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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by CiCi

  1. CiCi

    Death Cap

    When I was young I use to go with my mom once a week to the place where the mushrooms were grown and shipped out to the grocery stores. It was so much cheaper to get them there because they were not cleaned up yet and you would get them in a large brown paper bag. When you first walked into the mushroom house, it was really hot and humid and smelled overwhelmingly of mulch. Death Cap smells like mulch to me at first-there is no mistaking that smell. It is not overwhelming, but it is there. I kind of like it because it reminds me of the times I was with my mom. After a while, that tones down and I can smell vanilla making its way into the mix. It really is a nice scent that I must buy a bottle of.
  2. CiCi


    Out of the bottle this is soft, comforting and very earthy. It reminds me of walking through a quiet forest in the afternoon. I have a walk-in cedar lined closet and this has the same cedar notes with perhaps a touch of a sweet note thrown in. To me this is a comforting scent that I would wear to bed, but probably not during the day.
  3. CiCi


    I was so very happy to be able to obtain Oisin in an Ebay auction. Musk is my favorite note and I had heard that it had musk in it so when I had the chance to bid on it, I did. I am so happy with it too. It is a very soft musk with spicy tones that makes me feel very feminine and sexy. Every once in a while I get a little whiff of floral or even amber. It was worth every penny I spent on it! I am one happy girl and it got two thumbs up from my hubby.
  4. CiCi

    Al Azif

    This has a very strong incense impression at first, so much so that I can't smell any other notes. After fifteen minutes or so it gets much lighter and I can begin to detect some sweetness and almost a vanilla scent. It is very pretty but didn't last more than thirty minutes on me. I am going to try it again but start off applying more to begin with.
  5. CiCi

    House of Mirrors

    This is very soft with some light florals and a touch of citrus with a pinch of amber thrown in. I thought it would be heavy but was delighted after the dry down period. I believe that it is gender neutral but I don't like to share so I guess I will be the only one wearing it! It is very nice!
  6. CiCi

    Carfax Abbey

    Two summers ago, I went on a trip to Europe with my husband to see not only the sights, but to visit some of the castles. When I first smelled Carfax Abbey, it immediately took me straight back to these castles. What a nice memory! Wearing Carfax Abbey reminds me of walking through the grasses and meadows and then entering the dark, murky castles where you can almost smell the long ago dusty books and sweet incense. I don't smell any herbal note at all but that may be because my bottle is older and aged nicely. This is a definate keeper and will be well loved!
  7. CiCi

    The Bloody Sword

    Bloody Sword came in a set of five that I won on Ebay. By reading the description, I don't think I would ever have tried it. I'm really glad that this was included in the set. Dragon's Blood is one one my favorites so once I tried it on, right away that jumped to the forefront. It is sweet and spicy with a bit of tang which is probably the metallic blend in it. There is a touch of leather but it is so much in the background that it is almost unnoticable. The only bad thing I can say about this scent is that it is no longer available and now I have to search the forums and Ebay to find another. This is really an inspiring fragrance and I must have more!
  8. CiCi


    Ochosi is very sweet with a creamy note to it. I really don't smell even a hint of an herbal or pine note. It reminds me a little of the edge of the lake where I grew up where I used to pick cat tails and greenery for vases. A little woody edge, a little green, with a sweetness from the shea, with a light watery edge, sums up this pleasantly delightful scent.
  9. CiCi


    Voodoo in the first stages smells mostly like patchouli and myrrh on me, very loud and no other notes. After the patchouli and myrrh have had their say, the spices come out and blend in nicely with them and the vanilla and almond. I don't detect any pine which I am happy about because that usually turns to Pine Sol on me. This really turned into a lovely fragrance once everything started playing nice with each other.
  10. CiCi

    Empyreal Mist

    Empyreal Mist is very soft and light like a soft breathe or whisper of a scented Spring breeze. I used to pick Baby's Breathe in the summer's with my mom. There would be huge field's of it and we would go cut mounds of it to decorate the house. That is what Empyreal Mist smells like to me-very innocent, light, soft with a touch of dry grassy fields.
  11. CiCi

    The Masque

    Sniffing from the bottle it smells like heavy floral. I'm really not into rose florals so I set it aside and thought I would review it later and probably give it to my daughter who likes florals. A few hours went by and I kept smelling a beautiful spicy scent that I knew had to be The Masque. It is not remarkable at first but if you wait a little bit, the beautiful notes blend nicely together and this is really outstanding! The rose seems to fade and I can only smell the carnation, which is good because it is my favorite flower. The carnation, honey and incense make this a nice daytime scent or a sexy, sophisticated evening blend. Now I am going to start seaching the forum for sales or swaps for this one since I was only able to get 2/3 of a bottle and this one and I know it will go fast!
  12. CiCi


    I received Ravenous as a frimp and have been waiting to review it. I don't know what took me so long! It really is a great "flavorful" oil! Whereas patchouli is usually so strong that I have to wait at least 30 minutes before it starts to smell nice on me, red patchouli is great right away. The orange blossom is subtle and pleasing and just blends so well with the red patchouli. It also smells like there are spices and musk in here too. Ravenous makes me feel great and I have now added it to may wish list. My birthday is coming up and if I am lucky, I will talk someone into getting this for me!
  13. CiCi


