can only describe as burning incense outside on a wet fall day. I would love this on a man but I like it quite a bit on myself as well.
  16. Nepthys


    This is clean, green and very bright. I love this scent, though it doesn't suggest to me the usual suicide connotation of hemlock; it's just too happy and bright. It's not the wild green of a forest, but rather the peppier green of ferns and lemons, such as a freshly-cleaned greenhouse. So often bright green scents turn cloying on me after a while but Hemlock stays clean and enticing the whole time. I really like this.
  17. Nepthys


    This took some getting used to. It is quite sharp, as the name implies, and kept me on edge. The grapefruit and mint came through very loudly on me, drowning out the aquatic notes, and somehow made it impossible for me to relax while I could smell this. I couldn't wear it at all at work, but at home it was the perfect summer night fragrance for doing my nails, cranking the AC and puttering around the house. It's a very fresh, invigorating scent and VERY different from the scents that are usually described that way - this is quite unique and worth a try.
  18. Nepthys


    This sounded like such an odd blend of different scents that I couldn't even imagine how it would smell - but I have always loved the goddess Kali so I figured I had to order this. And it is divine. This is very light, not heavy at all, yet decadent and seductive at the same time. To me this strikes the perfect balance - not overly sweet or innocent like so many light scents, and not overpowering or heavy like so many sensual scents. As others have said, on me different notes dominate on different days - sometimes it's a very sweet and warm wine-floral smell and other times the chocolate comes through, and at other times it's quite smokey. It reminds me of the way a sophisticated perfume smells on a woman not when she puts it on, but hours into a party, when it's commingled a bit with smoke and the warmth of her skin.
  19. Nepthys


    I knew from the description that I would love this and I was right. I missed out on June Gloom but this scent sort of hit what I was looking for -- a suggestion of an overcast summer day, damp and fresh yet dark. This reminds me of those silent moments in a forest before a storm when all of the birds are silent and you can smell that tangy damp woods smell; this has that same profound, unsettling and invigorating feeling. Very nice. ETA: So many moons later, I had to say that I just love this scent. My reactions to most BPAL seem to fluctuate so much - currently I am off all sweet scents - but Incantation always has that mysterious, fresh impact on me. This is the perfect summer scent to me because it reminds me of so many pleasant summer associations - being in a library on a hot day, walking through the woods before a storm, even clubbing. Definitely one of my top 5.