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Posts posted by CiCi

  1. HennaFairy graciously gifted me with some Orange, and I have to first thank her and say I was so surprised and shocked at her generosity! :P


    In the imp: it is dark yellow in color and smells like strong orange zest.


    Wet: It smells sweet and strong and reminds me of orange extract I use in baking. I can also pick up sweetness, like honey or honeysuckle blossom and maybe a touch of spice.


    Dry: I have been wearing this for three hours now and it has not lost it's tangy freshness. It has mellowed a little and become sweeter if possible. There is a more floral fragrance now.


    Normally, I don't care for citrus blends because they are too sharp, but Orange is not like that at all. It is refreshing and the scent softly lingers for hours. It reminds me of cool summer nights, and walks in the park, and relaxing with your feet in the pool.


    This was everything and more than I thought it would be. I loved the sweetness in it combined with the tangy too. When I wore it, it could imagine orange blossoms falling all around me. I really liked how it went from strong to light and then lasted for hours.

  2. I am very mixed on this one. Normally, I either love a scent or don't, but with this one, I like it one day and the next it just isn't me. It is a very fresh scent, almost like you took a tree branch and broke in in half and smelled the green-ness of it with a touch of tang. After wearing it for awhile, the musk warms up and the the tobacco come out to play. I like this on me, but I think I will love this on my husband.

  3. This is simply gorgeous! Anything that Beth makes that has tobacco in is always works for me, so I ordered this as soon as it was released. I was not disappointed at all. In the bottle, it is subtle and warm, with vanilla, teak and tobacco notes. As it warms up it the scent just seems to blossom and become richer, fuller and a little sweeter. It is very sexy too. This rates right up there with my most favorites. I think I will order another bottle to age. This is one that is going to be a beauty next year. :P

  4. First applied, I smell the sweet rum right away and I like it very much. But then, it disappears and the vodka appears. I don't like the taste of vodka and apparently, I don't like the smell of it either.

    There was a brief whiff of mint that lasted a few seconds and I never did catch it again. I do pick up a spiciness after 20 minutes or so that I do like and the rum notes reappear and stay. It seems that my body chemistry amps the spice, almond and rum, and discard the rest. This is fine with me, it does smell light and fresh and I think another bottle is in order. This is a perfect summer scent.

  5. In the bottle: fresh, cool, blueberries


    On: lighter blueberries with a zing of lemon. On me, the gin is an undernote, and is not overpowering at all. I do smell a touch of papaya but it is more of the rind than the fruit. It doesn't seem to last very long on me and I did have to reapply it after only 45 minutes. It is very refreshing and will be perfect for the hot summer months.

  6. I tried Rangoon Riptide at WC and thought that I didn't give it enough *alone* time. After trying so many different oils my nose starts to think they all smell the same. After smelling this at WC, my notes just had ??? after it. I put a little on today and really didn't smell too much, so I added more. To me, this is very light, with some fruit and a touch of rum. I could not distinguish the different fruits, just a jumble of them. Of all the Lounge bar scents I have tried so far, this is the lightest. It does seem to get better the longer you wear it, but you have to wait a good 40 minutes to get the full effect.

  7. Upa Upa reminds me of a Hot Rum Toddy. It has that type of strong rum with almost a hint of clove in it. There is that almost bitter spice smell that cloves and cinnamon have. After warming up, vanilla makes it's presence known and it is very delicious. :D My body doesn't amp the fruit at all, just the rum, vanilla and spices. When I put my wrist up to my nose to smell, I touched my wrist with my lips and they stung! Ohhh! Another use for Bpal!!! I wonder if I can use this to plump my lips too???? :P

  8. Fresh on the skin this smells like deep earthy moss, and for the first 10 minutes or so that is the only thing I could smell. Reading the notes, I was hoping that my body chemistry would let it blossom into more than just the mossy scent.


    After 15 minutes, the Plumeria and pikaki kicked in, blended with the umi'umi-o-dole, and oh my gosh, is this a beautiful scent! I love sandalwood and it does make it's presence known, but lightly. Where before it was earthy, now is is sweet, with a slight hint of musk maybe and a gorgeous tropical floral scent. It is not overwhelming, just gently makes you aware it's there. :P

  9. This is exactly what the bottle describes it to be, very strong sulphuric ash and I get more of a palm root smell rather than palm frond. This might be better layered with something, but for me personally, it is rather strong. When I was in Hawaii, (a looong time ago) there was a long wooden sidewalk/plank that you could walk on over some volcanic/sulfur fields. After that 30 minute walk, my husband and I smelled just like this! Beth has captured it perfectly! :P

  10. This was the first bottle to jump into my basket and I am so happy with it. I love orchids and gardenias, I have them both in my garden, and this is the closest I have ever smelled to fresh, live plants. The longer I wear it, the sweeter it gets and the more muskier it becomes (I do love my musk too). It gets better the longer I wear it and I didn't need to slather it. It is a gorgeous oil and very alluring. This is one scent that I will be ordering more of! :P

  11. In the bottle: very guava and green,with no gin note detected


    On, it is light and fruity, Fruity Delight!