    Vixen is surprisingly lovely with notes of ginger, patchouli, orange blossom and a little spice thrown in for good measure. At first I didn't think I would like it because all I could smell was the patchouli, but after it dried down, the gorgeous scents started blending together and I found that I must order a bottle. The ginger is not bitter at all but tends to be on the sweeter side. There is a little bit of smoke in here too which gives this a mysterious sexiness to it. After about an hour there is a hint of the orange blossom, but not enough to know really what it was unless I knew what to look for. All in all, a delightful scent!
  14. CiCi

    Temple of Dreams

    I found this to be citrusy in the bottle, but on my skin it actually turned to nasty smelling antiseptic that spoiled. It has to be my body chemisty with all the herbs. This one is off to the swaps!
  15. CiCi


    Regan reminds me of bathroom spray or a room deoderizer. The vanilla and orchid floral just amp too much on me to make this a pleasant experience. It would be great on my daughter though, so I will send it to her.
  16. CiCi


    I never tried Jack in an imp before purchasing a bottle, I just read the description. It sounded great-since I make my own pumpkin pies throughout the year (and I love the raw smell) I knew I would love it. It really does smell like the real pumpkin, not the stuff from the can, but the real pumpkin at Halloween that you cut up and cook, then peel and put through a food processor. It always has a different, more fuller smell than the canned pumpkin. Add to that all the spices with the barest hint of peach and you have Jack. This is one that the longer I wear it, the better it becomes.
  17. CiCi


    Oblivion was recommended to me so I decided to give it a try. Hmmmmm, interesting is what I thought when I opened it. Not only for the avacado peel green color, but for the BBQ pit smokey smell. It is both woody and spicy and the strange off-smell is probably the saffron. It has a very strong throw and the oil itself was on the thicker side. I am still not completely certain if I like this scent or not. I think I will run it by the hubby and see what he thinks. I don't know if I want to smell like a BBQ all day!
  18. CiCi


    The name Zombi so appeals to me that I just had to try this. I wondered if the scent would be like the name or the contents. In the vial I could smell dirt-just overwhelmingly plain old dirt. I decided to try it anyway because I wanted to see if the other notes would come out. When first applied I got dirt with moss, the kind of dried moss that I get at Michael's to complete a floral arrangement. But after half an hour or so, the soft elegant rose floral fragrance started wafting up along with the earthy moss, and it reminded me of a Victorian Rose Garden. Very peaceful, comforting and calming-perfect!
  19. CiCi


    My body loves amber and I love carnation so I Knew I wanted to try this. I an not disappointed either! They longer I have it on, the better the amber becomes. It is soft and creamy (and dreamy too) and I couldn't have asked for a better scent if I would have asked Beth to make me a signature blend. My husband brought me carnations for our first date and they have been my favorite ever since. When I smell Brisingamen I smell pink carnations! I love-love-love it!
  20. CiCi


    I was finally able to obtain a bottle of Numb and am glad I purchased it before reading the reviews. Most of the reviews make it sound like it is the least remarkable scent in the BPAL line. I find it quite pleasant. To me, it smells very citrusy and cool, like a lemon Girl Scout Cookie. It is very refreshing-like liquid ice in a bottle!
  21. CiCi

    Gypsy Queen

    Gypsy Queen is a beautifully sexy, deeply spicy floral scent. This is the type of scent that really goes well with my body chemistry. I like florals but can never seem to find one that is just the right amount of floral with the right amount of spice. Gypsy Queen is not overpoweringly rose, which if it were, my body would completely amp. Instead, the carnation comes out on me, which is a good thing, since I love the spiciness of the carnation. The sweet muskiness that flows out of this makes this a very memorable favorite.
  22. CiCi

    Voodoo Lily

    Voodoo Lily is exactly what I have been looking for-deep, rich, exotic, sensual, and makes me feel oh, so good! It has the very deep, deep spicy scent of the lily that you would find in a thick tropical jungle. There are also light touches of vanilla and a sweet fruitiness in the background. This is a gorgeous scent that gets better the longer you wear it.
  23. CiCi

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel reminds me of a cookie I make every Christmas. It is a lemon cookie in a crescent shape and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The cookie smells exactly like Snow Angel-delicate lemon with a light sprinkle of sugar. I don't detect any peach at all, which is good as peach is not a favorite of mine. It lasted quite a long time on me too and I believe that it is a perfect scent for summer-light and refreshing.
  24. CiCi

    Queen of Clubs

    Queen of Clubs was a refreshing delight and a surprising one. I thought it would be heavy judging from the description but it is soft and very sexy. It smells like a warm summer evening, starlit nights, and romance! I normally do not like rose scents, but the rose in this blend is in the background. It is a warm, fruity blend with a spicy scent that really goes well with my skin chemistry. Amber and vanilla just add the perfect touch to give this an all around well balanced elegance.
  25. CiCi

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    I have been looking for this scent on Ebay forever and was finally able to find it and win the auction. I am very glad I did. I love musk and amber and they love me! From the moment I opened the bottle I knew that this scent was made for me! At first it was heavy, but after a half an hour or so this really dried down into a smooth, sweet ambery, musk scent with a woodsy undertone. I give this fragrance a 5 out of 5. I will keep looking for a second bottle of this to keep as a back-up!