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Blog Comments posted by darkitysnark

  1. OH THANK GOD. I confess to the shame as well. It was Natasha who pulled me back in, I love listening to her broken english as she makes russian vodka lemonade from the lemons that the panel tosses her every week.


    "You were worse than Ann in Season 3!"

    "Ann? Zank you! She was so beeeautifool!"


    She is ever the optomist, isn't she? Must be the required temperament for mail-order-bridedom.


    Ugly Betty is the show I watch and I can't ever find fault with, always makes me laugh and feel good....but somehow I never think of it when I am listing my favourites. I love love love Mark and Amanda.

    LOOOOVE Henry.


    You understand! Henry hits Snarky's nerdy geek kink so hard. Gah. Wouldn't you have loved to see Amanda as Mark's beard during previous mother visits? Snarky bets they make a great fake couple! :hug:


    AND OH MY GOD. Last 5 minutes of Craptica totally make the whole boring season worthwhile. That's all I am going to say!

    So the Snarks caught up last night. They were a bit underwhelmed by the season finale. Maybe Snarky's expectations after the finale of 2.5 were just set too high... the whole lyric quoting relay at the end just didn't work for for them. Even though the show been talking about Earth this whole time, dragging in something that is part of actual history was just too dissonant for The Mister and Snarky to handle.


    But the pacing and the tension and the wacked out camera (and really, even the soundtrack if they could just let. it. go.) did do a pretty awesome multi-front crescendo. Just... maybe not enough to tide a fan over until 2008 ieeeayah! :grouphug:.



    I had sort of given up on the animes...but that's more because I don't keep up with it, don't know what is new/good anymore. I will have to check out Princess Tutu.

    Last think I watched was Fruits Baskets if that gives you any clue to how far behind I am !


    Snarky has no idea about anime. She just sort of stumbles across stuff every once in a while. She actually learned about "Princess Tutu" from her sporadic lurking of a former Switch Witchee who keeps a very literate and well-worded blog. :grouphug:

  2. Fruit! I sometimes pre-peel orange wedges and package them up to bring to work.


    I have a huge sweet tooth. Come to think of it, I also have a huge salty tooth. So pre-packing snacks is vital to my having a functional work day. Or else I am totally panicky from snackiness.


    Congrats on getting through another roller-coaster week, and good luck with the gradual de-cluttering (I need to check that site out too!).

  3. Snarky does not know what you are talking about as she can totally sprinkle sunshine, love and understanding throughout the office with the power of her mighty spreadsheets. Totally. ;)


    That is the biggest reason for The Mister's career change choice. He is completely a teacher/healer type (Snarky is a Champion, so she was being very literal about the :joy:-leadering) and this would be a great way for him to fulfill that need.

  4. Since as far back as I can remember I've considered myself a middle-aged soul: I've always had a niggling feeling of "oh, this is not what I should be doing, but I still don't know enough to steer around it" plus a certain mirthful cynicism (too old to be in wonder of serendipity, too young to recognize kismet's beauty).... but I haven't had any moments of recognition with other souls ever. I wonder if I was a hermit before, or maybe someone who died very young and didn't have a chance to really strike out the first (few) times(s)? I can "click" with just about anybody, but anybody who has stuck around with me through my life is either related to me or doing most of the work.

  5. Hee, you reminded me of one of my favourite sites, ever :



    "scuse me while I KISS THIS GUY". HEH. HEH.

    For some reason I find mis-heard lyrics hilarious.


    Hopeful for your man's sitch is pretty supportive as far as I am concerned. Hope and a cheery attitude and positive thinking are probably crucial from a mate, especially if they can't muster it for themselves. I mean other than that, what else can you do?


    Tonight I plan on self medicating with a nice optimistic horror movie, myself.


    That is a frickin' high-larious site, idm! Snarky had a lot of fun feeling not so alone in her "did s/he really sing that?!" moments. :D


    that misheard lyrics site is good!:D Empathy for the man's situation comes in many forms-so don't be hard on yourself.


    Am medicating lack of vd crush with 85%chocolate and Drink Me


    Due to long work hours (again!) Snarky had to truncate her self-indulgent evening to head-butting The Mister (like a cat, not a soccer hooligan) and a cup of Xocolatl. :D

  6. Hm. I posted about being excited about it... but now I'm sort of re-thinking it. Our current one-income situation can be worked around, but I'd rather feel completely guilt-free when making all those random "ooh, my Switchee would like this!" purchases I tend to make during the rounds.


