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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by CiCi

  1. CiCi

    The Unicorn

    I purchased a bottle of The Unicorn for my daughter and I am visiting her now. She went to put some in her scent locket and the bottle tipped and spilled half the bottle! I ran to help her try to save some and that was my first try of Unicorn. I was pleasantly delighted to try it even under the drastic circumstances! Unicorn is a light floral with a touch of herbs and a pinch of gorgeous musk. I have been looking for a summer scent and this may just be it!
  2. CiCi

    Santo Domingo

    An exotic, sultry blend of tobacco leaf, bay rum and heady Caribbean blossoms. When first applied, this is a very fresh, light floral blend with spicy undertones. But after complete dry down, I get the tobacco tones which I am not sure I am that crazy about. This might be one that I pass on to my hubby.
  3. CiCi

    Sea of Glass

    I received an imp of Sea of Glass from another forumite. I would never have tried it from the write up of it-it just never would have caught my eye. When I first applied it, I thought of sitting on the beach with a faint salty breeze, and drinking cool water with thinly sliced lemon. I thought this would be the perfect summer fragrance. But then, it transformed into an evil twin of Sea of Glass. It turned very heavy, thick and some sort of floral morphed on my skin that just didn't work with my skin chemisty. It is very difficult for me to find light fragrances for summer. I usually end up not wearing anything at all.
  4. CiCi

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    This is a beautiful, warm, exotic blend of spices, citrus, caramel and a rich honey. When I first applied it, all the scents seemed to be afraid to blend together. It was like, "you stay over there caramel, you stay over there spice." Then they are got together and had a nice conversation and decided to play nice. It gets better and better the longer I wear it. I did not smell any musk at first, but after an hour or so the musk really amped on my skin and this became a WOW factor! I has lasted several hours now and still is going strong! I love this!
  5. CiCi

    Honey Moon

    I was very luck to pick up a bottle of Honey Moon. At first in the bottle all I smell is honey, honey, and more honey. I purchased it because of the ginger and honey. After I put some on my wrists though, it really changed! It warmed up and the honey deepened and thickened and then I could smell a little ginger (not enough as I would have liked). The floral note that really comes out on me is the jasmine. But it is a subtle note when combined with the different kinds of honey. I wonder if this is what beekeeper's smell like after working all day gathering honey in the fields ? Mmmmm!
  6. CiCi

    Snow White

    Snow White 2005-very subtle vanilla and floral on first application. After about an hour, it is very light vanilla with a grassy undertone. I don't know if it is my favorite scent but I know that my daughter will love it.
  7. CiCi

    Pink Phoenix

    On me the strongest note is the sweet pea with the strawberry turning a little plastic on my skin. In the background is the faintest of vanilla, but I also get musk/spice in this too. I don't have any strawberry scents in my collection and really wanted one. I think that I am going to try and play around with layering other scents with this one to see if I can make it work. Otherwise, this bottle will go to my daughter who loves it!
  8. CiCi


    This smells great in the imp-very spicy notes of cinnamon and cloves with musk and civet. Not bad in the imp! But something awful happens as soon as it touches my skin. I kept looking around because I thought I kept smelling wet dog fur (she was laying right behind me). I was thinking that I really needed to take her for a bath! Then I realize that it was Satry! I don't think I even want my hubby to try it-I will alway think of dog when I smell it!
  9. CiCi


    I am from Minnesota but live in CA. now. Every summer I go to visit my parents and we go to the county fair. This scent brings it all back! The ferris wheel, the tilt-a-wheel-all the games, the carney caller. I can smell the funnel cakes, the waffle cones, even the wrapper from the popcorn. I swear I can even smell dirt in there too. How does Beth do it? This scent brings fond memories flooding back to me!
  10. CiCi

    Punkie Night

    I really wanted to like Punkie Night-it has all the right components. It smells delish-apples, cinnamon, caramel, a very fall type fragrance. The exact type that I look for. Except it smells like plastic on me! I cannot wear it. I can't stand the smell on me. I guess I will use it as a room fragrance.
  11. CiCi

    Budding Moon

    From the description, I knew I had to have a bottle of this. I was not around when this was created. So the hunt was on.... I searched high on low and stalked the swap area and Ebay and anywhere else I could think of and finally !!! I found a bottle!!!!!! Budding Moon was everything I thought it would be on me. The Chinese musk and slight ginger blend well together to mix fragrantly together. The sweet bouquet of the peony and plum blossoms and my body chemistry combined, make this a memorable scent experience. I smell mmm mmm good This intoxicating oil jumps into my top ten of Rubee's Best.
  12. CiCi


    I also Ebayed a bottle of Samhain based on the reviews. I was born in Minnesota and boy, did the first whiff of this bring back memories! The fresh apple cider, cinnamon and cloves, even the smell of the burning trash in the burn barrel. If I close my eyes, I can see the beautiful colors of the autumn leaves! In the fall I always make a crock pot full of spicy apple cider that really fills the house with smelly goodness. On the top of the cider there are pieces of sliced oranges with whole cloves floating adding to the perfect aroma. This is the same scent I get from Samhain.
  13. CiCi