    As with the other bottles I have tried, I am not impressed with them in the bottle. But once they are applied, they blossom! In the bottle, they are just ingredients, but combine it with my skin chemistry and it turns into a juicy, tropical dessert. The guava and passion fruit mix with a little of the citrus of the tangerine and even a touch of a musky note. I can also detect a sharp note too like the rind of one of the fruits, tangerine or the guava, perhaps? Or, could that be a little bitter hint of the gin? Either way, it adds a little mystery to the mix. Perfect and light for summer. Glad I purchased a bottle! :P

  12. Every bottle of the new Luau Lounge blends smell one way in the bottle and another way on me. Moana is no exception. When I opened the bottle, the first thing I smelled was sand, seaweed, and whiff of salt. After applying though, the lightness of the florals and the sweetness of the awapuhi (ginger) comes out on me and blends with my skin chemistry to make me what to buy many bottles of this. Another must have for summer. A gentle, water sea blend, not a stormy Atantic Hurricane blend. :P

  13. Boo Bam has a tangy, almost over ripe smell to it in the bottle. It is a combo of the bamboo which I recognize from Holiday Moon, almost a dirty ripe smell from the palm fronds and also some sweetness from the crushed(I believe) hibiscus. Is there a muskiness to it also? Maybe that's the palm frond coming through. This gets better the longer you wear it so give it a chance and wear it a while before you review it. :P

  14. In the bottle I can smell the dark coconut which makes me very happy. I love coconut and continue to search for the perfect coconut scent. I love beth's darker oil's and this is no exception. I kept smelling my wrist and could smell a woody note so wasn't surprised to see bark listed. But when I think of bark in this instance, I am thinking dark, wet bark with a mossy undertone to it. Very nice. After half an hour or so a little citrus comes out and lightly lingers, and then a spicy fragrance makes an appearance. This is just fabulous and sexy! I absolutely need another bottle or two. :P

  15. I tried this at Will Call and liked it there and ordered a bottle. I love coconut and wanted this to have a heavy coconut note, but I get almost none in it. The first note I did smell was the hibiscus. It was very light but I would know it anywhere, I have a tropical garden and have several varieties growing there. The musk and neroli blend with the hibiscus and make this a very sexy, sensual scent. For some reason, I think of this as a red scent, maybe because it's the hibiscus flower itself. It is perfect for day or evening and light enough for the hot days of summer. I love this and it may call for a second bottle. :P

  16. In the bottle: Fruit and rose with the parsley greens


    Wet: Garden of florals and fruits, it smelled like a fresh fruit roadside produce stand


    Dry: The fruits started to separate a little and I could pick out the fruit and citrus with a slight touch of rose. I love the parsley and how fresh it makes this smell. I wasn't sure this would work for me because I amp rose like crazy but I absolutely adore this scent. This will be a great refreshing bottle to grab in the summer month's. :P

  17. Frederic is perfect for me, strong and dark. I love the patchouli, amber and the touch of musky spice. I also got a little bit of a woody scent out of it too. The longer I wear it, the sweeter it gets, and the more the amber warms with my body . When I wear this I always get compliments. I gave a bottle to my son who really likes it, but on him it is spicy and patchouli and not sweet at all.

  18. I don't think I can smell pine in this but but rather the smell of freshly cut wood or even sap from the tree. I love the light amber that gets stronger the longer you wear it, mingling softly with some light florals. It is as nice and light as the original is heavy and strong, like cousins but distant cousins. I tried this on at WC and loved it then and ordered multiple bottles and I am not sorry I did. This is one scent that I know will only get better with age.

  19. From the description, I was looking forward to this one and purchased a bottle due to the amber and honey notes which I love. Something happens though when I wear it though. A perfumey scent comes out that I am not sure I like. I don't get the deep, dark, sensual scent that others get that I want. I get floral perfume. It has to be my skin chemistry. I do have a major headache right now, so I think I am going to try it another time when my head is not pounding.

  20. In the imp, it is hardly detectable. It was not what I was expecting at all. I thought it would be soft and appealing. Instead, once applied, it was strong, bitter, on the woody side and I really didn't find it likeable at all. I guess this SN is better worn with another oil as an enhancement.

  21. Honey, ginger, light floral and spices; what is there not to like?


    This started out a little sour on me and I didn't know if I would be able to wear it or not. I wore it for an hour or so and kept smelling this lovely light, maybe powdery smell that I knew had to be Harikata. It is not over powering, and it is not just honey, or just ginger. It is a nice blending of ginger, honey and very light floral and a slight spicy note at the end. I purchased a bottle without trying it because of the ginger/honey note and am glad I did.

  22. First smell out of the bottle is yummy cloves, then spice. I knew from the description that this was a scent that would love me and I was right! It is spicy with a little woody undernote and after the cloves dry down a little it is just perfect. My husband could wear it, but I don't think I will let him. I purchased multiples of this and also scored my daughter's bottle since it was too heavy for her. :P