    Like idm, I've got some RAOK stuff up my sleeve too on which I'd rather concentrate. :ninja:

  7. Scarfs are horrible! I only knit them as gifts anymore... because I'm too impatient to do them for myself.


    There are some great dishcloth patterns out there that will allow you to practice more advanced techniques and give you the added bonus of having more FO's (finished objects) for the work.


    And if it really gets to be too much you could take up crocheting. That goes by with a quickness.

  8. Squeeeeee!!!! I want a fluffy turtle!!! That's the cutest thing EVAR!!!! So... do you have an etsy shop or something similar? :twisted:


    Thanks! Snarky doesn't have an etsy shop or nuthin' at the moment. For now she'd probably prefer to do one-on-one, made to order type commission things. She's only ever made felted animals as gifts thusfar.

  9. My nails are weeds too! Unfortunately, I can't keep them long for long (and by "long" I mean still less than half an inch beyond my fingertips) and prefer them super stumpy short (as in almost no white at all). But... since they grow fast I have to cut and file them constantly and argh!


    Oh, and I do file in one direction (from the sides to the point) a la surlygurl, though I've heard that the type of file is also a factor (I'm using a "bad" one right now: the "diamond texture" metal ones you see everywhere.)


    I don't bite my fingernails anymore, but The Mister does. Not conducive to cuddly time. :twisted:

  10. I love the heart! That is so sweet!

    Snarky is toeing the edge of "twee" but yeah, the itty bitty heart: so cute, so absolutely without function! :lol:


    ...is there anything you CAN'T do?

    Taxes. ;) Snarky likes to craft for fun, but has never really gotten off the ground on the craft for cash front.


    I am not utterly convinced that snarky has a cottage industry in the making -- cool custom t-shirts and cool custom little critters. Seriously! They are all so great. The Lab should hire you to make little critters for them!


    Snarky has seen the voracious demand for the Lab critters... that's a scary crowd to cross! :hug: She probably crafts best when there aren't any expectations. She's such the arteest that way. :twisted:


    Now Snarky has to go and be all bashful about showin' off. :hug:

  11. It's funny how you sometimes have to learn how to move in your own clothes.


    Work that sproing! Snarky always has to do a "refresher walk" whenever she gets back into anything with a heel. Her current job tends to keep her in the same romper-stomper boots and it's hard to "walk like a lady" again after all that comping around.


    And how was the David Lynch movie?


    ... like a direct line into someone else's subconscious. On second viewing, the movie seemed somehow more cohesive but also... more complex. There are layers of framework and narrative and perspective and logic, and those layers have layers... and those layers have distracting tassels and fringe!


    The Snarks will probably not venture forth and see it a third time at the movies, but they will perhaps rent it one day. Mr. REA was in absolute hog heaven and will probably want to discuss all the deep, dark symbolism (there was a lumberjack!) next time they get together.

  12. I love the little accessories you included too...

    (you know, we need to start posting pictures of these ensembles; will call them "inspiration")


    Snarky loves the posts inkdarkmoon makes of various covetous accessories. (She is currently researching Mr. Bento.) The Sweet Action Lab earrings are to die for!


    Dude! Morticia is one of my role models. My heart just swelled when I saw her photo. A nice Morticia walk in a skirt that only helps accentuate the booty? It sounds to me like you are starting to work it!


    The Mister calls it The Yellow Girl Sway . :hugs:

  13. Ever since starting my new job, I've gone into serious lurker mode on the various threads. I'm starting to post again, but it's so sporadic that I can't keep up with what's going on. (for example: since when do people give eachother shout outs on the confessional booth thread? It's nice and all, but I always imagined it in my head as well... a row of confessional booths. So it's kinda funny to see all these hands sticking out of the doors wavin' at eachother. :hugs:)


    I used to throw out :hug:s on "how are you feeling?" like they were candy but have been treating the thread more as a drive-by-posting place lately.


    inkdarkmoon is right, squeaky wheels really do get all the smilies.


    Having said all that, what you're feeling might be partly hormonal and party due to depression, but as an INFP, a lot of it has to do with you. I'm not saying this to be mean, it just is what it is. I'm married to one, and he and I have both had to learn how to coax him out of his navel-gazey cave so that I can share whatever burden is weighing him down. (While I, on the other hand, have had to learn to stop being so damn squeaky! He used to tune me out because he'd become inurred to all the whining. I'm much more aware/succinct about when I really need help now.)