    Red Phoenix

    Spicy Oriental are my absolute favorite scents of all time! When I had the opportunity to purchase this I just knew that it had my name written all over it. The first thing I noticed was that it really had a 'sharp' smell to it. The cinnamon was very strong and I could detect the tobacco which I really don't care for at all. After applying it I could smell all the spices along with the patchouli (which doesn't detract from the scent but adds to it). The plum comes floating through and adds it's fragrance nicely to the mix and the tobacco all but disappeared. I really love this one!
  14. CiCi


    I was very fortunate to receive a bottle of Storyville along with two other BPAL LE bottles. I expected Storyville to be a very strong, foody scent. I was pleasantly surprised after applying it to smell that it was more mild than I has anticipated. It was slightly vanilla, with a lovely dusting of cocoa with a touch of cinnamon-almost like a snickerdoodle cookie! I really thought it would be similar to monster pants and be more potent but was actually quite happy that this was a more subtle, reserved, sexy scent.
  15. CiCi


    I received this as a frimp from the lab with my last order. I can smell the delicate rose, some yummy spices and also the musk. Blended together they form a unique soft floral bouquet that would be perfect on my dinner table but unfortunately do not work on me. For some reason, rose and I just do not get along very well. I don't think I would like this on my husband either since I associate roses with my aunt. Although I have tried many of Beth's rose blends, I do like this one the best. My daughter likes roses so I will send this one to her.
  16. CiCi


    Strangely, when I first smelled this, the only thing I could detect was licorice. I don't know know why-I put this aside and came back to it another day. I was positive that it had it have anise in it. I tried it again and had the same results only this time on my skin! I hadn't read the reviews yet so was surprised to read that it was suppose to be cinnamon and foresty scents. Cinnamon spicy scents are my all time favorites so I am terribly upset by these strange findings. After about an hour or so I did get a little bit of some sort of spice but this is not really something that screams "buy me" so loudly that I can't resist it. I guess in a knock down, drag out fight, my body chemistry unfortunately won. I so wanted to love this one too.
  17. CiCi


    I was given an imp of this and found it to be a light floral, a little lemony with a twist of mint. It dries down quite nicely and will be perfect for those hot summer days when you just can't escape the heat. A little bit of Cathode and you can almost feel the breeze from the ocean!
  18. CiCi


    My first impression was cigarettes, just awful on my skin. Then I read the reviews and I was wondering how so many people could smell beautiful vanilla, orange, sexy blends. It did not evoke sheer, unadulterated carnal lust, I could not wait to wash it off! The only scent that comes through loud and clear is black narcissus. Maybe my body chemistry is just way off today and I should wait until tomorrow to try any more imps.
  19. CiCi


    In the imp it smells like wine-apricot wine. On my skin, it smells horrible! It smells like tobacco and patchouli. I hate skin chemistry! Off to my daughter this one goes. It smells like delicate peaches on her!
  20. CiCi


    I purchased this on a recommendation from my daughter. In the bottle, I was not impressed at all. It was too nondescript, too fruity. Since I did purchase it, I decided to go ahead and try it. The first few minutes it still was pretty blah. Then the orchid and warm vanilla started to take over. This seems to be the type of fragrance that gets better over time. The beautiful musk notes swirl around with the gorgeous vanilla while the fruitiness I first detected has really faded to the background.
  21. CiCi


    Chimera smells divine! It smells ok in the imp but once applied it is delish! The honey is warm and the cinnamon is spicy and after wearing it for a few hours combine together into a very exciting scent.
  22. CiCi


    Olokun smells like a bright summer day after you just mowed the lawn and the sprinklers are on. You can smell the fresh cut grass combined with the clean smell of the water. I swear I could get a little fruit in there somewhere too-Melon maybe? This really was a surprise scent and very light and refreshing.
  23. CiCi

    Dance of Death

    First whiff-very dry myrrh After half an hour it really started to amp up and the patchouli and spices totally took over my body. Everything warmed up and blended so well together. The dryness disappeared and a sweetness replaced it. By just reading the description I would never have tried it or even ordered an imp of it. But the labbies know best! They sent me a frimp and now its on my "must have" list.
  24. CiCi

    Miskatonic University

    I really loved the smell of this in the bottle. When I first read the review of this, I didn't want to even try it because I really don't like the smell of coffee. Then when I went to will call, the smell was so enchanting, I just had to try it and purchase it. It smells like rich, creamy Irish coffee. Sweet thick cream, strong coffee, Old Irish whiskey, and lots of whipped cream. After an hour or so the dusty notes come out. I'm Irish and remember when my Grandfather Cecil used to carry around a pint of whiskey in his back pocket and add a dollop to everything. He and my father built a house together and every time my Grandmother came around my Grandfather put the pint in the wall and put wallboard over it. Many years later we back to visit and the new owners and torn down walls and found lots of these pints (some with whiskey) in them and gave them to me. They smell like Miskatonic University, dust and all! Thank you Beth for bringing back my memories!
  25. CiCi

    Cheshire Cat

    I has tried Cheshire Cat before at will call and I guess with the other scents on and around me it did not impress me. But today I received an imp with my order and decided to give it a try since I do love the Alice in Wonderland series and the Cheshire Cat in particular. After applying, it was sparkling grapefruit with a touch of sweet florals. It was much lighter than I had anticipated. I had a very rough day today and I must admit I kept sniffing the back of my hand and I found it to have soothing properties in it. Maybe that is the chamomile in it. After wearing for several hours it is still there and now I find myself wanting a 5ml bottle of this. It's an overall wearable scent for daytime wear or evening wear and I believe any age group could wear this.