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Posts posted by Shaeori

  1. Vanilla must have a tendency to turn musky on me, which I don't like, and sadly means I don't think this one is for me.


    I'm terribly envious of those who are getting tobacco and wood and libraries, all I get is sweet powdery vanilla, which seems more like something I'd use as a house scent, not on myself. It refuses to transform, wet or dry and though occasionally I've tried tricking myself into believing there's a wood scent in there and it might coax out... it doesn't.


    Obviously, I am an anomaly!

  2. A regal, commanding scent, but poignant. White cedarwood, blue sage and bay leaf.


    In the bottle: Stong woody overtones, with something almost sweet, almost chemically underneath. Not sure about this when I opened the bottle but this disappears immediately when it goes on the skin.


    Wet: Lots and lots of cedar with strong bay. Like I rolled in forest undergrowth. I love the fact that the sweet tone is gone, it's super earthy.


    Dry: Still keeps that earth tone but the bay comes out a bit more. It lightens tremendously, so I do need to reapply, but it's a lovely scent which does tend to work reasonably well on me. Could be nice on a guy too.

  3. In the imp: Amber, powder.

    Wet on my skin: Sweet powder. Very airy.

    Dry: Unfortunately, all I get with this scent is the sweetness - none of the leather, tobacco or anything else mentioned by others. What has me holding on to the imp is that I know it was different when I tried it in the summer, so I'm going to hang onto it for now - just in case.

    Overall: Lovely sweet scent - rather like the Black Rider used a lot of baby powder to protect against chafing. Not really as exciting as I remember it, but we'll see when the weather warms.
